Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

I needed to clear the air on whatever Kiitan insinuated to Levi, so I went towards where he sat alone to eat, and plonked myself next to him. "I wasn't around because I went to see my parents in Lagos. Nothing more."

Levi blinked. "You saw your parents? With him? What if you got caught?"

"Trust me, I was very careful."

Levi nodded. I was relieved that he wasn't pissed off about it. "I'm surprised you went with Kiitan. I just never imagined that he'd be the first one to meet your parents."

I waved my hand dismissively. "It's really nothing."

"No, it's not. I just never expected it to be Kiitan of all people."

I frowned. "What's wrong with Kiitan?"

"Nothing. He just used to make you so angry before, and now you two are —"

My voice raised slightly. "We're not."

"Doesn't seem like it." Levi pointed out. "Even if it is, you don't have to act guilty about it."

My voice lowered. "I'm not guilty."

Levi raised my chin. Our eyes met. "It's going to be fine. You're allowed to like him. We're not together anymore."

"I have a date with him tomorrow." I admitted.

Levi's smile slipped. "Oh. Have fun. We never had the chance to have a proper date. Maybe you'll have that moment finally."

"The underground life robbed us of a lot of things." Then a thought crossed my mind. "I need to tell you something. According to the government, we are dead. All of us. My parents "buried" me three weeks ago. Something shady is going on, and we've become their easy target."

Levi's face turned hard. His amber-orange eyes held a distracted look. "This is serious. Naturally, I would have asked for my dad's help, but I'm alienating him until I have a plan."

"Why would you want to alienate your dad at a time like this?"

His lips were pressed in a thin line. "It's complicated."

"I'm surprised he isn't doing something. They must have declared you dead too."

Levi didn't look unhinged. "I hardly doubt it."

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to understand Levi's words.

"That's what I need to find out. I think I actually need to reach out to my dad. I only hope he helps."

"Why wouldn't he help? You're his golden boy."

Casting one more wry look, he shook his head. "The last thing he'd ever do is to blow his cover, especially when he's so damn close."

If I wasn't confused by his previous words, I was now ten times more confused by this. "You need to make this clearer."

He looked around. He seemed careful to say those words. "I will. I promise. But not today."

I frowned. It seemed like he didn't want anyone around hearing whatever he planned on saying. "Okay, but you better not keep it to yourself."

Levi turned his head. I followed his gaze. Kiitan stood by the door talking to some people. "You should get going. Wouldn't want to give him the wrong impression."

I pursed my lips. "Right."

Laurena stared at me, as I put the finishing touches on my plain look. "You really are going on this date?"

"I want to, and Levi approves."

Laurena rolled her eyes. "Of course he approves. He's a gentleman. But deep down, I bet he hates it."

I sighed to myself. "It doesn't matter now. He broke up with me. I think I want this."

"If you want this, then go get it."

I sent her a quick smile, and took a look at my reflection. Once again, I was stuck wearing brown contacts to blend in with the crowd. Pairing it up with a dark blonde bob wig and sunglasses, did alter my looks a little. Feeling satisfied, I let myself out of the room.

Kiitan  stood outside the warehouse, dressed in a dark hoodie and denim jeans. He gave me a wide charming smile, that made her heart thump. "You look lovely. I didn't know you owned dresses."

I smirked at him. "Now you know. So where are we off to?"

"It's a private organic restaurant my uncle owns on the outskirts. You could take your sunglasses off there. No one would ever dare to rat you out there. It's the only place we Radiants are free to be ourselves."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, as I tapped the handle of my sunglasses. "Thank God. I was already getting sick of wearing this. It reminds me of a housefly's eyes."

Chuckling, he retorted. "Let's get going before it gets too dark."

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