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You stare up at your ceiling.

This isn't working.

You should sleep.

But you can't.

You've gotten to the point where tossing and turning is boring. But so is just sitting there and staring at the ceiling, wide awake.

You sigh and kick the sheets off your legs.

You've got to do something.

You tip toe towards the guest bed room, where Juliette sleeps, in Tazmanian devil pajama shorts. You silently slip in the door. A couple years ago if you'd tried to sneak in she would've woken up and caught you. Luckily, the college girl life had shaped her into a deeper sleeper.

You take a few steps forward and crawl in bed next to her, poking her shoulder. She jumps, waking up. She blinks a few times and looks at you. She frowns, "What are you.... Oh, can't sleep?"

You shake your head.

She swallows and looks up at the ceiling, thinking.

She looks at you, "What are you thinking about? Are you worried or just nervous?"

You consider her question, "I'm not worried. Not really. I AM nervous. And excited. And happy. Too many emotions and thoughts at once I guess."

She nods, "Sounds about right. Or, I mean, how I'd expect someone to act the night before their wedding."

You bite your lip, "What do I do?"

She shrugs, "I kinda want to sleep, but if you want me to, I'll stay up with you. We can talk, or watch and movie. Whatever."

You nod, "Stay up and talk with me."


You look at her, "What do you want to talk about?"

She shrugs, "Whatever. What are you thinking about?"

You look at her, chuckling, "Thomas, of course."

She grins, "Obviously."

You think, "So, you think any of the guys are cute? The ones in Toms wedding party?"

Juliette laughs, loudly, "Well, yeah. They're all attractive. But I don't feel THAT way about any of them."

You raise your eyebrow, "What about Dylan? Or Ki?"

She shakes her head, "No way, Iris."

You shrug, "You never know."

She raises her eyebrows, "Yes, I do."

"So why'd you and Rayman break up?" You ask.

She looks at you, "We just didn't see our relationship going anywhere. We're still friends. But neither of us feel that way about each other."

You hum, "Love is weird."

Juliette smiles, "Yeah, it is. But it seems to be working out well for you."

You grin.

The two of you talk for about another hour. And around one o' clock you find yourself drifting off.

- - - -

"LOVE! TUE LOVE!" You wake up to Juliette mocking the movie The Princess Bride, "MAWAGE, IS WAT BWINGS US TOGEFER TODAY!"

"Oh, my gosh. Shut up." You yelp, throwing your pillow over you head.

Juliette jumps on you, "You're getting married today! Your husband is WAITING for you!"

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now