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Rio's fingers are warm, intertwined with mine. The grip he claims on my smaller hand is loose, but he squeezes every once and a while on our way.

When I got up this morning, Rio said he wanted to take me out somewhere. So I got up, took a shower and prepared for the day, clueless as to where our destination would be. But here I am anyway, because I've always been the one to love surprises.

It's been fifteen minutes or so, since we've been walking. The BMW is parked just outside of the outskirts of the tall trees that hover around us. They're skinny, and though it's dead in the middle of the Summer, tips of some leaves are are a crispy brownish yellow - almost a comforting red color.

And the serenity? Oh, it's brilliantly peaceful; the only sound to linger being the birds that chirp. My favorite feeling about this place, I have to say, is the hot sun that's so inevitable on my skin - the warmth of it is infinite.

It's quite familiar, actually. But no matter how hard I try to ponder on it, and place my current whereabouts, I get nothing.

"Know where we are yet?" Rio breaks the silence that almost seemed indestructible, as I glance over to face him. With my hand still in his, my light brown irises latch onto his warm chocolate brown ones.

"Not quite. But I have a feeling if I keep going ahead, it'll all come rushing to memory eventually, I hope." I smile in his direction.

In return, Rio's perfect teeth showcases from the quirking up of his full lips. Momentarily, I squeeze his hand in mine. I look ahead again.

"But wherever we are, it would probably have to be my absolute favorite place in this whole world." I grin, peering up at the endless tree lines above our figures.

As I walk ahead, glimpsing up, I feel Rio's hand slip from mine. I slow down merely in my tracks, before I turn around to see him standing behind. My smile doesn't falter though, when the confusion mixes with the excitement within me.

"What are you doing?" I ask softly, watching him observantly - picking up the anticipation...and happiness...glinting in his eyes. Then, my fiancé gestures with his head.

"Look in front of you." He says huskily - full lips curving up as he keeps his gaze on me. I squint my eyes his way in a suspicious manner, before I do so.

When I spin on my Converse, and now before me, is a spacious and empty field that only holds a couple trees in the center of it, alongside a log reclined on the bright green grass that canvases it perfectly.

The heart behind my ribcage starts to hammer, fluttering incessantly as my gaze focuses ahead, when it hits me.

I feel my pink lips tug upward, and I spin around again. I spot Rio standing with his hands now folded - his twinkling and gallant gaze already on me.

"Where you first taught me how to shoot a gun." I state rather question, my soft tone piped with excitement and surprise. With curving lips, I bite my lip before running up to Rio - the urge to hug him tight shortly becoming overwhelming.

He chuckles when my chest crashes into his, and his strong and tattooed arms wrap around my shorter figure tightly. I snake my arms around his neck, absentmindedly getting lost in his glistening brown irises.

I smile against my fiancé, sliding my left hand down to rest it upon his warm chest; earning for my diamond ring to soon sparkle under the bold sunlight.

"I figured you'd like it." Rio starts smoothly, searching my eyes. "I remembered how much you did last time, surprisingly, considering it concluded a gun." He smirks.

I giggle in return, before my gaze flicks down to his tasty lips. "I do. I love it." I say, leaning in deliberately to press his lips on mine. My fingers find themselves traveling through his short black hair, while I pull his head down to me - his full lips moving against mine hard.

Gently, I pull away from him. When I do, Rio's breath is warm and exceeded, as our breaths exchange. I watch his dark lashes flutter down to my own pink lips.

"Thank you." I whisper, feeling his hot hands rest on my lower back. "It's so peaceful out here. I don't think you could've taken me to any better place." I smile, watching him do the same just before I pull his face toward mine to capture his tasty lips in a kiss again.

My heart continues to race wildly, uncontrollably, as if this is our very first kiss. Still till this very day, I gather the familiar feeling of butterflies when I'm around him, and I can't be more content about it.

Rio's luscious lips detach from my own, and I open my brown eyes to see his dark brown ones meet mine.

He examines my face a moment, before his hand reaches out to gently caress my cheek. Deliberately, my fiancé pushes back a strand of my brown hair, tucking it away safely behind an ear. A small smile plasters across my face, at the incredible sensation of his touch.

"Love you." He whispers soothingly, huskily, close to me. I feel his hand once more grasp mine to intertwine our fingers.

"I love you too." I say, right when he plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

I feel Rio's free arm snake around my waist, before he spins me around to his side; causing me to glance ahead as he does the same. I peer out at the plain field, that vestures a few white and lilac flowers, again.

"So you like it, huh?" He questions next to me, lowly. I feel his hand squeeze mine.

I take in a breath, enjoying the peaceful and beautiful sight of the nature. And then I nod, feeling myself crack a small smile.

"Is this where you want it to happen?" Rio adds on, and in return my gaze jolts to his beside me. Rio's dark brown irises are already latched onto me. Either of my brows are perched up with immediate excitement, as I search his longing gaze.

"The- the wedding?" I ask in stammer, though I know exactly what he meant. My mouth forms a wide and genuine smile, when I step in front of him to cup his face. Rio aligns with my now burning eyes.

"Oh my..." A laugh escapes my lips, as the gangster breaks into a smile, too. "Of course, Rio!" I pull him into me, pulling the gangster's tall frame in an embrace.

Suddenly, Rio tightens the grip he claims on my waist to spin me around; my two feet lifting from the grassy ground without struggle as I keep my arms on his toned shoulders.

I giggle against him, burying my face in the crook of his tattooed neck, before he slowly puts me down. My hands now rest on his shoulders, the soles of my two feet planted on the grass below as Rio's own hands rest upon my lower back.

His chocolate brown irises twinkle, glistening a gallant gaze, as he searches my own light brown eyes. Then, I watch my fiancé form a charming smile, and it's contagious.

I peer up on my tippy toes, and press my lips against his own passionately - the all too familiar galvanizing bullet coursing through my hot veins as I do.


Ahh lovely, lovely, lovely.
Hope you guys enjoyed!!

Q: If you can remember, favorite chapter of Devour You?

With much love,


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