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I swallow lightly, standing firm before Beth in wait for her response.

I asked to speak with him - the name that no man on his own side seems to dare speak, evidently. I want to talk him out of his plan, I need to. And am I afraid? To see him once I encounter him again, now that I'm free?

No. Isaiah doesn't scare me. That's the thing about him, he never has. Just one good persuasion, and I can turn him from his own wicked plan of hurting Rio.

That part of me, the anticipated half, feels bold. Confident. I know I can make a way to succeed in this. The other half? Is the surprised part of me that actually believed the red head's informative words about the head enemy's plan. But I did, I still do. Beth confirmed her reasons of why she spilled. And I can actually side with her on it.
The care I obtain for Rio exceeds my limits. I'm not going to let anything happen to him.

Beth parts her red lips, a moment, as the hot air is thick with silence in the puny room.

Then, her lips visibly tug upward, merely. "Why do you think I really untied you?" She questions unexpectedly, in turn.

I bite my lip, suppressing my grin. And I send her a firm nod, just before she opens the squeaky wooden door, and leads the way.

Minutes down the long and dimly lit corridor, I note just how distinct the rest of this place is compared to the room I was once captive in - in which I earlier found out by exiting that it was the basement.
The tall walls are painted a crimson red, with hallway lights hung on it's flat surface every few feet or so. It's modest, but I'd give anything to be back home.

Beth walks into step by my side, and when the two of us reach a set of wide double doors and stop firm in our tracks, she sends me an imperceptive glance. I avert from her gaze to steady my brown eyes on the closed doors ahead of us, signaling that I'm ready.

The red head then pushes open the tall doors, in which the sound of the thick wood being pushed results in a low echo. I breathe in the light wind that greets my skin - when I instantly observe the large room's surroundings.

There is a long chestnut brown couch in the center, between two armchairs that share the same color - the grand yet dark chandelier shining down upon each of them. In the right hand corner of the crimson red room, stands a pool table. I start to gather for myself that the room is more of living room, from the inviting feeling of such the aura.

Directly in front of me, and across the room far from the open doorway I stand beneath, bestows a brick fireplace. In front of it - a tall and familiar figure. But his back is turned.

My pulse pumps rapidly with anticipation, as my bold brown irises settle on Isaiah.

"Yes?" The head enemy starts from afar, never turning to fixate his inscrutable eyes on either of us. He must've heard the grand doors open, not to my surprise.

I peer over to her, when her own ocean irises peer down, presumably to avoid my own, a moment.

"Someone wants to speak with you." The red head begins, when she glimpses ahead again. I follow her gaze to steady on Isaiah.

"OK... who?" His low voice sounds again, as he's too focused on something ahead of him, whatever's above the fireplace - his back blocks the view of it.

I hear Beth diffuse a low breath next to me, just before I decide to break the mere silence myself. I clear my throat to gather his attention.

"Me." I state, beginning in my steps to enter pass the vast doorway. Isaiah's broad shoulders seem to tense slightly, at my voice - which I didn't think he would quite recognize. I hear Beth follow behind me as I do, before I plant my two feet still; remaining an infinite space between Isaiah and I's distinct figures.

I watch him turn around. The front of his ruffled black hair comes to view as he stands tall in a black v-neck shirt. His toxic brown irises find mine. They widen.

"You let her out?!" He questions in betrayal, emphasizing each word as his gaze soon pierces Beth's.

"Yes. I did." The red head answers next to me.

Isaiah's sharp jaw clenches only for a second, before he peers over to me again. That unrecognizable glint picks up again in his mystifying irises.

"Leave us a moment." He orders the red head in return, his brown eyes never peeling from my own. Beth stands still, I gather in my peripheral vision, silent moments before she starts in her dismaying tracks, dismissing herself.

The air soon hangs with tension, when I hear the grand doors shut behind my back. Then, in my yellow flannel top, I cross my arms firmly against my chest - my light brown irises not yet releasing the own gaze of the distinct frame far across from me. His lips tug upward cryptically.

"What is it?" He asks rather in utter distaste, turning back around again to focus on whatever he was before the interruption.

I roll my eyes, before I suck in a breath and unfold my arms, letting them drop to my side.

"What's your plan?" I breathe, watching the back of him. My brown eyes squint whilst trying to gain sight of what he's doing exactly.

Isaiah sighs. "Well I had my intentions on going out for a lovely walk until you-"

"Your plan for Rio." I clarify, sternly.

I hear Isaiah diffuse a light chuckle. "Ah, him." He says bitterly, seconds before I hear the alerting sound of a gun cocking.

Just then Isaiah turns around to face me once more, his dark brows raised in interest. "Well I'm gonna kill him." He informs me.

My alert gaze fixes down to his hand - a silver pistol tight in his grip. Instinctively my brown eyes widen, my heart races brutally.

"Wh- you can't." I stammer, watching Isaiah start in his determined steps toward me. My gaze narrows. "He'll kill you." I say. Isaiah moves right past me, his muscly arm gently brushing past mine when he does.

I spin around and jolt my gaze onto the back of him now, as he heads toward the double doors. I stay in place - my pulse quickening.

"That's real smart of you." I spit sarcastically, watching him walk away. Anger consumes me, when I realize he's not going to turn around.

My heart hammers viscously. And my pink lips part.

"Isaiah." I call out, for the very first time.

Instantly, at his own poison name, Isaiah stops abruptly in his tracks. Though he doesn't meet my bold gaze.

I swallow, hard. And when he doesn't move, and stays put before the closed double doors in front of him, my jaw hardens.

Now's the time to talk him out of it.

I feel my pink lips quirk up, as I stand firm and far behind his careless frame.


Heyy!! I know I announced I was gonna update way earlier than this, and I know it feels like I haven't updated in 45 weeks (lolol) bUt here is the chapter :))

Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed please be sure to vote loves.

Much love,


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