Night Cap

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*just a reminder that I didn't create this magical world, JK Rowling is*

After the restaurant closed, Hermione and Draco weren’t quite ready to end their date so they decided to walk to a twenty four hour coffee shop a few blocks away. The night air grew colder and Hermione shivered in her thin dress. Ginny had great fashion sense but she didn’t take the cold fall weather into account when she planned Hermione’s outfit.

Draco shrugged off his suit jacket and wrapped it around Hermione’s shoulders. She opened her mouth to protest but Draco cut her off, “Please don’t try to give it back. It’s freezing and as gorgeous as that dress is, I don’t think it will block out the cold,” Draco said sincerely.

Hermione smirked, “I could have used a heating charm, and thank you for the compliment. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a sincere one.”

Draco blushed, “Chivalry isn’t dead, you know. Some guys like giving up their jackets and complimenting pretty ladies.”

“You think I’m pretty?” Hermione asked in a soft whisper.

Draco nodded, “I’ve always thought you were pretty, I just never had the chance to say it.”

When Draco first laid eyes on Hermione Granger, he thought she was cute. However when she opened her mouth, he thought she was some know it all with an abnormally large mouth she should have shut before she got in trouble. Draco eventually found her smarty pants personality adorable but he knew it wasn’t meant to be. They were just too different. She was a muggle born destined for greatness and he was a pureblood with a reputation to uphold. So, he buried his feelings deep, deep down because he knew that no matter how much he liked her, his family would never approve.

Draco opened the door to the tea shop and let Hermione enter first. They ordered a pot of lavender tea at the counter and found an empty booth in the corner.

“Do you like being a real estate agent?” Hermione asked after stirring cream into her tea.

“Not really,” Draco replied.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, “Too many muggles?”

“No,” Draco hesitated, “It’s not what I expected to do with the rest of my life.”

“What did you want to do with your life?”

“I wanted to be a healer. I’m fully certified and everything.”

“That’s not what I expected.” Hermione didn’t look appalled or shocked, she just looked curious. Like she wanted Draco to tell her all of his secrets and then some. Most of the time Draco felt awkward when people wanted to know more about him but with Hermione, he oddly felt at ease.

“Nobody expects a death eater as their doctor so it didn’t go over well,” Draco said in a wistful tone.

Hermione grabbed Draco’s free hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand, “Draco, your past is your past and you can’t take that away but you are not a death eater.”

Draco looked into Hermione’s dark brown eyes and saw that she was being genuine. There were no signs of desire or disdain towards him and this made Draco’s heart skipped a beat. Muggle women only went after him for his looks or his money and it had been years since a witch looked at him without a hint of disgust. Hermione was just trying to comfort him out of the kindness of her heart and not because she wanted something.

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