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Author's Note: 07/06/20

There's something I want to address about the picture above that I have of Iris. Especially with everything happening in the world today.

Yes, Iris is a depicted as a white woman in that picture, and many of my wonderful readers are beautiful people of color. I was a fourteen year old girl when I wrote this book - and yes, I am now a grown white woman. At the time, I did not consider myself a good enough writer to attempt writing about situations or people that I did not understand first hand. And I was largely writing from my own life experiences, as a fourteen year old. Many people of color have gone through things that I did not, and will likely never fully understand.

What I want to say here, is that even though at the time, I wasn't comfortable enough to make much of an attempt at POC characters, that I absolutely want you all to put yourselves in Iris Walter's place -- the Iris Walter you imagine -- whatever color your skin may be. I've been branching out over the years, writing more diverse characters, because I know now that I am capable of doing it without misrepresenting a culture or people. But it is still hard, because I know my life is so different from those I write about.

Each and every person's story and culture is just as important as the next. Every culture is beautiful and unique, just like every person is beautiful and unique. I would love it if you all would comment how you picture Iris Walters. And I would love it if you would point out differences in cultures or traditions when they come up in the story. Celebrating each others differences is so important! I know I've addressed differences of color in the comments before, and I've always been supportive of imagination with my characters. I've had to delete hateful comments before, from users who dislike someones skin color or culture.

I addressed it in the disclaimer, but I will put a reminder here, as well. That kind of behavior or language is not welcome anywhere near my readers or my story. This story has always been intended as a safe space. If you violate that safe space, your comments will be deleted and you will be blocked. 

Share your experiences. Be kind. The rest of the story is below. 

Seriously, I love you guys. :)


Thursday. It's Thursday and Thomas still hasn't told you what you're doing or what you should wear or where you're going or what time he's picking you up or-


You feel like you're going to explode. You're STILL fangirling over the fact that he asked you out. On a date. Like, a romantic, normal dateish thing.

Thomas Sangster ask you out.





You fall face first on your bed.

Maybe you're making a big deal out of this?



There is so much to consider.

Does Thomas actually like you or is this just a friendly get to know you date?

After this does he consider you to be his girlfriend?

What on earth are you going to wear???? You want to look GOOD. It would be very helpful if you knew where you were going. But Thomas is Mr. Spontaneous so he's not going to tell you.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now