My blood is pumping cold, as my fingers are curled onto the steering wheel of my Nissan tight. Parked, I reach to remove the car keys from the ignition.
Sheltering a breath of preparation, I step out of the car, shutting the door behind me. I stand with the keys dangling from my finger, as I face ahead at the grand mansion across the grassy acred yard.
Swallowing a puny lump in my throat, I start in my tracks to head toward's Isaiah's place - determination mixing with the wavering certainty that laces my veins.
What's certain is the fact that he'll listen, and hear me out. The doubtful aspect holds the possibility of him not understanding, and containing the intentions regardless, to kill Rio.
I feel a quick chill shoot down my back, as I think on the possible scenarios - and outcome - from Isaiah's lethal hatred towards my fiancé. Where I stand on all of this, I don't want anyone getting hurt.
Rio is my anchor, and as I'm here, he's counting on me. I can't let Isaiah lay a finger on him - I won't. Which is why I'm here. Here to break through, somehow.
I slide my car keys into the front pocket of my tight jeans, when I recall that the rem of the material doesn't accumulate a single weapon. I'm unarmed. I guess I still trust that the mystery of a man behind these walls I'm walking up to, doesn't want to hurt me.
I reach the front door; the tall and hardwood doors closed and towering as I peer straight ahead at them. I knock a few, standing firm in wait on the doormat shortly after.
Silent moments afterward, I hear heavy shuffling behind the thick wood, that is, before the two grand double doors are pulled open. I feel my jaw instinctively harden, as a buff bald guy stands guard in the open doorway. He peers down at me from where I stand, a good feet away in distance.
Then, I feel my pink lips twitch, before they tug upward in mischief.
Only two minutes later, I find myself pacing down the familiar dark corridors of Isaiah's place; walking fast past the painted crimson red walls to get to the double doors that I've only approached once before.
To my surprise, the buff bald guy barely directed me to Isaiah's whereabouts just by telling me the room he's in. Clearly though, I didn't need the guy's assistance to guide me there the rest of the way.
Anticipation consumes my quickening pulse as I continue in my determined tracks.
And the very moment my light brown eyes land on the set of doors ahead of me, my breath seems to be held. Stealthily, I walk up to the doors.
Nearing it, I note that one door out of the two is cracked open - but enough for me to peek through. So I do. Behind the hardwood door, I can only gather low and ruffled voices, but I manage to make out what's being said.
"You said to do something with 'em... I don't see the problem here, Bossman." One male voice says. Peeking through, I gain sight of a tall dark skinned man, glaring towards a silhouette that hasn't quite reached my eyesight, yet.
But from what I hear - I presume it to be Isaiah's.
"You don't see the problem?" I hear the all too familiar low and deep voice correspond, and in turn my lips immediately twitch.
Now if only the man would leave, so I can continue on this process...
"I told you not to kill him, and you're not comprehending. That's the problem." I hear Isaiah say - my gaze still unable to locate his inscrutable figure.
"I get it, Bossman. But this guy managed to lurk around our Armory... he took half our weapons!" The protesting man explains, in return.
"Don't." Isaiah says darkly, before I hear the heavy breath he diffuses. Then, my steadying gaze spots him walk up to the man; Isaiah's dark eyes seemingly dull and darker than usual from where I stand. "I said don't kill him."
"Why if he-"
"Because he doesn't deserve it." 'Bossman' interjects sternly, before turning around again. Isaiah's back faces me once more, as I see him run his hands roughly through his black and disheveled hair.
I feel my brows instantly furrow, as I listen.
"Just go. Leave me be." Isaiah sighs, reaching down to pick something up, and I can't quite gather what it is just yet. "I need to finish what I was doing."
I watch his inscrutable figure turn around, before raising his brows impatiently towards the protesting thug - and the dark skinned man soon dismisses himself from the spacious room hurriedly in return.Quickly stepping aside, I move over so the man won't see me when he exits. I stand tense against the cold wall, watching the stranger burst through the doors I once hovered, walking right past me before he disappears behind another dimly lit corridor.
I gather my breath, standing upright after I note that the coast is clear, and I collect my composure. When I do, Isaiah's deep voice already creeps it's way back into my head, from what I overheard.
Because he doesn't deserve it, he said. His tone was solemn... empathetic.Just now, he prevented someone from dying. Maybe, just maybe, he'll hold onto that mercy when I speak to him about Rio.
I swallow softly as the determination still coils within me, and I prepare to push the double doors open.

Devour You
Фанфик1 BONUS CHAPTER IS NOW UP! Sequel to Crashed Into a Gangster! With her inevitable feelings aroused, Victoria dwells into Rio's world, his aura, his business that she has not yet entirely discovered. Now, with the two criminals that contain a deep...