Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter thirty four

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Chapter thirty four
Levi's POV
I had the wind pushing my hair back, as I rode the motorcycle furiously. I had expected Tamar to come after me, but was surprised not seeing her. Fine, this was something I needed to do alone. I've dragged her into one too many things and she obviously needed a break.

Heck, I needed a break too. With all the lying and scheming and plotting, this was getting hard to keep up with. It was worse knowing that dad wasn't even a Radiant. If word got out, hell would be let loose. This was worse than I had thought it'd be. When I saw the sign of the Heathen Bar from afar, I sighed in relief. I really needed a little bit of distraction.

I entered the bar, resisting the urge to curse. This was yet another Radiant bar my dad had set up and it felt so wrong being in here. I saddled on a seat, sending soft greetings to any Radiant that came my way.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Caden boy who's here to grace us with his presence." The deep familiar voice teased.

I smiled. "It's good to see you, Dayo. I was hoping to run into you in here."

Dayo stood at least a little over 6 foot, wearing a carefree smile on his face. I'd  never admit it to his face, but I always envied the dark skinned guy. We were friends—insanely close ones—and I'd always wish I could escape responsibilities like Dayo did. "Everyone knows that I work at this bar. Unless you're telling me you came all the way to see me."

"Actually I did. Haven't seen you in a while." Dad had set this bar up for Dayo's dad, who was desperately in need for a job. I knew Dayo still worked here. He wasn't interested in university, last time I remembered, so I was sure he would be around, running this place.

Dayo retorted. I smiled when I noticed his change of hairstyle. Spiky short hair didn't seem like his thing, but it seemed to work well with him now. "Cause you've been too busy saving the world to be around an old friend, am I right?"

"Don't be like that." He didn't sound pissed, but with Dayo, you could never tell. Dayo and I had been high school pals, so I knew him better than most. Just the same way he could read me like an open book, with ease. Almost like Tamar.

"Don't be like what? Listen, I understand you have duties for your dad. No harm done."

I frowned. "Duties that I never wanted to be a part of."

He shrugged. "You're a Caden. You've got to live with the legacy."

I felt a lump in my throat. I sighed. "Sometimes I wish I got away from everything when I had the chance."

Dayo's lips curled up. "So that's why you're here. I was wondering why you would show your face, after almost two years. You're having issues with your dad, so you're hanging around here to lessen your temper. Now it makes sense."

My lips parted. "That's not completely true."

Dayo shot an eyebrow. "Really? What else did I leave out?"

I sighed. "Maybe I did come here to calm my nerves, but I came to you because I knew our friendship would pull me together."

"See, that's the spirit. Don't you feel better saying the truth?"

I snorted as a response, and he gave a hearty laugh. "Just like old times."

"Except this time, I don't know what to do."

Dayo paused, to look at me. "Since when does Levi Caden not to what to do?"

I frowned. Even my name held so much pressure of its own. It's like the whole world had their expectation of me. They wanted me to be strong, fearless or at least be like my dad. I'm human,  for Christ sake. I still had my impending sickness to deal with and a dysfunctional family I can't get out of. "Since he realized he's just like every fucking person."

"Well you can't disappoint the people who have faith in you."

My thoughts went to Tamar. She had gone this far for me. I couldn't back away just because of the painful truth. I shouldn't. But it hurt, knowing all these. Knowing that my father was capable of going this far and I wondered if I was ready to turn my back against him. "I know that. It just makes it worse."

Dayo cocked his head. "From the looks of things, I'm guessing you're not going to give me the details, so it's fine. But I'll tell you this, whatever it is, think of the bigger picture. What it would affect at the end. I'm just saying."

I really was conflicted. Did I have to risk keeping this secret or does the world deserve to know? Odell kept it a secret, so why shouldn't I?  "Hope you don't mind if I hang around here for a couple of hours?"

Dayo grinned. "Are you kidding me? You could stay here for days, and I'd still treat you like a guest."

I chuckled, then said. "So how's your pops?"

Dayo's smile slipped, leaving behind a glimmer of sadness. "He died a year ago. Heart attack."

My mouth hung. His dad was dead? Why didn't I hear of it? "Oh my God, I had no idea. I swear. I'm so sorry."

Dayo shrugged. "I guessed as much. I knew you'd come if you knew. I've just been running this place, cause I can't just leave it to crumble. Besides, I need this to take care of my mom and sis."

I closed my eyes. His mom and Dara. Jesus, it won't be easy. "How are they holding up? "

"We've been fine. It's been a year, so it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. Life is short, my friend. I never thought I'd lose my dad that quickly. He didn't even get to do all the things he wanted in life. He just chased after things he didn't even need. So I always tell people, do what makes you happy, before it's too late."

I had to ask. "So you're happy now?"

"It's been my path all these while, so yeah. I'm the King of my own little world. I'm a happy chap." He grinned, then paused to ask. "Are you happy?"

I couldn't even give a response to that. Was I happy?  I hadn't thought of that in a long shot. Tamar made me happy, but when she's gone, the sadness comes swirling back. I hadn't been happy since I got ripped away from a normal life, by my father. Happy. Happy. Happy. The words resonated in my head, like a long lost story I hadn't been told.

Tamar's POV

I knocked softly on his door. I didn't get an immediate response, but I knew he was inside. There was no way he would have left again. My knuckles drummed on the wooden door again, this time I got a reply, despite it being a soft whisper. "Come in."

I pushed the door open and scanned my eyes around the room. Settled on his bed, he was shirtless. Every muscle craned his rather slim arms and he sat horizontally at the edge of the bed, in black cargo shorts. His legs dangled in the air, but he wore a icy look I had seen a number of times. "Are you okay, Caden?"

He eyed me dangerously. "I want to be alone, Tamar."

My gaze leveled with his, but I said nothing. He was doing that thing again. Pushing people away to hide his pain. I won't let that happen. We needed each other now.  Feeling a surge of confidence, I slipped off my blouse to the floor and made dainty strides to the bed.

There he laid. Angry. Tired. Hungry at my sight. His eyes raked my chest and mumbled. "Tam—"

I pulled him in and claimed his lips. He responded eagerly and pulled me closer, straddling me in his laps.

I slid my arms around his neck. Amber orange eyes had darkened, the moment I spoke.  "I want you tonight."

His voice turned husky. "Are you sure?"

I smirked slightly and collided our lips together in a passionate frenzy. He understood. We needed each other that night.

The Radiants Chronicons :  Vol. I & II Of The Radiants Duology SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now