Radiant (Vol I) - Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter 45

"All packed." Zuri paused, to look at the suitcases around her. "Thanks, you guys. For helping me pack up my stuff. I don't think I'd have done any of this, this quick, without your help."

Levi shrugged "It's no problem. We've got time on our hands."

An unusual giddy look spread all over her face. "I'm so excited. I can't wait to start living there."

"While you're busy having fun, I'll be here missing you."

Zuri smirked. "Sweet sweet older brother, I bet that you'd forget all about me when I leave, as you did before. At least I'll finally be out of everyone's here. No more Crazy Zuri."

I frowned. "You're not crazy. You're far from that. You will be missed."

"Thanks. Can you help me take out my stuff to the garage? I'm sure they'd already been waiting for me."

Levi asked. "Aren't you going to say goodbye to anyone else? There must be people that you're close to."

Zuri replied firmly. "You of all people know that everyone sees me as a stuck up rich kid. Maybe I am, but I don't think anyone SINCERELY liked me here. Not that I blame them."

"That's not true. My friends like you."

Her laugh turned sardonic "There's a huge difference between being nice to someone, and actually liking them as a person. They are nice people, but I'm 110% sure that they don't like me. Sometimes, I don't like myself too, but I just shake it off, by ordering the most expensive wine and wearing the best clothes I've got. That always works."

A sad smile played at my lips. Despite her attempts to hide her sadness, I could see right through it. She really was a lonely girl, and I felt bad for her. "I hope you find what you're looking for, when you live with Dame Josie."

Her voice softened. "I hope so too."


Aliyah sneered at me. "You finally crawled your way in here. You're very smart. I've got to hand it to you. Let's see how long it lasts."

Levi walked into the council's office, with a determined look on his face. "Settle down, Aliyah. No one's in the mood for that."

Juan joked. "Sometimes I wonder why we even let her speak. She just gets more vindictive each day."

Aliyah glared. "One of these days, I'll slice your tongue out. That way you'd learn a thing or two about manners."

Laurena frowned. "Naturally I usually don't care about people's situations, but as your fellow foster sister, I'm greatly concerned about you. You're on the edge. You know that I can see and feel emotions, right?"

Aliyah's teeth gritted. "It's hard not to feel annoyed, when you're unfairly accused by members of the Global Council of Radiants, for speaking ills of the leader. Now everyone's on their toes with me, and it's all because of Levi and that darn snake, Tamar."

I shot her a look. "I'm getting sick of hearing you talk. If you're innocent, then you have NOTHING to worry about. They'll look into your case, whether you're guilty or not. So you have nothing to worry about, unless you actually did something."

Red added. "Unless there's something you're more concerned about. It's just an investigation. We'll all had our fair share of that."

Levi pointed out. "If you're more concerned about that, then I'll ask them to drop the charges. It doesn't look good on the Clandestine, if my vice is being investigated, for trying to implicate me."

T.j rubbed his jaw gently, looking deep in thought. "My biggest concern is how the Global Council of Radiants found out. Do you think they planted a mole among us?"

I had to say. "Let's not give in to any form of paranoia. I know how it's like to be wrongfully accused of being a traitor, and it would be unfair if we pin it on any innocent bystander. We still don't know how they know. It could be anything."

Levi's eyes flitted across all our faces. "She's right. That's why we need to be our best behavior. We can all be replaced, if more mishaps like this persist. It's important that we put EVERYONE in order, even ourselves, when we need to be."

We all hummed in agreement, then I asked "Sorry to interrupt, but I still don't know what my duties are, as an African Rep."

Levi explained. "Most of your times would be filled up with meetings. We hold our council meeting once a week, then we usually hold impromptu meetings, when unexpected situations arise. Since, you're an African rep, you would occasionally go to other African countries to meet up for the monthly continental meeting. Your free time would spent as a member of fight club, which you've already begun. You would have to give up being in the mechanics domain, since you won't have time for any of that. It's a really intense job and I hope you're ready for it."

I gulped. I had no idea that I would have alot to do. I really underestimated their jobs. Now, I understood why Laurena wasn't always around. "I am, and I'm grateful to be here."

T.j smiled. "We never had the chance to congratulate you, on being a part of us. So, on behalf of everyone here, I welcome you, as one of us."

I smiled back. "I'm honoured to be here."

Red cleared his throat. "Now let's get to the order of business."

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