Episode 2| Scene 1

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Hopper stared at Joyce, a smile spreading on his face. There was electricity and energy shooting between them but he could still make out her face. He gave her a nod, knowing everyone would be okay. He knew that Joyce would take care of Eleven and that maybe everything would finally go back to normal in Hawkins.

Joyce's fingers reached the second key and they made eye contact one last time. The machine got louder and start shooting electricity Hopper turned and ran toward the gate. He jumped from the catwalk and hit the floor running.

Just before he reached the gate the machine exploded and he was thrown forward. His feet passed through the gate but his head smacked the still very solid wall. Hoppers body almost passed into the upside down as he was knocked out.


(back at the Byers house)

"Wait you saw Brenner!?" Mike yelled in confusion and fear.

"I saw Papa but it wasn't him." Eleven responded. "It was just ... like a picture"

"An image." Mick said, correcting Elevens grammar. "Kali convinced Eleven's mind that Brenner was there."

"Actually she convinced all of us." Funshine added. "All three of us saw him."

"Wait your telling me Kali did that to Eleven? What for, as some sort prank?" Mike responded confused.

Funshine answered in his deep but convincing voice, "She wouldn't do that. Something made her. Someone convinced her to do that."

"This doesn't make any sense, why would someone want you to see Brenner?" Mike asked.

Eleven replied "Kali didn't just make me see Papa. He spoke to me. He told me he needed me. He said he needed me back and that if I didn't do what he said, he would..." Eleven's voice trailed off.

"What? He would do what El?" Mike questioned eagerly,

"He would kill all of you." Eleven wispered, pointing at the surrounding group. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

"Then what?" Will asked.

"Then I threw a shelf through him."

"You what?" Mikes asked in a surprised voice once again.

"She used her powers to throw a shelf of food at him. It just passed right through and that's when we knew he wasn't real." Mick explained. "After that we looked more for Kali but couldn't find her. We haven't seen her since."

Everyone started talking about what to do and whether or not they should look for Kali. Eleven backed away from the group and gave Mike a look. He followed her out of the room.

They both entered the kitchen and just before Mike could ask what Eleven wanted, she spoke.

"I think that someone made Kali's mind do it."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell-pa-fee" Eleven stuttered

"You mean telepathy?? You think there is someone else like you and Eight?"

Eleven nodded. Mike took a step back and sighed, taking in this information.


"Yeah El?"

"I think that Papa..." Eleven struggled to finished her sentence. "I think that Papa really is still alive."

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