Episode 1| Scene 6

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Everyone crowded into the Byers old living room. It reminded Joyce of the year before, after Bob had died. The mood was similar, everyone knew something was wrong. Joyce stood back from everyone else as El explained what had happened.

Joyce found herself thinking of Hopper for the millionth time. She could feel him beside her, ready to suggest a plan or give advice. Behind her a light flickered and she became distracted from the groups discussions.

She turned and followed the light down the hall. She knew she was being paranoid but she couldn't help but have déjà vu as she neared Will's old room. The door was closed at for a second she thought of returning to the group. Then, a sliver of light appeared from under the door and began flickering.

Her heart racing, she grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the door. All the lights inside were flickering in unison. One second it was dark and the next she was blinded. Joyce knew she should be frightened but somehow she wasn't.

She had this same feeling when Will was trying to communicate with her in the upside down although, the lights always flickered randomly then and this was more rhythmic.

Before she could alert the other, the lights suddenly stopped flickering and she was left in darkness. For some reason, she decided to keep this to herself. She new it would only worry the others. Maybe it was a creature in the upside down but it couldn't get to them. Not without a gate.

Joyce made her way back to the group. No one noticed she had been gone. She pushed aside her thoughts and tried to focus on what Eleven was saying.

"After Kali recovered, we started making our way back here. Kali thought the bus was to dangerous so we walked."

"You walked all the way to Hawkins?" Mike interrupted?


"But you just said..."

"Mike let her finish." Dustin said.

Eleven seemed unfazed by the boys interruption. "The first day something happened. Kali, she just... collapsed."

"We tried to help her." Mick said. "But something was seriously wrong. She looked like she was having a seizure or something. Then out of no where she just stopped and said she was okay. I wanted to go to a hospital but she insisted she was fine and that it was to dangerous to go to a hospital. "

"We slept outside that night, near a gas station. When we woke up Kali was gone." Mick explained everything slowly, making sure everyone understood. Eleven explained what happened next.

"We went looking for her. In the gas station. There was no one inside and then the door slammed open..." Eleven looked at Mike. "...I saw him."

"Saw who?" Mike asked

Eleven swallowed, and quietly answered.



1 week earlier

Brenner approached the office of General Gervasi with confidence. Brenner had given the general everything he had asked for over the past 2 years. Brenner was still a prisoner but he walked the rooms and corridors of the Kamchatka Soviet base freely from the trust he had earned.

Brenner still planned on trying to escape eventually, but for now he was willing to work with the Russians. They were providing him with protection from the US as well as providing him with everything he needed to open a gate yet again.

After Brenner's last attempt to make a gate was shut down by Eleven and her incredibly irritating friends, Brenner had been thrown back into the same prison cell he had woken up in 2 years ago.

The general though, had seen it was not his fault and let him try again to make a gate.

Brenner reached the Generals office and knocked loudly.

"Come in." A deep muffled voice answered.

Brenner opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind him.

"Good morning Comrade General." Brenner said in a somewhat well developed Russian accent.

"It is evening Martin." The general responded without looking up.

Brenner looked at his watched and silently cursed. "You needed to speak with me?"

"Yes, yes. Now that whole... incident, has been cleaned up with the US government, we can press forward. Unfortunately it has been decided that we will continue our attempts on Soviet soil."

"Comrade you know it is not possible..."

"Silence! I understand it is not possible with our current resources. But I can get you what you need."

Brenner stared at the General confused.

"Her powers have returned Martin. She was seen using them in Chicago. She is not weak either. She killed half a dozen of your American policeman."

Brenner took in this information thinking.

"With her powers she can can open the gate even here yes?" The General questioned

"Theoretically yes, but there is no way to capture her without the US government knowing."

"That, is no longer true." The general picked up a phone and dialed an extension. "Bring him in." He said and hung up. Brenner waited to see who would enter and how they would be of assistance capturing Eleven.

The door clicked and a young man walked in. He looked to be in his early 20s. His face was familiar but Brenner couldn't remember him. The man stuck out his hand.

"It is a pleasure to be working with you again."

Brenner shook his hand, staring at the mans tattoo. "004"

"Hello Papa."

<< End episode 1 >>

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