Episode 3| Scene 5

177 4 6

Long chapter. 1500 words!

If Steve's BMW wasn't weighed down by Mike, Eleven, Kali and Joyce, who were all jammed into the small car, it probably would have flown off the road as Steve sped around each turn.

 They were driving the airport as fast at they could with the rest of the group following in Jonathan and Joyces car, though they couldn't keep up with Steve who was now now weaving through cars on the highway. 

"How much farther?" Steve yelled. 

"I don't Know!" Miked yelled back, staring at the map speed out on his lap. He was sitting in the back of the car with Eleven on his left and Kali on his right. Joyce rode shot gun. "Which exit is this?" 

Joyce squinted, trying to read the road signs in the dark,

"172!" She yelled back over the sound of the engine. 

"Here! Get off here!" 

Steve turned the wheel and cut across two lanes of traffic and onto the exit ramp. He barely slowed down at a red light before peeling west on route 22 through the city and toward the airport. 


Once Will was tied down in the helicopter, 004 lifted his "emperium". That what Brenner had called his powers. 004 remembered Papa telling him it was Latin or something. Anyone under his emperium was in his control. 

As soon as 004 stopped concentrating, Will started yelling, asking where he was though his voice was hard to here over the helicopter. 004 didn't care. He climbed into the seat next Will so he could keep an eye on him.

The pilot, probably Russian, flipped a few switches and then pushed the throttle forward and the helicopter started to rise. 004 relaxed, tired from controlling Will for so long. Through the windscreen he saw a pair of headlights on the runway, approaching rapidly through the darkness.

"Let's go!" 004 yelled at the pilot who saw the headlights as well. He pushed the throttle all the way forward, and moved the yolk so the helicopter rolled to the side and began to accelerate away from the car. Will was now silent, trying to figure out what was going on.

Suddenly the helicopter shudder and came to a stop as if it was tether to the ground. The engine whined in protest and the RPMs increased. 

"What's going on!" The pilot yelled, cursing as he tried to regain control of the helicopter. 

"I don't know it must be the girl!" 004 yelled back. 

Will whispered to himself, "Eleven." 


Mike, Steve, Kali and Joyce all stood around Eleven who was bleeding from both nostrils, her face sweating from exertion but the helicopter was stayed put almost 100 feet in the air. 

Kali stepped forward. "Find the anger. Concentrate on it."

Eleven closed her for a second. When she reopened them, she felt the pressure drop around her, she could feel herself almost lifting off the ground. The engine got even louder as the helicopter began to descend. 

Everyone else sighed in relief, once the helicopter was on the ground it would be five of them against 004. Without any warning, there was a loud crack and everyone watched as the rotors literally tore themselves to pieces. The helicopter started to free fall, accelerating toward the ground with Will still inside. 

Eleven quickly glanced over at Mike, seeing the fear in his eyes. She turned back to the Helicopter and concentrated on its mass, trying to slow it down. She had both hands infront of her, channeling energy, her face was covered in blood and sweat but she didn't blink. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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