Let's Make Things Better

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Thomas POV:

Thomas, Ki and Dylan sit in Thomas' makeup trailer. It's raining again. At least it reminds Thomas of his rainy hometown - London.

Dylan is half asleep on the couch while Ki is hyped up on coffee and practically bouncing off the walls.

"Dude. Calm down. It's too early to be this energetic." Dylan groans as he covers his face with a pillow.

"We should play soccer this afternoon." Ki says as he fidgets with a Rubix Cube.

Thomas moans, "Why do you guys always follow me everywhere?"

Dylans' mouth twitches upwards, "Because you're the glue, man."

"Me and you baby we're stuck like glue!" Ki sings the old song Stuck Like Glue.

Thomas squeezes his eyes shut, "Ki, don't ever consider going into the music industry. You'll disgrace you and your family."

"Gee, thanks man." Ki says rolling his eyes.

"Have you talked to Iris yet today?" Dylan asks, his voice muffled by the pillow on his face.

"No." Thomas says rolling his eyes, "It's six in the morning right now. She'd come down here and buggin' beat me to death."

"Hmmmm, I don't think she'd do anything with bugs. Most girls aren't too fond of them." Dylan mutters tiredly.

"Dude, you need coffee. You have no energy whatsoever." Thomas says raising an eyebrow.

Dylan lifts the pillow off his head and sticks his tounge out.

"He is right." Ki admits.

"I know." Dylan grunts, "But I'm not feeling like taking orders this morning."

Thomas laughs, "Have fun on set then."

Kis' phone buzzes.

"Awesome. My makeup lady is here. I'll see you guys later." Ki stands and swaggers out the door.

It's quiet for a minute as Thomas goes over his lines and Dylan stares into thin air. Then Dylan snaps out of it and says, "Anyway, back to the subject of Iris."

Thomas groans, "Do we have to?"

"When are you going to ask her out?"


Dylan rolls his eyes, "Dude, she's crazy about you. You're crazy about her. You should ask her out."

"I know we're both crazy about each other, but I'm not good enough for her."

"Ugh! Dude, that's what love is! You like someone so much you NEVER think you're good enough for them so you stay away and hearts are broken and yada, yada, yada, yada. But Thomas you're what she wants! And she's going to be the one that got away if you don't DO something. You could make things BETTER. Like one hundred times better and you're just going to sit back because you think you're not good for her? The older you get the more you realize it's not about the material things. It's not about pride or ego, dude. It's all going to end up being about someone and you and how both of your hearts beat for each other and I promise you, all you need is a little courage to ask her and it'll go a long way. Do you know what Iris told me?"

Thomas looks up at Dylan, "No."

Dylan continues, "She told me about something her Father used to say. How when her Dad was twenty four years old, same age as you, he had graduated collage and he had no idea what he was going to do in life or where he was going but that one day he got a call offering a job, a really good one, and that he knew that job wouldn't be there for much longer so he had to make a split second choice. He could leave the place he was raised and everyone he knew go take a chance on a wonderful opportunity. He said yes. He bought a train ticket and left the next day. He ended up in Utah and met his wife there. He always compares opportunitys to trains now. He calls Iris every Sunday afternoon and tells her the same thing, 'Don't you miss a train, Iris. Trains are only around for a little bit and the ones that are there for a long time are usless because they don't go anywhere. That train could be one of the many shots at happiness you are going to get. You'd better jump on that train.' I'm telling you the same thing, Thomas. You need to jump on this train because it's surely not going to be here forever."

Thomas sits quietly for a long time before he says, "But what if she says no?"

Dylan rolls his eyes, "She won't."

"But WHAT IF?" Thomas repeats firmly.

Dylan pauses.

"Better to be the one who loved than the one who said no."

For some reason this encouraged Thomas. It wouldn't normally encourage anyone. But Thomas felt a spark. A small spark of hope. And a little courage.

"Okay. We'll see what happens...."

Dylan sits up ad smiles, "That's what I wanted to hear."

Thomas smiles back nervously.

He was determined.

" Let's make things better."

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