Episode 2| Scene 6

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Once they had arrived at the Byers new house, everyone went to sleep except El, who stayed up. She was too distracted by the Brenner's and Kali's disappearance. She thought about visiting Kali in the void but if she was flayed like Billy, then she may able to control Eleven in the void as Billy had.

Eleven also tried to figure out what they should do next. In the past, Hopper would make that decision but now she had to make it herself. She had to decided what was best for the group without putting her friends in danger.

She didn't doubt that whatever was controlling Kali and the Brenner's was looking for them. If she tried to find Kali in the void it could give away their location. El tried not to consider the possibility that the Mind Flayer was back, trying to find them.

After spending hours debating wether or not to return to Hawkins, El finally decided they should visit Ray. Before she went to sleep, she put on a blindfold and looked for him in the void. He was still at the same house he had been in the year before.

El knew he had more information about Papa than he had let on last time. If they could get Ray to talk, maybe they could figure out where Papa was, assuming he really was alive. Eventually El managed to fall asleep despite everything that was distracting her.


Eleven woke, still tired. She had slept terribly. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was making the wrong decision visiting Ray. Despite this, once everyone else was awake, she told them her plan and they agreed to go and see him. After a rushed breakfast, the group began the long drive back toward the Midwest and toward Ray.

About 16 hours later Jonathan pulled up to Rays apartment complex. After he parked and turned off the engine everyone was silent for a few seconds. Eleven took initiative and opened the car door, stepping out into the dark and surprisingly cold night.

They had driven the entire day and everyone was tired. Eleven tried to clear her mind, reminding herself of their goal. Once everyone was out of the car, they made their way inside and upstairs, finding Rays apartment.

Eleven used her powers to quietly unlock and open the door. They all made there way inside with Eleven leading. Eleven poked her head around the corner, looking into the living room, expecting Ray to be sitting in the chair like last time.

Instead, Ray was standing frozen looking directly at her with a phone a few inches from his face. He dropped the phone and it fell against the wall, dangling from the cord. Mick ignored Ray and made her way to the other room to take care of Rays children.

Sunshine took a step forward, placing his hands on Ray's shoulders and forcing him against the wall.

"Don't move." Funshine said, taking a step back so he was positioned somewhat between Ray and the rest of the group. Ray nodded, his body still pressed against the wall.

"We're not going to hurt you." Joyce said to Ray while glaring at Funshine. "We just have some questions." She added and then nodded at Eleven. Eleven took a few steps forward so she was right in front of Ray.

"Where is he?" Eleven said. "Where is Papa."

"I- I don't know."

"Bull-shit." Eleven said, spitting out the two words. Ray whimpered before he spoke again.

"He was here. Last year before you came here. He wanted my help in Russia with something but I told him no. He tried to threaten me but he was alone so I told him I was calling the cops and he fled. I thought he was gone for good but then a few months ago he came back. He had Russians with him. Brenner told me if I didn't cooperate he would..." Ray choked on his words, "He told me he would take them from me."

"Who?" Eleven said. Suddenly, Mick burst back into the room.

"There's only one." she said. She looked at Ray. "Where is your other daughter?"

Ray broke down completely. Eleven suddenly understood that Brenner had taken Ray's daughter.

"Keep talking." Funshine said emotionless. Once Ray stopped sobbing he continued.

"He took both of them from me. Both my children, my only family. I had to get them back so I told him I would help him as long as he let me go. He agreed and I went to help him with his... project."

"Project?" El asked

"Rebuilding the gate in Hawkins. When that failed, Brenner became the Russians prisoner again. The Russians blamed him for the gate failing. They let me go with the understanding that I would help them again soon. They also kept Anna as... Security. To make sure I would help them again. I haven't seen her in months."

Everyone was quiet, taking in what Ray had said.

"Now you know what it's like." El said. Ray starred back blankly. "Now you know what its like to have your FAMILY taken away from you!" Eleven yelled in Rays face. Without even realizing it, she used her powers to press Ray against the wall. "Why did you do it?" Eleven said, still yelling. "Why did you hurt Mama!"

"He said she was sick." Ray choked out quickly. Behind him the wall began to crack at Eleven forced Ray backwards.

"You said that last time. Thats not a good reason."

"I know what I did was wrong." Ray said gasping for breath. I'm sorry for what I did to your mother but I didn't have a choice."

There was silence as Eleven stared at Ray, tears rolling down her face. Through her tears, there was a unmistakable deep hatred in her eyes. Ray looked back at her silently begging for mercy. Eleven swallowed and spoke.

"You did have a choice. But right now, I don't."

She took one last look at Ray crippled figure and then flicked her head without emotion. She turned, brushing past Joyce who frozen, her mouth parted slightly in disbelief. Behind her, there was a thud as Ray's limp body hit the floor.

<< End Episode 2 >>

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