Episode 1| Scene 5

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Joyce, Will and Mike road in the truck while Jonathan followed in his car along with Dustin and Lucas whom the had picked up along the way. They were somewhere in North Western Indiana having already driven five hours toward Illinois.

It was getting dark as Joyce drove, and she knew Will and Mike had fallen asleep next to her. She was also tired and very zoned out as she drove. Sometimes she saw Hoppers reflection in the windshield. Each time this happened, her heart rate rose but then the image disappeared and she snapped back to reality. 'He's gone.' she thought. 'accept it'.

Suddenly she felt the truck jump and she swerved back onto the road, bouncing back off the curb. Both boys woke up.

"What was..." Will started to say

"We have to go back!" Mike interrupted.

"No it's fine I just hit the edge of the road." Joyce said. "Sorry about that."

"It's not that." Mike said turning to look at Joyce. "I saw her. I saw Eleven. She going back to Hawkins. We have to go back, she's almost there."

"You saw her?" Will asked

"In my dream."

"So you saw Eleven in your dream. And what, you just know that she is on her way to Hawkins?" Will said skeptically.

"That what I said Will. Now can we PLEASE turn around?"


Mike was anxious the whole ride back to Hawkins. He was desperate to find Eleven and also worried that his dream really was just a dream and they had wasted time turning around. He spent the whole return trip trying to explain to Joyce and Will what he had seen but it was impossible to put into words.

His dream had felt more like memories than a dream. He saw Eleven in the city and somehow he knew she had just killed someone. After just a few seconds, the dream had changed to Eleven walking through a field. There were three other figures with her but Mike couldn't see there faces.

The final part of the dream was the worst. It showed Eleven screaming. She was in a store, swatting at the air. She was throwing objects and screaming but no one was there. Just as the dream began to fade, Mike had heat El whisper "Hawkins." Before everything vanished.

Somehow Mike knew she was on her way to Hawkins but something had attacked her on the way.

Now, simply because of his gut feeling, everyone had turned away from Chicago where Kali was and started heading back toward Hawkins. If Eleven wasn't there, the blame would fall on Mike.

After a few hours, they began to near Hawkins. Mike was staring out the window worrying about El. The truck slowed and then turned off the road. Mike felt the Byers familiar dirt driveway.

He snapped out of his trance and undid his seatbelt. As soon as Joyce had stopped the truck, he leapt out not waiting for the others and rushed toward the house. There were no lights on and he begun to lose hope that El was there.

Just before he got to the porch, there was a loud click and the the front door slowly swung open. Mike stared in awe as Eleven stepped out of the threshold.

She had blood and dirt on her face but Mike still thought she was beautiful. He rushed forward, hugging her. She was completely drained of energy and collapsed in his arms.

"Mike." she whispered, enjoying his embrace.

"Where did you go El? We were all worried sick."

Rather than answer, El just stepped to the side, revealing Funshine and Mick in the doorway.

"Eleven honey, I'm so glad you're okay but who are these people in my house?" Joyce said from behind Mike

"It's not our house anymore." Will mumbled

"Technically" Dustin said "it is for a few more days until..."

"Not important right now." Jonathan interrupted.

"Thank you." Mike said angrily. "El what is going on? Are you okay?" he said, looking at the blood on her face.

"Come inside." El said in her slow English. "We need to talk."

Guys I got this book really well planned out now. Expect regular updates every 2 or 3 days

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