Episode 3| Scene 2

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Mike broke into a sprint without thinking. He took a half dozens strides and then dove forward, trying to put himself between Eleven and the cliffs edge.

He wasn't very athletic, but fear and adrenaline sent him father than he thought he could make it. He seemed to glide for a second in the air before plowing into Elevens shoulders and knocking her sideways.

There was a brief second of relief knowing that she was safe before he realized his mistake. Mike tried to correct his dive but still hit the ground hard. He dug his hands into the dirt but momentum carried his feet over over the cliff's edge. He felt his legs slide off the rock and enter thin air. Just as he thought his whole body would slide off the cliff, he hands struck a crevice that he managed to grip onto.

His body came to a sudden stop and there was a loud pop as his left shoulder dislocated from the force. He let out a scream that echoed off the quarries walls. Mike let his left hand go limp, holding onto the rock with only his right arm.

Immediately his arm begin to shake from exhaustion. He hand was sweating so much that he began to slip. He tried to get a better grip on the small rock but his fingers only slipped more. He glanced at the water far below, hoping he would clear the rocks if he fell.

"Mike!" Eleven voice reached his ears and Mike shook away thoughts of letting go. He looked up and Eleven was kneeling, reaching down toward him. He gritted his teeth and swung his injured arm up toward her. She grabbed his hand and he let out an involuntary gasp as his shoulder erupted in pain.

He almost blacked out as she began to pull up. His arm felt like it was going to rip free from his shoulder. He used his right hand to pull him self up so that his chest was on the cliff. Eleven let go of his hand and grabbed the back of his pants, pulling him completely onto solid ground. Eleven collapsed on the ground next him and for a few seconds they both regained their breath. Eventually Mike spoke up.

"Why didn't you use your powers to lift me up?" He asked. Eleven stared at him.

"I don't know."

"Wouldn't have hurt my arm as much." Mike mumbled

"I could use my powers to throw you off the cliff." Eleven said angrily but when Mike looked at her she was smiling. He laughed at her joke but they quickly returned to silence again as Mike remember why this had all happened in the first place. He still couldn't process what Eleven had been trying to do.

"Look El. About what happened..." he stopped trying to find the right words. Eleven stared back at him blankly. "What were you trying to do?" Mike said. At first, Elevens expression did not change. Eventually she let out a painful sigh that Mike felt deep  in his heart.

"Mike... I-" Eleven choked on her words. She tried to take a deep breath and find her voice again but she started crying uncontrollably. After a few seconds she gave up fighting the tears and started completely sobbing. Mike reached out with his good arm and pulled her against him. El buried her head in his shoulder, soaking his shirt with her tears.

"It's okay El." Mike said quietly. "You're okay."

Eleven kept crying for a few minutes but eventually her sobs faded to a sniffling and she pulled away from Mike's embrace. Eleven looked at the ground to avoid Mike's eyes. She wiped her face and finally answered his question.

"I thought that if I jumped... if I really jumped, then it would be over. I would be gone."

"Why El?"

"I saw it in a movie once if you jump from really high up..."

"No I know what happens Eleven. I meant why would you want to do that?" Mike asked. Eleven waited a second to answer.

"If I'm dead then you will be happy."

"What?!" Mike yelled. "How would that make me happy El? I would never want that."

"But if I was gone, then no one else will die. Papa only wants me. I'm the reason that people are dying. Hopper died because of me. If I hadn't come into your lives, nothing would have changed. Will wouldn't have moved away Mike."

Mike was quiet. He would never say it but he knew some of this was true. He thought for a minute about what to say.


"Yes Mike."

"You may be right. Maybe things wouldn't have changed if you hadn't found us in the woods."

Mikes tone became more positive. "But whats the point of life if nothing ever changes. I wouldn't trade that moment in the woods for anything. I can't imagine my life without you, I don't want my life to go back to how it was before I met you. None of us do. We all love you and you're one of us now. You're a member of our party remember?" Mike said, while Eleven let out a small smile. "Without you, the party would be broken. We need you."

Mike reached out taking Eleven's hand and smiling.

"I love you El. Okay?"

Eleven smiled back. "Okay Mike. I love you too."

Mike leaned in and placed his lips on Eleven's. It lasted a few seconds and then Eleven pulled away so she could bury her face in Mike's shoulder. Mike slid closer and wrapped his arm around her.

"Never try to leave me again."

"I won't"



A few minutes later they were walking hand in hand toward home.


Anyone who think this is unrealistic or offensive, I'm sorry. I did the best I could writing it.

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