A/N and Recap(Ep. 1 & 2)

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Thank you to everyone who has been reading this book. I never thought it would get this many reads and its definitely motivating me to write more. As I get used to being back in school ill get back to updating twice a week or more. If you have any suggestions for the book I would love to hear them so comment of pm me. Also don't forget to vote/leave comments it makes me feel important. 


Since I've been updating so slowly and some of you have probably forgot what happened in the story I thought I would leave a quick recap. There some stuff I wrote about in the first few parts of episode 1 that I don't plan on bringing up again until later episodes and I don't want you all to be confused. sorry this probably has a ton of spelling errors in it. don't read it if you don want to.

Episode 1 (in order by part)

Eleven runs away from Byers on their way to the Byers new house. She goes through Chicago on her way back to Hawkins and finds Kali, Mick and Funshine in a fight with cops. Eleven uses her returning powers to take care of the police. Dottie and Axel die before El gets there. 

There is a flashback of Brenner waking up in Russian Prison after end of season 1. the Russians tell him he must help them make a gate in Russia.

On their way to Hawkins, something takes over Kalis mind and forces her to make an hologram of brenner appear before eleven. Funshin and El make there way back to Hawkins not knowing what happened to Kali.

The Byers get back to Hawkins and immediately Joyce tells mike about Eleven running away. Everyone including Nancy, dustin and Lucas go to the Byers old house to discuss elevens disappearance. They decide they should go to Chicago and look for El there. On the way, mike gets a weird feeling and insists they need to turn around. When everyone gets back to Hawkins they find Funshin, mick and EL at the Byers house. Mike and EL reunites and they share information. 

El tells mike she thinks Brenner is still alive. 

The final scene of episode 1 is Brenner in the Russian base, 1 week prior to the rest of the story (so after the gate it closes in season 3 but before Byers leave Hawkins) The Russian general wants Brenner to try and make the gate again but in Russia. Brenner tells him it is not possible in Russia if they do not have eleven. the Russian general then bring a boy into the room that will help them capture eleven. the boy is 004

Episode 2

Episode 2 starts out with a flashback from hoppers pov as he dives for the gate as Joyce blows up the Russian machine. he almost makes it but not quite.

there is a quick pop from kali as she walks toward an unknown body of water with 004 next her controlling her.

Funshine reveals that Brenner has a brother (Zack Brenner).  They all decide Zack could have information about the real Brenner or about what had controlled kali. Eleven uses her powers to find him in the void. El sees Zack playing with his son while his wife watches. El realizes that is what a family is supposed to be like and blames herself for preventing the Byers from having that. 

Joyce, Jonathan, Funshine, mick and el all go to visit Zack in Vermont. Everyone else remains in Hawkins. Everything seems normal until they try and leave and Zack tells them they can't leave. His eyes turn black as if something is controlling him. They all run away but Zack and his possessed family don't follow. The group decided to travel to Ray and see if he knows anything. 

When they get to rays, it doesn't take much threatening for him to tell them everything. Brenner had approached him before, asking for help rebuilding the gate. Eventually Ray said yes after Brenner took one of his daughters. Ray still hadn't gotten his daughter back. Despite the fact that ray cooperated, eleven kills him out of anger. 

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