As Playful As A Kitten

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Today feels like a "I don't care what the crap I look like" day. So therefore it IS a "I don't care what I look like day". Good enough for you.

You and Thomas are going to the animal shelter today. But this time Ki and Dylan are meeting you there. Yay.

You sigh. You don't mean to be so negative, but you and Thomas hadn't really talked about the whole kissing thing from last week and you feel like maybe the two of you should talk about it. What it means and whatnot. I mean, the two to you both made it obvious you liked each other. But....

Ah, you don't know. You just feel like you should talk about it.

Your phone rings and you look at the ID. Juliette. You called her the night before your date, four days ago and she told you she'd call you back as soon as possible to recieve full details on the date.

Except now you don't really want to give full details....for a few obvious reasons.

Mostly just one obvious reason.

But you answer anyway.

" Hey, Juli." You say into the phone.

"Hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?" She answers.

"Great! I'm about to go to the animal shelter so I only have a few minutes."

"Right! So, let's get down to buisness. How did the date go?"

You pause and consider how to word it, "Um....good."

"Good?" She says in disbelief.

"Yeah. Good." You say biting your lip.

"You have got to be kidding me." She says.

"I'm not! The date was great." You say tying one of your shoes.

"Something happened! Something happened on the date! What happened? Did he break up with you? Did he stand you up? Did he kiss you? Did you do you-know-what?" She gasps.

You think, "....yeahhhh. One of those."

"Oh, my gosh. I hate it when you're shy! Tell me what happened. Was it the last one?"

You frown, "No way! I'm a virgin!"

"Well, Mom and Dad will be happy to hear that." Juliette says.

"Ew! Don't tell them I'm a virgin!" You say scrunching up your nose.

"Do you want me to tell them you're not!?" She says with sass.

"How about you just don't tell them anything?" You say exasperatedly.

"You want me to keep things from Mom and Dad?"

You sigh, "Do you want to hear about the date?"

"Yeah." She says.

"Then shut up and let me tell you."

She clicks her tounge, "Fine."

"So, yeah. We did kiss."

She's quiet for a minute.

Then you hear her squeal.

"Whoa! Bro! Chill! Bring your blood pressure down, please!"

You hear her laugh on the other end, "You got kissed."

You roll your eyes and smile a bit, "Yeah. I know. I was there."

"So are you guys like, boyfriend and girlfriend now or what?" She asks.

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