Radiant (Vol I) - Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter 52

Our drive back home was long and exhausting. Our journey of twelve hours when we came, was soul draining, and the journey back was just as tiring. I gave a sigh of relief when I realized how close we were, getting home.

Juan frowned. "It isn't fair that those radiants were getting murdered unfairly in that country. I don't know why they won't tell us what country it is."

T.j said quietly "I heard it's a third world country, that can't afford to take care its citizens, talkless of radiants that depend on a special form of renewable energy to breathe."

"I hope that doesn't happen in this country. It would be so messed up." A girl I didn't know, added.

My voice perched up. "Things already are messed up. We just need to find a way to live through it."

Levi sent me a sad smile, and squeezed my hand softly. "We would."

I lowered my voice. "Sorry about yesterday."

He chuckled. "I was just about to say that too. Are we good?"

"Yeah. You're right. Maybe we should be soft on them. It's not like they are causing any harm. Aside from the murder of those kids and the abduction of us from our homes. No biggie."

His lips turned up amusedly. "Sarcasm? Right now. In our tender moment. You're ruining this, Tam."

I grinned. "Oh. So I'm Tam now. What happened to when you called me your πανεμορφη ?"

"You are my πανεμορφη. I just think calling you Tam, is much more fun."

Laurena narrowed her eyes. "Are you two done already? We have ears, so we can hear you, no matter how far away you sit."

I blushed, while Levi only smirked.

Juan wisely helped to change the subject. "I do miss the hotel bed. King sized bed are so damn fluffy. Never thought I'd see that."

A guy chimed in. "Exactly, and we got to see some hot girls. Eloise is gorgeous and she definitely knows it."

T.j gave an amused laugh. "You can quit perving on her. You do that everytime we see her. It's weird."

I just stared at T.J. I definitely have never seen him laugh. Even his laughter sounded quiet. So odd.

Laurena told the guy. "The Eloise I know, would definitely break your hand in two, if you dared to come close to her."

The guy grumbled. "She's tough as hell. I've certainly heard about that."

I chuckled, at their interaction. I knew who Eloise was, and never even tried talking to her. Even from afar, she looked so damn intimidating, so I knew when to back off and not befriend. I had enough lessons from Laurena, to stay away from a person that's emotionally closed off.

Levi's phone rang, as our vehicle entered into the Clandestine's garage. Levi looked through the window, and something definitely distracted him well enough, that he didn't bother picking up the phone.

I followed his gaze, and gasped. Everything in the garage was either broken or completely tarnished. There were yellow tapes covering the front of the garage, which we quickly ran through. Levi quickly put his phone on silent and placed his finger in a hush. His voice turned quiet. "There are weapons in the boot, and I want you all to hold on to one."

Mubarak stammered. "What's going on?"

Laurena glared. "Shut up and do what he says."

Mubarak gave a small nod, but I could see fear flash in his eyes. We all got out of the vehicle, with guns in each of our hands, and stealthily entered the elevator.

The elevator took us, down the first floor. Levi whispered. "Search the perimeter."

I tightened my grip on my gun, and quietly went along with the others. My fear heightened, when we checked each rooms. They were all empty. We went back to Levi to convey the news, and he looked just as distraught as we were.

We entered back into the elevator, and searched down all the floors. The whole damn Clandestine was empty.

Levi growled. "What the hell is this?"

A phone rang, we all whirled our heads to glare at the person, and Red embarrassedly picked up his ringing phone. "What is it, Eloise? We are in a dire si—" He paused for a second, then said. "Stop yelling, I'll give the phone to him."

Red walked to where Levi was, and handed it to him. "Eloise wants to speak to you."

Levi's face hardened. "I'm not in the mood right now."

"She says it's about our missing radiants."

Levi's eyes popped open. He took the phone and said nothing. Then he hung up few seconds later. "She said we should listen to the radio right now. She says everyone is talking about it."

I looked at him. "About what?"

Levi only gave me a long look and didn't say anything. we all headed back to the car and turned on the radio.

Red stopped searching through it, when he heard a breaking news headline. The female radio presenter spoke. "A group of dangerous radiant terrorists have been apprehended at their secret hideout, where proofs with blueprints of terrorist plans were seen. The break in was led by Inspector General Marina Ogu and her team of special forces. The radiant terrorist are facing criminal charges, and are taken in a special containments, where they will serve their sentence. Their leaders are still missing and still at large, and the inspector promises to catch them, before they attempt any possible form of terrorism."

The radio presenter then moved on to something else. We all stood in shock, uttering no word. What the hell was going on?

Juan choked on his words. "Did they just call us terrorists?"

"What are we going to do, Levi?" Levi's face hardened, but he stood still and I tightened his grip.

I repeated my question. Frustration lacing my words. "What the hell are we going to do?"

Levi turned his head to face us. His amber orange eyes darkened. Something definitely ticked in him. "We need to leave now."

This concludes the end of the first book in the Radiants Trilogy Chronicons (Set 1 of the Radiants series).

The release of book 2 would be concluded soon, so fingers crossed.

The Radiants Chronicons :  Vol. I & II Of The Radiants Duology SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now