Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter twenty seven

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Chapter twenty seven

Red gave a look. "What's this meeting for?"

Levi cleared his throat. His eyes searching between the faces of the rest of the Strikers unit gathered around him. "We've been doing some research on how the government even had the chance to find our well kept undetectable underground home. Our Clandestine."

He paused when Ada's voice perched up. "How does this help us find our missing friends?"

"It's the only link we have getting into the refinement facility undetected."

T.j pursed his lips. "Why do I have a bad feeling about what you're going on say?"

Levi gave a firm frown. I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. This would be a tough crowd to convince. "We were able to get a breakthrough. We found the traitor. A member of our community. A Radiant like us, who had been patiently waiting until the person finally caught us off guard. I'm talking about, none other than, Ekele Madu, or as we fondly call her Kel."

Juan glared. "The hell are you talking about. Kel was captured."

I shook my head. I could resist apologizing. "I'm sorry, Juan. She's the traitor."


Levi gave him an apologetic look. "She's saying the truth. We have proof."

I added. "Her mom is Ify Chiwetel."

T.j's coral eyes widened. "Kree Badmus' right hand."

Mubarak swore softly, then said. "That's no coincidence."

Juan shook his head, refusing to believe our words. I could feel his pain. "No, no. Kel would never do this to us."

Laurena seethed. "I had a feeling that bitch was shady."

Juan punched the wall. Her eyes swimming with rage. "Don't call her that. Don't let it come out of your mouth."

"You're still defending her. After what she did."

Juan was still clearly in denial. I would be too, if the love of my life was accused of helping the enemy take our friends away. "We still don't know that."

I said quietly. "She told us in person. I'm sorry."

Juan slumped on a seat, uttering no word. It looked like his heart was tearing apart. The poor guy looked devastated.

Levi pressed his lips together. "She had her reasons. Good reasons. It seems a little twisted, but she was desperate. She had no choice."

Kemi raised her eyebrow. "Are you defending her?"

"I'm giving you reasons not to hurt or do anything drastic to her when she comes to our aid. She's our ticket in."

A low murmur spread across the small room. I let my eyes wander across the looks on everyone's visage. They didn't look happy at all. I worried if Levi knew what he was doing. They all looked pretty riled up.

Kemi growled. "Are you purposely trying to do something stupid?  It sure looks like it."

Levi's jaw ticked. "I didn't bring you here to insult my judgment. I trust her words. She had found her motivation." His gaze landed on Juan's distraught face. "And a reason to chase after her redemption."

Olu, the usually quiet one in our midst, raised his light voice. "That doesn't mean we have to trust her. You said so yourself. Her mom is the dictator's right hand. Give me one reason why she won't screw us over."

"Even if you don't trust her, I need you to trust me." Another low murmur ensued, but Levi didn't relent. "I know it's a lot for me to ask for. Your trust. Especially in something so risky and it takes a lot to do that for me. I'm not asking for it, because I'm an arrogant rich Caden boy who likes to get everything he wants. I'm asking for it, because it's the only thing I can hold onto for my plan to work. I know some of you don't like me. Maybe it's because you're one of Aliyah's supporters or maybe because you generally don't trust anyone from my family. Whatever the reason, I want you to hold it off until we get our friends back. We now have a common goal. It's all I want. I can't get it without your trust and your support. Is everyone fine with this?"

It looked like his words were causing a change of heart in them. They didn't look provoked anymore. It seemed like they were willing to believe his words. They murmured their agreement in unison, and I let out a slow sigh in relief. This was taking a positive note this time around.

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