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I don't know what exactly I'm going to say to make peace - or even if I can - between our gang and Isaiah's. But I, or someone, has to do something.

Rio didn't want for this 'unfinished business' to unravel again, or for more conflict to continue within this entire situation. Him and I just got engaged - you would think we would be out celebrating, alone, without having some possible raging war on our minds.
And I know this isn't what he wanted for us. But now, Isaiah is involved and presumably, seeking Rio as a rival.

Isaiah. The one who declared something lethal, between his men and ours. The one who seems to play tough and careless - though I feel I can see right through the act.
And when asked if this is really the path he chooses to stick with, his mysterious eyes turn cold, black, almost - yet softening simultaneously.

I don't know how dominant that part of him is, that holds a grudge against Rio, but maybe I can break through it.

Because somehow, I contained that power when I asked him not to pull the trigger, when he aimed it at my fiancé.

Now, the three of us sit at a vacant bar - the only other person to hover in the vast room being the bartender before us.

No, I didn't really think that we would've accepted Isaiah's offer on the discussion over cold tequila - but here we are.

I sit between the two rivals, as low jazz music softly fluxes in the background in the bar room of Isaiah's place. The two thus far, haven't spoken a word. My glass of tequila is cold between my fingertips, when I take in a cool breath between my lips.

"Accepting tequila's generosity at two in the morning, ain't that something?" I try sparking up a conversation, licking my pink lips before bringing my glass up to them.

"It's not happening beautiful." Isaiah starts next to me, and I jolt my gaze quickly over to him, watching him gulp down his shot.
"I'm not communicating with the leader of the gang that took down half of mine." He adds matter-of-factly, afterward.

"Then what were your intentions when you wanted to discuss this over drinks?" I shoot back, narrowing my gaze in his direction. Isaiah refuses to meet my solemn gaze, when he gestures for another drink.

"Don't even waste your time on him, sweetheart." I hear Rio begin huskily on my other side, before I turn to face him. The gangster shakes his head, whilst licking his lips. "He's just askin' for some form of attention." I watch him shrug in his dark button down shirt - his chocolate brown irises twinkling as they're latching onto mine.
"Let's just go home." He finishes lowly.

Behind my back, Isaiah scoffs. And in annoyance, I peel my gaze from my fiancé's to Isaiah's inscrutable irises behind me. In his bright white tee, he brings the filled glass up to his lips - his mysterious eyes meeting my brown ones.

"Go ahead, it's probably best you head back anyway." He says carelessly, before cocking a brow. "Or did you want to stay?" Isaiah questions, his dark brown eyes glinting mischievously as he watches me.

I take in a warm breath, when I avert from his toxic gaze and peer down at my drink, taking the glass into my hands. "You know I'd leave this place in a heartbeat." I answer sternly.

Soon, clearing my throat, I meet the gangster's lulling brown eyes. "Look, we need to straighten things out between our people and his." I breathe lowly, my eyes solemnly scanning between either of his for any sliver of understanding.

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