"Today... today's a new day." I sigh, making my way toward the refrigerator for a bowl of cereal. I reach up for the box of Cookie Crisp on top of it, before getting out the milk.
"So I'm just gonna start fresh, and forget about everything that happened." I say.Pouring the cereal into a glass bowl, before I do the milk, I plunge my spoon into it afterward.
"Let me just get this straight..." She begins across the island, before I peer up to Ann leaning back on the dishwasher with her arms folded across her chest. "From what I gather, this guy is seemingly attached on taking down Rio. But he didn't shoot the gang banger when you asked him to?" Ann knots her arched brows, noticeably processing and thinking over her own words.
I take a big bite of my cereal, and send my sister a nod.
"And what's that last thing he said to you again?" She points at me, with an immense puzzled stare.
After I swallow down my food, I suck in a low breath. "He basically implied that he wouldn't care if I died." I answer. "Which doesn't really matter to me. It's just that..." I glimpse down at my bowl plastered on the marbled granite countertop before me.
"...That you felt a sting of..." Ann trails, already watching me in wait when I look over to her.
"Disappointment." I breathe, later pushing back a strand of my combed hair behind an ear. I then see my sister nod in return, in understanding.
Ann walks up to claim a barstool, across from where I stand. I watch her huff out a breath, when her hazel specks lock on mine.
"Back to what you informed me earlier, about thinking this guy portrays this heartless act..." She says, watching me demolish another bite of my breakfast. "Well... he had to feel some sense of emotion when he was kind enough to not shoot Rio when you asked him not to." She adds casually.
Ann runs a hand through her wavy blonde hair, before instantly, I gather that her dark brows narrow. She seems to be in thought - deep thought - from the sight of her hazel eyes shortly widening afterward.
Curiosity immediately consumes me, as I watch her in wait, wondering what's on her mind. Then, my sister's glossy lips part, when her skeptical irises grasp me again.
"Has it ever occurred to you that-" She pauses mid sentence, and at this point I don't think her brows can furrow much more. "Have you ever thought that this guy... likes you?" She questions.
For a moment, I knew I had already processed my sister's words, I just didn't know what to think.
But then, I could already feel the bile threatening to erupt inside me. My gaze quickly narrows her way. My spoon immediately slips from my grip and drops into the bowl of cereal.
"What?! No!" I spit, shaking my head hurriedly.
Quickly, my sister scoots back to hop off the barstool, coming to firm stand on her own two feet. I watch her hurriedly head over to the refrigerator, before swinging the door of it open.
"We're gonna need some wine for this." She says, as I watch her with wide eyes, seeing her take my red wine bottle into her hands. Ann walks back to the island, where I remain standing.
"Wh- no. No no, we don't need that now." I remark, but in turn the blonde only takes out two drinking glasses from the cabinet.
"Ann, stop. He doesn't-
"You're telling me this guy doesn't feel something for you?" She interjects, placing the fragile glasses gently onto the kitchen island.
"He doesn't, Ann-" I feel my shoulders slouch as I watch her unavoidable actions. "You're still pouring the wine." I murmur in defeat.
"Just saying, from what I'm picking up it sounds like-"
"Isaiah's cryptic, Ann!" I interject, my tone mixed with abruptness, frustration.
I watch the gaze that wasn't expecting such an exclaim steady on my own. Inevitably, guilt fluxes within my warm veins."Sorry." I say lowly, watching her sit down the wine bottle carefully. "I just... it's not like that. I think he just needs..." I run a hand through my brown hair, mindless for the next word.
"Vic," Ann sighs, "I should be the one apologizing. I jumped to conclusions. Though they may be possible conclusions..."
I roll my light brown eyes, before spotting my sister fail at suppressing a wide smile.
"Alright, I apologize, seriously." I watch her begin in her steps, toward me."I just missed our talks. And... I'm overwhelmingly happy that we got you back." She smirks, before pulling me into a tight hug. Ann's arms are embracive and comforting around me, as I squeeze my sister in return.
I feel my lips tugging upward. "Me too." I say quietly.
I do. I miss this.
"But sis, I am trying to clear my mind of all this, OK? So if we could just not bring up..."
"You got it." Ann says understandably, before I feel her arms release me. Letting go of her shorter frame as well, I hear the front door open from far behind us.
Peering over my shoulder, I catch sight of my fiancé stepping into the house with grocery bags in his hands. His chocolate brown irises latch onto mine as he heads over our way.
The sight of him summons up a genuine smile upon my face.
"What's up Blondie?" Rio starts, as he sits the groceries on the island's countertop. I watch him walk over to me.
His warm arms slip around my waist, as he pulls me into him. His luscious lips curve upward, when he leans in. "Hey beautiful." He whispers huskily against me, before pressing his full lips onto my own. My heart instinctively flutters profusely.
When our lips part, my brown eyes flutter up to meet his own again - the smile playing about on my lips never faltering. "Hey handsome." I peck his tasty lips once more, before gently stepping back.
Making my way toward the kitchen island, I take the grocery bag nearest me and peek inside it.
"So what are our plans for this evening? This morning I took the most rejuvenating shower and cleaned around the house, so I'm all set for whatever." I grin, peering up at my fiancé again.
Rio walks up next to me, with a smirk tugging at his full lips.
"Well I was gonna cook a nice dinner, and afterward we can have some time for ourselves..." He says smoothly, wrapping his arm around my waist again. "But um, there was one small idea I had in mind beforehand."
"What's that?" I ask, my soft tone sounding intrigued, as I watch the twinkle within his warm chocolate brown irises.
"Ann," he turns to face my sister, as a filled wine glass is pressed against her glossy lips. Her arched brows raise in return, before she brings the glass back down to the counter's surface - her cheeks puffed out from the wine behind them.
"How good are you at wedding planning?" Rio questions her - only for Ann's response to be an erupted spit take. Just like that, the red wine that was once in my sister's mouth splatters all across my kitchen island.
Thank you so much for reading!!! :D
More to come!!
Lots of love!!

Devour You
Fanfiction1 BONUS CHAPTER IS NOW UP! Sequel to Crashed Into a Gangster! With her inevitable feelings aroused, Victoria dwells into Rio's world, his aura, his business that she has not yet entirely discovered. Now, with the two criminals that contain a deep...