Episode 1| scene 1- Brenner

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Brenner is back who else is excited!! *sarcasm*
Anyway basically I want this story to be just like the real stranger things so imagine the intro after the first scene of each episode. Enjoy!!
Also please comment and vote, it means a lot.


November 1983

Brenner woke up and for a second he remembered nothing. Then it all came back, the gate being opened, Eleven escaping, and then the Demogorgon attacking him at the school. He opened his eyes but their wasn't much to take in.

He was in a small prison cell. He lay on a cot and next to him there was a toilet and a table but other than that there was only stone walls and a door.

Brenner felt his face and immediately flinched. There were cuts all over his face as well as his arms. They had healed poorly and he could only assume they were from the Demogorgon.

Suddenly he heard voices outside his door. He listened carefully but couldn't understand them. As they got closer he realized  they were speaking Russian. All he could make out was "American" and then the door swung open.

Brenner squinted at the figures in the doorway. Two guards stood on either side and between them the there was an important looking man. The man sat down and the guards closed the door behind them. The man spoke a few words in Russian.

"Do you know what this means?" The Russian said in English.

Brenner shook his head

"It's means you do what I say and you live. Do you understand?"

This time Brenner nodded his head, still too tired to speak. The Russian pulled out a paper and set it down on the table.

"You made this, yes?" It was a black and white image of the gate Eleven had opened a few months before.

"Where did you get this?" Brenner said in a raspy voice.

"That is not important. What is important is that you can re-create it. We have access to the best technology in all of the Soviet Union here. If you want to live, you will make us our gate, and then you will be free comrade."

Brenner pointed at the picture. "I can't make this."

"It may seem challenging but..."

"It's not challenging," Brenner said interrupting the man " but without the right resources it's impossible. There is no way I can do this this it's just not..."

The Russian reached across the table, seizing Brenner by the throat, with one hand he lifted the American from his chair. Brenner gasped for breath, his hands clawing at the Russian but he was to weak.

"It's quite amazing," the Russian growled, pulling Brenner toward him " how almost anything is possible when it is, as you say, 'life or death'. And to be clear, the is life or death." He squeezes Brenner's neck even tighter at the word death before dropping him back in his chair.

"You start tomorrow." The Russian said as Brenner re-gained his breath. "I hope I am not disappointed with your work comrade Brenner."

Brenner tried to ask him more questions like where was Eleven, how had the found him and what the date was but the Russian turned and left, slamming the door behind him. Brenner listened to the lock click and then slumped back down in his cot, wondering how he was going to make a gate to another dimension.

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