Episode 2| Scene 2

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008's mind was blank as she walked through the night. Her legs were tired but she didn't notice. The sound of waves grew louder and her pace quickened. Next to her, the boy matched her pace stride for stride. Together, they made there way toward the shore.


"I think that Papa really is still alive." Eleven said. She sounded unsure but she really was beginning to believe it was true.

For once, Mike kept his mouth shut. he didn't bombard Eleven with questions. Instead he tried to think what this could mean.

His first though was that Brenner was a threat. He would want revenge and as far as Mike new, Brenner would start with him. Mike was the one who had helped El understand not all people were like Brenner. He un-brainwashed her mind and helped hide her from Hawkins lab. Therefore Brenner would want Mike dead.

His second thought was much less selfish. He understood what this meant for El. Not only was Brenner a threat to her but Mike didn't know if she could emotionally take it. Brenner had taken away Eleven's childhood and treated her terribly. He was the reason Eleven's mother was crippled.

For a few seconds Mike questioned what he could do. Then without warning he reached out and pulled El into a hug. El was taken by surprise but quickly hugged Mike back. She didn't realize how much she had missed the feeling of being in his arms.


"Yes Mike?"

"It's going to be okay. If he really is alive, we'll take care of him."

El smiled into Mikes shoulder.

In the other room, everyone was talking. Nancy, who had been thinking ever since Eleven and Mike left the room, suddenly spoke up.

"So what? Kali is just gone? Dead?" Nancy questioned. "But let me guess. We aren't going to do anything about it because this is 'bigger than us' so were just going to sit back and accept the fact that she is gone."

Jonathan stepped in "No one is saying that Nancy."

"Really?! Because doing nothing seems to be the trend. First Barb. Then Bob. Then Alexi and Hopper. Who knows how many innocent people were flayed. It's just going to keep happening. We can't just keep hoping it's over. Or try to run away from it all." She said, glaring at Joyce who was staring at her feet and biting her nails.

"We don't even know what happened to the Russians. For all we know Owens let them go back to Russia. He probably drove them to the f***ing airport and thanked them for coming. Jonathan reached out to take Nancy's arm but she smacked it away. Her tone angered.

"We keep getting screwed over and not doing doing a damn thing about it."

Eleven suddenly spoke. No one had even noticed she entered the room. "We should do something... We will do something." She stared at everyone, seeming very sure of herself. No one doubted her words.

Eleven slapped picture down on the table. It looked like a younger version of Brenner.

"Is that..." Will started to ask

"No." Funshine interrupted. "It's not Brenner. When we were with Kali, we visited anyone who was ever associated with Brenner. We would interrogate them. There was one man we never could find. Brenner's brother." he said nodding toward the picture.

Fushine suddenly understood why Eleven had the picture. "Kali gave that to you. Didn't she?" Eleven nodded. "So with your powers back..."

"You could find him." Mike finished

"And figure out if Brenner is still alive." Will added.

"Wait." Nancy said, interrupting there discussion. "If Eleven has her powers back and can find people in the void again..."

"Then why doesn't she just look for Brenner directly?" Mike said looking at El for and answer. Eleven stood very still, staring at the group with a look of pain on her face. She knew she couldn't look for Papa. She didn't know how to explain it but for some reason she knew it wasn't possible. She shook her head slowly and then swallowed before speaking

"We look for him" she said confidently, slamming her finger on the picture of Papa's brother. No one questioned her decision which was a good thing seeing as Eleven probably would have thrown them across the room in frustration. A few minutes later El was sitting on the ground, the picture in front of her radio playing static. She shushed everyone and placed the blindfold over her eyes, entering the darkness for the first time in months.

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