Episode 1| scene 2- Eleven

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Elevens powers had slowly been coming back over the last few days. Mostly, it was a relief but she was also disappointed. She had gotten used to being normal the past three months. She was sick of feeling responsible for everyone.

Mike was the only one who seemed to understand how hard it was, constantly using her powers. The others just expected her to constantly protect them and locate people in the void.

After running away from Joyce, she had begun her journey back to Hawkins.

Now, alone and on the run, here powers were coming back. It had been two days since she had left the Byers on the highway and she could now do small things like crush a can or move small objects.

She still couldn't find anyone in the void though, which greatly annoyed her. Every time she tried to find someone she would start bleeding, not just from her nose but even from her ears and eyes. She wished she could contact Mike. She had tried to call him but he didn't pick up.

She wanted to find her sister Kali but she had no way to find her. Eleven was getting close to Chicago and that was where she had last seen her a year ago. She desperately hoped that Kali was still there.

She had been walking most of the journey, but now, she was riding in a big truck with a nice man that she had convinced to drive her. Eventually they arrived in Chicago and Eleven left him, going on foot to the warehouse Kali lived in.

She found the door they had escaped in and pushed it open, walking into the large open space. There was no one there so she went to the second level, checking different rooms but no one was there.

Eleven sat down in one of the rooms, frustrated. She stared at the doorway, remembering time Kali had made Papa appear. Brenner has asked, 'All this time. You haven't looked for me, why?'

Eleven had contemplated the answer to that question ever since and now, for some reason, she found herself curious about Papa. Was he completely dead? Could she still find his body if he was dead?

She knew she wouldn't be able to find him, both because her powers weren't working and because he was dead but for some reason she put on a blindfold and used a fan as background noise.

She focused on memories of Papas face and concentrated. At first she felt nothing and was relieved. Then, suddenly her ears popped and she was in the void. In front of her, was Brenner. He was asleep, curled up in a ball on the floor. Eleven took a step and Brenner's eyes opened, starring directly at her.

Eleven screamed and tried to leave the void but she was frozen. Her voice was muffled like she was screaming underwater. She backed away from Brenner but suddenly his image began to vaporize and was replaced by the sound of sirens. Then Kali appeared and Elevens fear was replaced with excitement.

"We have to leave Mick" Kali said. "They are close."

The sirens got louder and the void began to dissolve. Eleven called out to Kali but suddenly she was back in the warehouse. The sirens were still there though, much louder and clearer and Eleven realized they were real.

She tore the blindfold off her eyes. And watched half a dozen police cars go past. She knew where they were going and lept up to follow them. She knew she was close to her sister.

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