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My hand gently grazes the cold metal of the doorknob, as my palm soon becomes slick with perspiration.

I don't know why, but my heart is starting to race, when I suddenly feel nervous. But I know that the sooner I push open these doors, the sooner it'll all be over.

I curl my lip, and push the tall double doors open; the opening of the hardwood causing an obnoxious alert - and I know infallibly that Isaiah heard my first step in.

But my light brown eyes scan across the large room instinctively, before they meet Isaiah's. My processing gaze stumbles across several boxes that sit around the entire perimeter; nothing but packed belongings to accumulate our silent standing figures.

And just like that, I feel a slight and mere frown tug at my lips. Isaiah's dark brown irises grasp mine, as I stand still in the wide doorway, watching him. I pick up the familiar yet unreadable glimmer that passes within his mystifying eyes.

But it only takes a sliver of a stiff second before his mysterious irises turn cold.

"Great. I see you came back." He starts rather, carelessly and in distaste, when he turns around to lift up a cardboard box. But I push his impolite greet aside - my perceptive irises reverting to the boxes that are plastered all across the room.

"You're leaving..." I breathe, locking onto his dark brown irises again when he peers over his broad shoulder at me. Soon though, Isaiah averts from my confused gaze and focuses on placing the closed box onto another.

"Don't get too pleased, Princess. Truth be told, my intentions are to strike down your lover on my way out." He says, before he turns around to face me.

I still stay in place, confusion still coursing my warm veins as I stand before Isaiah's tall figure from across the room. I catch the twinkle of curiosity to flicker across Isaiah's eyes, and he sends my frozen frame a hesitant once over. I watch his brows furrow.

"Why are you here?" He questions lowly, piercing my gaze from afar.

In return, I set my jaw, and take a step down from the entrance where I stood. I take in a calm breath. I came here to talk him out of taking down his rival... I guess walking into him packing threw me off for a second.

But I'm here now, and the inscrutable man I have to convince stands right before me. I need to let him know that he has a choice - he doesn't have to be like this.

I walk up to Isaiah, only to plant my two feet a few inches from him; a good enough distance to keep his solemn attention on me.

"To let you know something that I doubt anyone else ever will." I breathe, keeping his unreadable eyes on my anticipated ones. Isaiah watches me carefully, whilst he seems to be all ears. So internally, I prepare myself.

"You have this wicked wall built up around you," I begin gently, peering over the leather jacket Isaiah vestures; topping off his light grey v-neck shirt below it, before I meet his perceptive gaze again, "but you don't have to portray this cruel act..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not having this." Isaiah's deep voice cuts me off, while I watch him turn around. "I figured, I don't know, there would be a small chit chat between us about how your day went or at least to question where I'm headed-"

"Where are you headed?" I ask him, interjecting his blurt of sarcasm. I fold my arms firmly across my chest when curiosity gets the best of me, watching Isaiah stop to lean against the brick fireplace across the vast room.

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