Episode 2| Scene 5

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Long scene y'all.

Eleven stared at Nice Brenner's house. It looks just as it had in the void, a very ordinary, two story home, painted white. Eleven glanced at Joyce who was standing to her right. Joyce nodded and Eleven started making her way toward the house.

With Funshine, Mick, Jonathan and Joyce next to her, Eleven knocked confidently on the door. The door swung open almost immediately, startling Eleven. The woman from the void stepped into the threshold, a big smile on her face.

"Why hello! How can I help you all?" She glanced at the group, taking everyone in.  Joyce stepped forward.

"We're are here to see Mr. Brenner. I am an old friend of his and was passing through the area. Thought I may as well stop by and see how he's doing."

"Oh well come in, come in!" I'm Selena, Zachary's wife.

Everyone slowly filed inside, clearly skeptical of Selena's kindness.

Joyce gestured toward the living room and everyone got the idea, sitting down and leaving Joyce to talk.

Mrs. Brenner brought Joyce into the kitchen where she had clearly been in the middle of making dinner.

"Zack is picking up our son from daycare but he should be home any second." Selina said. Joyce waited awkwardly for a few minutes, making small talk and refusing offers of food and drink. After maybe 20 minutes she heard a car door slam and sighed in relief.

The front door opened, and a small boy ran in, going straight to Selina who picked him up and hugged him. Joyce smiled at Selina who quickly sent her son out of the room. Then Brenner entered kitchen.

"Hi Zacky how was work?"

"It was good honey." he replied, giving her a peck on the cheek and taking off his clearly expensive jacket. "and who is this?" he said smiling as if he hadn't seen Joyce when he entered. 

"Hi Zack I don't know if you remember me but..."

"We went to high school together!" Zack said. It was the exact lie Joyce was going to try and use except Zack seemed serious. "I remember we had physiology class together. I'm sorry but I've forgotten your name."

"It's Joyce."

"Right right. Sorry about that Joyce." Joyce new she didn't know Zack. He definitely hadn't gone to Hawkins High. Joyce pushed aside these thoughts and started asking questions. Eventually after they had all had a surprisingly nice discussion, Joyce asked the big question.

"Do you have any family?" Joyce asked.

"Of course, my wife and son." He said.

"Oh, do you have any family?" Joyce said, looking at Mrs. Brenner."

She looked surprised for a second. As if she had never been asked a question.

"I have my son and husband." She said much to happily. There was something very odd about her.

"So neither of you have any other family?"

They both stared at her blankly.

Joyce sighed and stood up from her chair. It was clear she wasn't going to get anywhere. She walked over to Eleven and the rest of the group who where sitting in the living room, trying to make themselves at home despite the house's strange occupants.

Joyce made eye contact with Eleven and mouthed the words, "Can we talk?"
Eleven nodded and they made their way out of the room into the now empty front hall.

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