Defiant (Vol. II) - chapter eight

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Chapter eight

Making a full fledged turbo machine had me pulling an all nighter. Juan and I had to help Olu in any way we can, though he was annoyingly adamant on getting rid of us. Feeling awfully claustrophobic in that small room, I led myself out of the warehouse, and onto the open field right in front of it.

I narrowed my eyes, when I saw a figure moving in the dark. Almost by instinct, I raced quietly to the retreating figure of the intruder draped in a black hoodie, readying myself to attack, when I felt a pair of arms grab me, and flipped me over. My back slammed against the floor, and closed my eyes tightly, letting out a loud groan.

"Tamar?" The oddly familiar voice said. I blinked my eyes open, and pressed my lips into a tight line, when I saw who it was.

"Kiitan." My gaze locked with his impressive set of sandstone eyes, as he pushed his hood down, revealing his handsome face.

Kiitan smirked. Cocky bastard. "Need a hand?"

I slapped his hand away. I didn't want to bother pretending that I liked him. I pulled myself off the ground. "I don't need your help."

"That's quite ironic, since you and your friends live under my roof. I'm sure you need plenty of my help."

A frown graced my features. "Not by choice. If it were up to me, I'd get help from somewhere else."

He cocked his head to the side. "I have a feeling you don't like me one bit."

"Am I supposed to?"

He took a step closer. "I'm not the enemy, you know. I'm just doing what I have to."

"And what is it you have to do?"

He took another step forward. He moved dangerously close, until his body was only an inch away from mine. "To take care of the people I swore to protect. We may not be good enough for the council, but I made a promise to do all I could for them. I intend to keep that promise."

"What do you mean by "good enough" for the council?"

The corner of the lips curled up. "Your council is full of biased wealthy lot who only pick those who are worthy to be picked."

I narrowed my eyes. "You have to give me a little more detail than that."

He shrugged. "They only save the middle class and the wealthy. Poor people don't make the cut."

"What the hell are you talking about? I know a couple of kids like that. My friend Kore practically came from nothing, but he's one of us."

"Then maybe they saw him as an asset. Tell me, is he skilled?"

I frowned. "Yes. Just like a lot of us."

Kiitan remarked. "I know what I'm saying. They left the poor alone. The ones they thought didn't deem fit for their grand plan. My uncle had been left to pick up the pieces, and we had to survive on our own. So quit judging who I am, and start learning to fend for yourself around here."

Needing to change the subject, I inquired. "What the hell were you doing here? Roaming around like a thief."

"I don't think I owe you an explanation on my activities, but since, you're curious, I'll let you know. I just needed to see someone. To get an information."

My face became guarded. "Are you leaking secrets about us?"

He gave a short chuckle. His handsome face relaxed unusually. "Even if I were, I highly doubt that I would tell you. Like I said, I owe you no explanations what I do on my territory."

"That's not the answer I asked for."

"I should be the one asking questions here. What are YOU doing so late at night trying your best to attack innocent people?"

My cheeks flamed. "I wasn't attacking you. I thought you were an intruder. I was working on the turbo engine, and decided to take a break outside, that's all. Besides, I don't owe you any explanation."

His voice turned stern. "Around here you do. You need to realize that Levi might call the shots on your small team, but when you're with us, you need to know that I call the shots here. Do you understand?"

I tightened my fists and raised my head to his. His once teasing eyes, turned dark and unreadable. I was beginning to like him less and less. "Understood."

I headed back to where my friends were. I didn't need to hear what else Kiitan had to say. I've never liked arrogant people. They reminded me of the douche bags I had to avoid in school, and a lot like Sergeant Chidi, the asshole that took me away from my family. 

Juan looked at my face. "Everything okay? You looked a little pissed off."

"Levi better be quick with his plan, because I don't think I can stay here for long."

Olu paused from his work, and raised his head. "The people here don't want to talk to us. I'm used to living in solitude, but this feels very hostile."

I agreed. "Exactly, I especially don't like that Kiitan guy. He's arrogant as hell."

Juan frowned. "I agree that Kiitan's a douche, but I don't get why you're so bothered by him. We've dealt with douches in the past, especially Aliyah and her supporters, but they don't get to you like he does."

A flare of heat exploded in my cheeks. "He doesn't get to me."

"If you say so, Tamar."

Olu grunted. "Can you guys help me with some stuff? This engine can't fix itself."

Juan teased. "I thought you didn't need our help."

He grumbled. "Just come over. I need to finish this before daybreak."

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