Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve
I had work to do. To survive here, everyone had to plant something on the farm, and whenever it blossomed, they made use of trade-by-barter, as a means of exchange, instead of money. Kiitan's uncle always hated the ideology of money, so they made use of trade-by-barter instead. Since, my crop hadn't grown yet, I had to steal like a common robber, till what I planted could even grow yet. Worst of all, I had never worked on a farm before. I never needed to. This was a whole new world for me.

After my failed attempt at making my vegetable beds, I watered it and heaved in relief, when I was done. I hadn't even realized that I spent over five hours making it. I folded my arms and stared at the progress I made.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Kiitan coming forward and my breath hitched. God, what did he want?

I noticed the jar of water in his hand, and the distractingly megawatt smile he wore on his face. "I saw that you've been working your ass off for hours, so I got you this."

I took a sip from the glass cup. "Thank you. Don't you have work to do?"

Kiitan said, in mock surprise. "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't sound so cocky. It's annoying."

I sighed in content, when I looked through the valleys surrounding us. "It really is peaceful around here."

Kiitan mused. "A world away from the others. That's why I like it here."

"I do miss my family. I'm tired of being in a world away from them."

"Where do they stay?"

I absentmindedly said. "Lagos."

"Ondo's completely far from there, but I think we can make it before nightfall."

I frowned."What the hell are you saying?"

"It's time you visited your parents."

"Are you crazy? Levi would be pissed. I can't."

"I'm the leader, okay? This is your one chance to do it, or you'd never have that chance again. Are you in or not?" Kiitan pressed on.

I didn't know what to say, but I knew how badly I missed my parents. This was my one chance. Pressing my lips tightly, I responded. "I'm in."

Night time had already crawled in, and I couldn't believe that I was doing this. I was risking my safety for this, but Kiitan was sure that I wouldn't get caught. I wore the disguise I was given. It wasn't much, just contact lenses, a black wig, sunglasses, and a hoodie, but it still gave a slight difference to my face. Kiitan sat by my side throughout the journey and it gave me an odd confidence, that everything would be fine.

We eventually stopped the taxi in front of my house, and got out.

Kitan glanced at me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded, but deep down I wasn't sure that I was. What could I say to them? How would they react to everything? I shook off my doubts and rang the door bell.

It took a minute before I got a response, and the door opened, revealing my mother at the side. Mom looked drawn and had eye bags under her face. The once vibrant woman I knew, seemed to have lost all her spark, and it broke my heart to see her like this.

She asked. "May I help you?"

I took off the sunglasses, and watched the expression on her face change from shock to disbelief, in a matter of seconds. "It's me, Tamar."

"Oh God, that's not possible. How are you here?"

"It's a long story."

She immediately pulled me into her embrace. I really did miss her scent of strawberries. "No, no, no you can't be here. They told us you were dead. They gave us your body. We buried you three weeks ago. That's not—"

I exchanged looks with Kiitan. They told them that I was dead? Oh God. "Mom. We need to get inside and talk."

Mom led me in, and looked at Kiitan. "Who's he?"

"A friend. You can trust him. Where's dad?"

"Sleeping. I'll wake him up."

I let my eyes linger inside our home. Nothing had changed within almost five months. The living room still had that funny multicoloured flower pot, that my dad adored, and the oversized throw-pillows placed on the sofa. I hadn't realized how much I've missed all of this, and I fought back tears.

"Tamar." Dad's timbre voice sounded shaky, and I whirled around. I jumped into his arms, and let myself sink into the warmth I felt.

Dad mumbled. "We thought you died. I thought I failed you as a father. I'm so sorry, Tammy."

"Dad, it's okay. It's not your fault. They were just trying to get rid of us. I'm sorry too."

Mom spoke. "Let me wake your siblings up."

I voiced out. "No. I can't risk it. I want to see them, but what if any enforcement agent finds out that I came, I trust you and dad to lie for me, but those kids can't. I can't risk it. I'm sorry."

Mom interjected. "But they'll—"

"No, mom. Please. This is hard for me too. I just wanted to show you that I'm fine."

Dad frowned. "So you're leaving now."

"I'm afraid so. I can't stay any longer."

Mom begged. "Please stay and eat something. Let's talk."

I sighed. I didn't want to. Kiitan lips were pulled in a tight line. I let out another sigh. I didn't know if I would ever get a chance like this again. "Okay, fine. Let's do that."

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