Episode 3| Scene 4

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Eleven practically dragged Mike through the woods despite his protests. The glow of the Byers house was visible through the trees. Kali followed close behind them but she wisely kept clear of Mike who would occasionally stop his questioning to glare at her.

"El for the last time; can you please explain to me what just happened and why your sister tried to kill me?" 

Eleven ignored him. She didn't have time to explain.

"And why did I hear Will's voice?"

"It was just Kali trying to lure you to her." Eleven answered.

"But it was Will voice. Can Kali change her voice or something?"

Eleven stopped walking and looked at Kali who shook her head. 

"If it wasn't Kali then who was it?" Mike asked quietly, not knowing if he wanted an answer.

Eleven looked toward Kali again but her expression confirmed her fears. The screams Mike heard  really were Will's. Eleven didn't answer Mike. She started running toward the Byers house which was now only a short ways away.


The Byers home was already much too full but then there was a loud knock. Joyce leapt toward the door, hoping to see Will. Instead, the door swung open and Eleven walked in, followed by Mike and Kali. 

"Where is Will?" Eleven asked to group immediately. She already knew the answer. Everyones expression said that he wasn't there. "What happened?" Eleven said bluntly, addressing the entire room. Joyce was to emotional to reply so Nancy spoke up.

"We don't know. He disappeared about an hour ago. We hoped he went to find you but..." Nancy stared at her feet. 

"Now we have to look for him!" Jonathan said. "We should call the police and-"

"Really?" Nancy interrupted. "You think the police are going to be able to do anything? We know it was the Russians and theres nothing we can do." she said bluntly. Jonathan stared at her, mortified. Nancy quickly added, "But were going to figure something out. I'm sure he is fine." 

Nancy turned to Eleven and Mike. "What happened out their? Did you have any contact with Will?" Mike and Eleven looked at each other and then began to fill everyone in, leaving out the events at the quarry. Kali eventually stepped in an explained everything she knew about 004. Everyone was scared to know there were more like Eleven and Kali and they were especially frightened to learn he was trying to capture Eleven. 

Eventually Eleven managed to get away from all the questions. She stood back from the group thinking. 'what could have happened to Will. Did he really go looking for her and Mike or did someone take him?' Suddenly her thoughts were intercepted by the door opening. Eleven turned and saw Max walk in looking very confused.

"Max! Where have you been?" El said.

"I came as soon as I heard you guys were back. It's not my fault Lucas took three days to call me." Max said glaring at Lucas who mouthed the word sorry. Eleven smiled at Max and then gave her a hug. "I'm glad you're okay." Max said as they embraced. 

When they both stepped back, the room seemed to grow colder as Eleven remembered the situation they were in. Everyone was quiet. The three boys stood to her right and Max to her left. In front of her, Joyce was nervously pacing while wishing Hopper was with her. Kali stood by the door. Steve sat on the couch trying to comprehend what was going on. Nancy sat next to him contemplating their options while Jonathan nervously played with his shirt, desperate to do something in order to find his brother. In the corner of the room, Funshine and Mick stood silently waiting. 

Everyone slowly stopped what they were doing and looked at Eleven. She felt uncomfortable, knowing they were all waiting for her to say something. She knew what the logical decision was so she spoke up.

"I'm going to look for him. I'm going to look for Will in the void and then we can figure out what to do." She said it almost like a question, not knowing if everyone would agree. She didn't feel right in charge of everyone. Normally it would be Hopper's job. 

Eleven made her way past everyone and down the hall to Will room. It only seemed right to do it in there. She turned the radio between channels so there was static and then found a shirt and tied it over her eyes. 

Just before she started, she heard footsteps and felt someone sit on the floor next to her. She didn't have to take off her blindfold, she knew it was Mike.

Eleven concentrated on Will image and then suddenly, she was in the void. 

Will was walking slowly, his posture very straight. Eleven walked next to him though she was invisible to Will. Eleven looked into his eyes and just as she suspected, they were almost entirely black. 

"Will where are you going. Tell me where you are!"

Will didn't answer but a street sign materialized next to him. 

"LAF terminal A." Eleven read out loud. 

"The airport? He's at the airport!?" Mike asked.

Eleven tore off her blindfold. "Yes. And he close."

"He's going to get on a flight. They're probably taking him to Russia or some secret base." Mike was yelling now, almost panicking. "We have to go. Right. Now."  

I'm back :)

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