Episode 2| Scene 3

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I finally got to write some Mileven.


Eleven closed her eyes and slid on the blindfold. She hesitated for a second, nervous to enter the void. She had done it dozens of times but it had been a long time. Plus the last time she entered the void the shadow monster had taken over, threatening her through Billy.

Eleven took a deep breath, pictured Brenner's brother and then opened her eyes. Immediately she was in the void. A little ways in front of her there was a small house, its vibrant white siding standing out in the darkness.

She took a few slow steps through the water that covered the ground. A woman materialized in front of her, staring near the house and smiling. She was watching two figures who were playing in the grass.

Eleven recognized one of them as Papa's brother. He was holding a young boy in his arms while spinning so the boy was flying the the air.

As she watched the man, she knew she should feel anger or fear but a wave of warmth overcame her. The boy was happily shrieking. The man and woman were both smiling as the boy tried to walk around but quickly fell from dizziness. The man helped him up as the boy yelled for him to spin him again.

Eleven felt a tear roll down her face and quickly pulled off the blind fold, not wanting everyone to see her crying.

"El are you okay?" Mike asked. El nodded and and took a deep breath.

"Did you find him? Where is he?" Funshine asked from across the room. Eleven wanted to answer but she was worried she would start crying if she spoke. Without a word she stood up and ran out of the room.

She entered Will's old room and collapsed on the bed. A few seconds later she heard someone enter the room and shut the door.

"Go away Mike."

"What happened?" Mike asked sympathetically, completely ignoring Eleven. She rolled over to look at him.

That family had been so happy. The woman reminded her of Billy's mother. they were both pretty and vibrant with joy. That was what a family was supposed to be like, Eleven realized.

She didn't know how to put what happened into words. Instead she reached out and grabbed Mike's hand, carefully pulling him down next to her on the bed. She wrapped her arm around him. For a second Mike was tense but then relaxed into the embrace.

Eleven placed her head on his chest and began to cry softly. She cried for her mother, slowly dying from what Ray did. She cried for Hopper, who she would never see again. Most of all she cried for everyone of her friends. It was her fault they all had such painful hectic lives. Without her the would be normal like that family.

As she cried, Mike, not knowing what to do, wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly, doing his best to comfort her.

They lay like that for a while until Eleven stopped crying. Mike carefully sat up and looked at Eleven who was on her side, eyes closed and head resting on a pillow.

Despite the sad expression on her face, Mike thought she was beautiful and he carefully leaned in, softly kissing her neck. He had never done this before and for a second El flinched and he was worried he had done something wrong but then she relaxed. Mike took this as consent and he resumed the gesture, kissing her neck repeatedly.

He knew romance wasn't the correct response to Eleven's sorrow but when he pulled away she was smiling. Her brown eyes were peering up at him.

"We should head back." He said faintly, nodding toward the door.

Eleven sighed, clearing enjoying the moment but pushed herself from the bed.

"Are you ready to talk about what you saw?" Mike asked.

Eleven nodded. She wiped the remaining tears from her face and then she and Mike made there way back to main room. After she had filled everyone in on what she saw in the void there was a few moments of silence. Finally, Dustin spoke up.

"So they were completely normal?"

"Yes." Eleven responded

"Like how normal? Normal compared to Brenner or totally normal?

"She already answered Dustin." Mike said angrily. "The whole family was normal"

Nancy interrupted their argument "You all realize that Brenner is a last name right? You can't just refer to Martin as Brenner now that we know he has a brother."

"I don't think it matters I know which Brenner we were talking about." Lucas said

"Wait which Brenner were we just talking about?" Dustin asked

"How do you not know? You were the one talking about him." Mike said, concerned for his friends mental health.

"How about we call him nice Brenner and the old one mean Brenner" Will said

"Really? Mean Brenner? That's a fitting way to describe a child ubducting mass murder." Mike growled

The door suddenly opened.

"Did not expect this." Steve said, stepping inside and staring at the group of people."

"Who this?" Mick asked.

"Steve." At least three people said. Mick nodded as if that was an adequate amount of information too describe a person.

"What do you want Steve." Mike said, sounding like way more of a dick than he meant too.

"Whoah calm now." Steve said enthusiastically, not catching the grim mood of the group. "Just here for the show." he added grinning, "So who's this Brenner guy?"

Everyone groaned.


Don't worry. Steves sudden appearance will be explained.

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