Tea Part Two

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*I thought it would be fitting for I posted the next part on Christmas because it's another Christmas chapter. Dont forget, I dont own anything (except Jill and the plot), credit gets that one lady, JK Rowling.*

Hermione gave herself one more once over in the mirror. Her cream colored dress complimented her skin tone and her diamond studs added just enough sparkle to the ensemble. Everything needed to be perfect, even if it was just Christmas tea with her deranged mother in law. Hermione was convinced that the blonde woman was trying to kill her. After the woman declared that she was going to make Hermione’s life ‘a living hell’, a series of strange events graced the witch’s life. Out of the blue, Kingsley allowed her to return to the office; her assistant came down with some mysterious illness; and all of her left shoes began to disappear, one by one. Hermione was happy to return to work and she could always purchase new shoes, but Jill’s illness concerned her. Jill was never sick, ever. And if her mother in law had anything to do with it, Hermione did not think she could live with herself.

A pair of arms wrapped around Hermione’s waist and Hermione made eye contact with her husband in the mirror, “It’s not too late to cancel.”

Hermione shook her head, “She might muder me. Plus, we have to meet my parents afterwards and it wouldn’t be fair if we saw them and not her.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Draco kissed the top of his wife’s head and pulled her closer to his chest, “Please don’t eat or drink anything before I spell check it. She asked for a list of your favorite foods so I know you’ll be tempted.”

“Just because I’ve gained a little bit of weight, doesn’t mean anything,” Hermione retorted.

“I’m perfectly okay with your weight gain,” Draco smirked and his hands dropped to her hips, “Those two pounds went straight to your arse.”

Hermione scoffed, grabbed her coat, and walked towards their fireplace, “You’re full of it.”


No one spoke. They sat in the drawing room silently sipping lavender tea and avoiding eye contact. The young couple sat across from Mrs. Malfoy and Draco had a protective hand on Hermione’s knee. The regal looking older woman hadn't taken her grey eyes off of Hermione causing Draco to be more rigid than usual.

Mrs. Malfoy cleared her throat, “Thank you for coming sweetie, it had been a few years since we’ve had a family Christmas.”

“Mother, you should really thank Hermione. She convinced me to come,” Draco replied with a smile.

Mrs. Malfoy frowned, “Thank you Ms. Granger.”

“Malfoy,” Draco interrupted.

“Excuse me?”

“Our last name is hyphenated. Hermione’s full name is Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy. My full name is Draco Lucius Granger-Malfoy.”

“My apologies, Mr. Granger Malfoy,” The older witch sneered. There was a fire behind her grey eyes that Hermione couldn’t properly place. “I know you’re not going to finish you tea.”

“And I know you threatened to kill my wife.”

Hermione not so gently kicked her husband under the coffee table, “Mrs. Malfoy we brought you a gift.”

The woman ignored the brunette’s pathetic attempt at changing the subject, “I would say that is less of a threat and more of a promise.”

Hermione summoned the carefully wrapped silver present and set it on the beautifully crafted table, “Draco and I picked it out. I hope you-”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Draco spat, “I know you hate muggle borns but Hermione is my wife. She is going to bare my children, your grandchildren, and you have the audacity to threaten her life? She is the one who convinced me to come to this circus and try to repair our relationship but it’s too far gone. I love you mother but unless you change, you’re never going to see me again.”

Tears brimmed in the witch’s eyes, “Sweetheart you don’t mean that.”

“I would say that is less of a threat and more of a promise, mother.”

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