Radiant (Vol I) - Chapter twenty nine

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Chapter 29
"Okay, what's up?"

She played with her fingers and avoided to look at me. A small grin danced around my visage. Despite how biologically unrelated she and Levi were, they had surprising similar characters. She was acting just like Levi whenever he was nervous and I found it sweet. "I'm sorry."

I wasn't sure I heard it clearly. Was she really apologizing or did I imagine that? "What did you say?"

She repeated her words. "I'm sorry." She finally looked me in the eye and continued. "I was unnecessarily mean to you that day and you didn't deserve that. I'd been thinking for days about what you said and you're right. I needed to earn their respect, but I was too arrogant to see that. I've been wanting to apologize to you for days, but I never had the opportunity, until now. I hope you accept my sincerest apology, because it's a really rare thing for me to do."

"What's the change of heart?"

"I don't know. I just feel guilty. It's hard not to, when people always have something to say about me, no matter how hard I try."

"I accept your apology. I really do. I wasn't expecting you to apologize, so I'm really amazed. It's a brave thing you did. I'm glad you didn't let your pride get in the way."

"I'm just glad I got the chance to do so. I almost wanted to chicken out. It's not something I always do. Apologize."

"I'm not the only one that needs an apology. Levi deserves one. He's been really patient with you and you've been testing him."

She rubbed the back of her neck, bashfully. "You're right. I really should. It's just hard not to get pissed off at him. He has what I call the 'Saviour's Syndrome'. He always carries the fate of everyone on his tiny shoulders and thinks he can fix everything. It's so exhausting watching him put himself through all that and I blame my father for that. Vikram Caden always made him feel responsible for people and now, Levi can't live his damn life, without feeling guilty. That's what the 'Savior's syndrome' does. Makes him live for others, and not himself."

I always knew that. He always burdened himself about others and pushed me the hell away, so he wouldn't fail the people around him. I had no idea how he lived like that and couldn't imagine putting myself in such situation. "I completely understand how it feels."

Zuri nodded, then rubbed the back of her neck again. "I should really join a domain soon."

"You should."

"I wouldn't want people to say shit about me behind my back and also wouldn't want to put Levi in trouble with the council. He already has enough on his plate."

"It's important you don't let either of that to happen."

A loop sided smile grew across her face "I'm off to the design team to sign myself in. It's nice talking to you. I will apologize to Levi and I'll try to cause less trouble. The latter part won't be easy, but I'll work it out."

"You should. You're a good person, underneath it all. You should let the world see that." Her loop sided smile turned to genuine one and it seemed to appease her.

After yet another successful rescue mission, I gave myself the chance to finally watch tv. I hadn't even watched anything since I came, so I was excited to watch something. Most of my favorite shows were on, on different stations and I fist pumped excitedly.

Laurena's voice hummed "What are you watching?"

I almost jumped in startle. I had no idea she had even walked in. She was so sneaky like that. "A sitcom. It's called 'Mom'."

"Can we try something else?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Some French movies. With subtitles for you to keep up with. I miss seeing my favorite actors."

"Oh yeah, you're French my birth. I always keep forgetting that fact."

"I don't even want to know how you already knew that. Can we just watch this instead?"

"After my sitcom. I promise. Wait, what channel even shows French movies?"

"I got some on dvd."

My eyes widened. "How did you get them?"

Her eyes twinkled. "Don't worry yourself about that."

I sent her a dubious look, but decided to let it slide. "Fine. But I better like the movie."

Laurena snorted. "It's the best. It's called Amelie. It's a classic and my guilty pleasure."

"We'll see about that."

She said nothing and sat on the floor, next to me and stared weirdly at me, as I watched my sitcom.

I turned my head to her. "Stop staring. It's creepy."

Laurena blushed slightly "Sorry. I'm just trying to understand what you like about this. It's hard not to, since I can feel so much of your emotion. I'm usually in control, so I apologize about that."

"Okay. I like it cause it's funny and the characters are lovable. What's not to like about that?"

"I don't like comedy."

"I promise you'd like this. Trust me".

Her gaze landed on me, but she uttered no word. We both sat in reticence and watched television together.

The Radiants Chronicons :  Vol. I & II Of The Radiants Duology SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now