Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter thirty two

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Chapter thirty two
Vikram Caden. The powerful Radiant hero I respected throughout my younger days. I wanted to be like him. A Radiant for all Radiants. I always overlooked most of the things I heard in the Clandestine about him, because I believed he was an older Radiant who had see different things. But this was unacceptable. He wasn't a Radiant. He was a fake, whose actions insulted a whole specie on its own. No wonder Odell wants nothing to do with him. I had never heard anyone try something like this. What was his endgame? World Domination?

I turned back at the shelf which sat dozen sets of monotonous dark orange contact lens, that was sealed from the rest of the world. My head whirled back to Vikram Caden, who stood in shock and I could feel the anger running through Levi's face.

Vikram interlocked his hands together. Thick British accent swept over our ears. "You have to understand, I had a good reason for—"

"A good reason for lying to the world for decades? I swear I'd love to hear it. Though I suspect it won't hold weight. I'm truly suspecting you're a bored rich man, looking for some excitement in a rather morbid world, takes on a new life that suits him because he loves the danger attached to it and manipulated the world around them, pretending to be a part of a minority group for your own satisfaction. I bet you're thrilled with yourself. You took me in, raised me into something you're not. Lied to me and I grew up feeling I wasn't good enough, when all you've made yourself to be, is a lie." Levi ranted furiously.

I added. "I looked up to you. I wanted to be in a school I believed would protect my kind and threw out everything else. If I knew you were  a fraud, I wouldn't have tried so hard."

Levi tightened his grip on his knuckles. "What would drive a man to pretend to be something he's not? You know what, I don't want to know. Nothing justifies this. I need some air."

Levi swept past my side and out of the door, ignoring his distraught father standing at its entrance. I tried to go after him, until Vikram Caden quickly gripped my arm. "Let him go. It's not use."

I struggled to break free. "Let go of me. I'll worry about that. Not you."

"Whenever he's that pissed, he runs towards his bike to take a ride, so you can't catch up if you try. He'll be back."

I stopped trying to wriggle free, to glare at him. He let go of his strong grip on me, almost stumbling me back. "This is all your fault. From the day, you entered his life, my sweet obedient boy became rebellious."

I seethed. "You broke him the minute you molded him into something he isn't. If he never recovers from this, I'll never forgive you."

Vikram muttered. "No need. I won't forgive myself if he didn't, either."

"Then why do you do the things you do?"

Vikram cleared his throat. "I didn't drag you back, so I could try to get your sympathy. It's worthless to me. I did this because I have something to tell you."

"I'm not listening to anything you say."

Vikram Caden crossed his arms over his shirt. "Well you would, because it's about your mom." My eyes bulged, the moment he mentioned my mom.


I found myself back in the main living room, seated in the comfortable leather sofa I had greatly admired when I first stepped foot inside the Manor. Vikram Caden had placed himself in a seat, far from me but his presence still remained close enough to intimidate me.

Vikram Caden's lips curled up. "Who knew this would be what would make you calm. You were always a spitfire. I had no idea you could be quenched just by a drop of water."

For a man who had just been outed, he was acting oddly at ease. Maybe because he didn't feel threatened by me. He just saw me as an insignificant sixteen year old that was in his way. Levi was his concern. With his son gone, he was back to his arrogant self. "What happened to my mother? Did you do anything to her?"

An eyebrow arched. "Your mother is of no concern to me, but something will happen to her, if she continues what she's up to."

I gritted my teeth. "Are you threatening her?  Because I know that you're an imposter."

Vikram Caden chuckled. "Threaten her? I'm saving you because of things I've heard. Now that I think of it, I finally see where you get your temper from. Elohor Adu has quite her moments."

My nose crinkled. "What are you talking about? Say it, sir."

"Your mother rallied up some other Radiant mothers, who have lost their children to the Refinement facility and has been protesting over the main government office for some days now. She even has an online site with petitions from thousands of people for the release of your friends. Kree Badmus practically runs the media, so it's impossible for news about it to float. What he wants, is what is heard, so it'll be easier to get rid of her. I have people on the inside, that are willing to share such information and I assure you, she's really getting his attention."

I couldn't help smiling. "She did that?  I'm so proud of her."

His jaw ticked. "Proud of her? She's going to get herself killed. Before you get yourself excited, remember that the dictator is on the edge. They'll kill her without remorse. If they do, everything you've worked hard for, would be pointless without your sweet little mother."

"And why, all of a sudden, are you concerned about her? Is this your way of making me do your bidding?" I narrowed my eyes. Even his "concern" didn't seem believable.

Vikram Caden relaxed himself in the sofa. The corners of his lips twitched. "I don't know why you think so poorly of me. I have never done anything without doing it for the good of Radiants."

"Is that your excuse for pretending to be one?"

His face darkened. "I don't expect you to understand, so I'll advice you to drop it. I do advice you to have a chat with your mother, to stop whatever she thinks she's doing. I have spent decades building my plan for Radiants' freedom. I won't let someone as measly as she is, ruin it."

I retorted angrily. "You can't talk to her like that."

"Fine, I'll stop. Happy now?" I scoffed at his attempt at humor, but he continued talking.  "Infact I want it done now. I'll get you a vehicle to take you to your parent's home. Take a ride. Meet your mom. End her stupid plan. Come back. That is all. Try to make sure you come back alive. My son loves you, for some reason, and your death would make things worse."

"Things are already worse and I won't let you tell me what to do."

Vikram Caden waved his hand dismissively. "Fine, don't do it. Let her continue. She's going to die anyway, so if it comes a little bit early, no big deal. Her death would just be a price to pay for nothing."

I could finally see why Levi couldn't refuse him. The man had a way with words. He knew what to say that you couldn't refuse to. He was brilliant. He knew it, and he damn as well knew he had me where he wanted me. "Stop it. I'll go now. That's what you want. You win."

His grin turned sardonic. "I haven't won yet. I'm only a step closer. When I win, the whole damn world will know."

The Radiants Chronicons :  Vol. I & II Of The Radiants Duology SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now