Episode 1| scene 4- Mike

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It had only been a few days and Mike already missed Eleven. That was an understatement. He wanted to be with her more than anything.

Mike was sitting in his basement, having rebuilt the blanket fort Eleven had slept in. Now he understood why Will was so desperate to play D&D over the summer. all the change must have made him desperate for something familiar. Now Mike had that same desperation for familiarity.

Mike spent all day in the fort. Every knock on the door or telephone call gave him hope but it was never Eleven. He called her on his walkie constantly but she never responded.

Mike didn't just miss Eleven. The lack of the Byers presence dampened the mood of the whole party. Hanging out with Lucas and Dustin was just depressing. They were never cheerful. 

The idea that they all were supposed to get used to it was the worst part. Mike didn't want to accept it and move on. He didn't want to forget Will and he definitely didn't want to forget El. He knew he still loved her, and the thought of her leaving his life made moving on impossible. 

Mike sat in his basement, contemplating what to do. Not 30 seconds after they had driven away, he had wanted to visit El and Will. Now more than ever, he wanted to see them. He needed to see them. 

Finally, Mike couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed a bag, which he had already packed full of food and clothing, and ran upstairs. His mother was on the phone so he interrupted her. 


"One second Mike." Mrs. Wheeler said returning to the phone. 


"What is it Mike! I'm on the phone." 

"You need to drive me to see the Byers."

"We have been over this Michael. I'm not going to drive you all that way. We can visit at Christmas but you need to move on..."

"I don't care." Mike said, interrupting her. He was emotional now, holding back tears. "I haven't moved on and I'm not going to any time soon. I'm going." Mike rushed to the door, ignoring his mothers objections.

He flung open the door and stared directly at Joyce. Her worried mother look was plastered on her face. 

"Michael honey." she said, clearly relieved to see him. "We have to talk..."

"Will!" Mike pushed passed Joyce to hug his friend, not even questioning their sudden reappearance. 

Mrs. Wheeler came to the door. "Hey Joyce." she said in a confused voice. 

"Hi Karen. Sorry about this, we just uh... forgot a few things at the house and Will wanted to see Mike." Joyce stared at Mrs. Wheeler, trying to figure out if she was convinced. 

"Anyway were going to be on our way now. Nice to see you!" Joyce shut the door in Karen's face and ushered Mike and Will back to the car. Jonathan drove the boys to the Byers old house while Joyce drove the truck.


"Okay go over it again, she didn't say anything about where she was going?" Mike questioned. They were all sitting around the Byers dinning room table.

"I already told you, all she said was she was going home. I assumed she meant back here to Hawkins... could she have meant somewhere else?" Joyce asked.

"No, this is her home." Mike said

"Maybe she she was going back to see her mother. Or maybe..."

"I said, this is her home!" Mike glared at Joyce, getting the point across.

"Okay, okay honey. I'm sorry. I am just trying to consider every possibility." 

"maybe she is just lost." Will suggested

Mike shook his head "She made it to Chicago last year all on her own, she wouldn't get lost."

"But she had her powers then." Will said. "Without being able to use the void..."

"She isn't stupid Will. She knows how to get home."

"I didn't say she was stupid. But..."

"Actually you did."

"Stop!" Jonathan interrupted their bickering. "This isn't helping. Mike, is there anyway to find her?"  

As she listened the boys voices faded and Joyce found herself thinking of old times again. She wished she could just call Hopper and ask for his advice. She knew he never liked the idea of her leaving Hawkins. 

Now she had literally lost his daughter just a few hours into the journey. she knew this wouldn't have happened if she had kept her family in Hawkins. Mom. 

"Mom!" Joyce snapped out of her trance. "We have to find Elevens sister." Will said.

Mike nodded "We have to find Eight."

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