Episode 1| scene 3- Kali

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Kali sat with her back to the cement overpass, listening to her friends arguing a few feet away. Axel and Dottie wanted to push on but Mick was insisting they lay low until the cops weren't looking for them.

They had just killed another scientist from Hawkins Lab. Over the past year they had been traveling the country, tracking down old employees of the lab that had hurt Kali. Before killing them, Kali would interrogate them.

Ever since her encounter with Ray she wondered if Brenner really was still alive. Unfortunately almost every criminal they found said he was alive. Some weren't sure but none of them knew for sure that he was dead.

Kali was really worried about what their last victim had said. He told her not just that Brenner was alive but that he was looking for someone. She knew it had to be her, Eleven, or one of the others that he was trying to find.

Kali wanted to travel to Hawkins and find Eleven. She thought Eleven might know something about Brenner location or plan.

While Kali was quietly thinking, the rest of her friends were being very loud as the argued.

In the night, Kali heard sirens but she didn't think twice about it. Chicago has constant police activity so she did little more than tense up when police cars passed directly overhead. The sirens started to fade and she began to relax.

Suddenly, everything went quiet. Her friends noticed the change as well and stopped talking. The constant sound of cars passing overhead was gone and the police sirens had also stopped abruptly.

Kali made her way over to her friends. "We have to go." She whispered and they nodded. Mick kicked dirt on the fire, Axel clicked the safety off on his gun and Dottie was holding her fly swatter out in front of her.

With Kali leading and Funshine taking up the rear, all five of them began making their way out from under the bridge. Just as they got out from under the overpass, the heard running on the pavement above them. Kali stuck out her hand and her friends stopped, listening.

"Hands up! Chicago PD" a voice yelled out from ahead of them. Kali could sense more cops approaching from behind them. All her friends raised there hands. Axel dropped his gun and for a second there was silence.

Without any warning, a massive wave of water appeared, advancing toward bridge. It was at least 20 feet tall breaking over streetlights. There was yelling as the police ran for cover. A few seconds later the wave hit the overpass but Kali and her friends simply ran right through it.

Though it obscured the cops vision, the image of the wave did not effect them physically and a few seconds after it had passed they were back in a confused pursuit. Kali and her friends were already a block away from the cops.

They ducked into a small side street and Kali collapsed in exhaustion from deceiving so many peoples minds. Before she could recover, figures appeared at the entrance to the ally. Axel fired off a shot from his retrieved gun and the police backed off before more arrived. They began advancing toward Kali and her friends who were desperately looking for a way to escape.

Kali's vision was blurred as funshine dragged her backward. In front of her, she saw her friends, forming a wall between her and the police. Axel, fired off a final shot and then tossed the empty gun aside.

She knew she was the only one who could save them but she was already to weak. Kali watched Dottie twitch and then fall to the ground. A second later Axel got shot as well, first in the arm and then a second time in the chest. He collapsed as well, yelling out for Kali to do something.

With the last of her strength, Kali pushed Funshine away and stood. She took a few steps toward the police ignoring their demands to raise her hands.

A bullet wizzed by her. Kalie closed her eyes and then the buildings on either side of her collapsed inward, the brick and stone forming a massive wall of debris between her friends and the police.

For a second they were safe but then Kali fell to her knees and the rubble began to flicker. The cops, not falling for the hologram rushed forward. Kali knew she and her friends had no chance, they had committed enough crimes to be put in jail for life.

As she collapsed from her effort, Kali surprisingly saw the cops fall as well, one after the other. In just a few seconds, every one them hit the ground, an invisible force pushing them into the pavement.

Eleven emerged from behind them, walking toward Kali and her friends. Just as her sister got to her side, Kali fell unconscious.


Kali woke in the darkness, a sliver of light visible in front of her. She leaned forward but quickly put her head back down as blood rushed to it. She felt her face and realized it was covered in blood. It brought back all the memories from the night before.

She sat up again, enduring the pain in her temples and crawled to the light. She managed to push open a sliding door and once her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized she was in one of the old train cars outside the warehouse.

She turned back and saw Mick and Funshine sleeping on the floor.

"You're awake." Kali turned and saw Eleven walking toward her, carrying some assorted snacks. She dumped them on floor of the box car.

"Where have you been?" Kali said, hugging Eleven who forced a smile. Eleven didn't answer and Kali knew something was wrong. "Where are Dottie and Axel?"

"I.." Eleven stuttered. "I tried. I tried to go back but there were too many. My powers..." Eleven starred at her feet, clearly blaming herself. "I'm sorry. They're gone."

"We have to go save them." Kali said. "we can break into prison and get them out. If we..."

"NO." Eleven interrupted. "They're gone Kali. Really gone."

Kali whispered, "They're dead?" she choked out the word, tears filling her eyes."

Eleven nodded "Gone."

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