Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter five

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Chapter five

Laurena fumed. "SHE LIVES HERE???"

"Please calm down, Laur." Evelyn tried to plead, when Laurena's yelling was starting to attract a small crowd. Quietly I watched them and took a long look at her. Thick brown hair cascades down Evelyn's eyes, as sharp coral eyes wore hints of concern in them. She had high cheeks I greatly admired and lovely taupe colour of skin covering her body.

Laurena repeated. "You live here." She paused to frown. "You lied to me."

"Laur, It's not like that."

Laurena continued to fume. "So ALL these while, you've been making fake phone calls to me. Deceiving me. Deceiving everyone."

"I wanted to tell you, but you're just so—"


Red hugged Laurena close to him. "Come on, let's go. You don't have to put yourself through this."

Laurena sobbed in his arms. It was probably the first time I had ever seen her cry. It made her look vulnerable. Despite her tears, anger still blazed in her eyes. "The only reason you'll ever have to lie to me, is because of Odell. I just wish you had the heart to tell me, instead of making a fool out of me for almost a year. Let's go, Red."

Red took her hand, and led her out. I sighed to myself. This was certainly not how I expected things to start here.


Living here was far from the luxury I was used to, when I used to live in the Clandestine. For starters, we were five who shared what looked like a room. It wasn't too big, but there was a huge bed reserved for all five of us. Unluckily for me, I was once again paired with Laurena, but I also had Lyra and the other two girls who I found out that their names were Kemi and Ada. Kemi was just plain rude, but Ada had some redeemable traits. Also, according to them, we had to prove our loyalties to the Runaway Radiants or the RR, as they called themselves. I had no idea how we would, and it seemed to irk the rest of us just as well.

Kemi grumbled. "What sort of arrangement is this? I can't lie in bed with four other people. I bet Levi has a special room. He always was so biased."

I hissed. "If you that badly want to sleep alone, you can go back home, and hopefully they'd take you away and we'd never see your awful face again."

Lyra added. "Levi isn't even sleeping alone. He's sharing a room with the boys. Just like everyone else." That was true. There were exactly ten boys that came, so they were split into two rooms, where they all stayed, just as uncomfortably as we did.

Laurena rolled her eyes. "She's just nasty, because she's one of Aliyah's stupid supporters. She and Ada, the other one who clearly doesn't have the balls to admit it like Kemi's does."

Ada shrugged. "I don't like the Cadens, but I do like to survive. So until we get everyone back, I'm all for whatever decision Levi has to make for the meantime. This isn't the moment to pick sides, this is the time to be realistic."

Laurena scoffed. "It surprises me how smart you sound, yet how stupid you let yourself be by becoming allies with Aliyah."

"Aliyah can be reckless, but she's all about equality."

Lyra raised her eyebrow. "And the Cadens aren't?"

"You have to be joking. The same selfish family that cares only about themselves. The ones who put only each other in top leadership roles. Please."

I folded my arms. "They fund almost everything in the damn Clandestine."

Kemi scoffed. "They do it for leverage. Over everyone.'

"Is that what Aliyah tells you? Why would you believe someone as desperate as she is? Why do you make it like they aren't doing a great job?"

Kemi's eyes narrowed. 'It'll take more than your little speech to convince me. All I know is that the Caden family is trouble. That's all they cause, and it's only them that can get out of it, with no repercussion. Anyone else wouldn't."

Laurena scoffed. "Bullshit."

I added. "Odell's mistakes aren't Levi's mistakes."

Ada shared a look with Kemi, then said. "We'll see about that."


Today was too miserable for words. We had lost our friends and home, all in our day. I knew I needed the distraction and the only way to enjoy it was to go out, and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

"Tamar." I smiled, when I heard Levi call out my name. He moved closer, and wore a sad look on his face.

"Hey. Isn't the sunset so beautiful?"

He gave a hint of a smile. "It is. Probably the only good thing about today."

I hummed in agreement, then he sighed. "I've been giving a lot of things some thoughts." He paused to growl softly. I could see the conflicting look blazing in his amber orange eyes, and I couldn't help stiffening. I looked like he was going through an inner turmoil, as he darted his eyes away.  "Especially about us. I hate to say this, but we need a break."

I blinked at him. I really wasn't expecting to say that. Things were pretty good between us, so what was wrong? "Levi, I don't un—"

He looked at me. I could see the pain in his eyes. He really didn't want to do this, but something was holding him back. "I hate to do this. In fact you're the best thing in my life so far, but it needs to be done."

My voice came out small. "Why?"

"I'm going through something. Something bad. A journey I need to go alone. I'm at the worst place in my life, and I'm afraid that I'd end up dragging you down that miserable road. I feel so angry and empty, and I don't want you to see me this way. I've lost it all, and you would hate who I'll become." I had no idea what he was saying, but it looked like he wasn't going to tell me. Once again, he's keeping another secret from me. Only this time, he wants to bear it alone.

"I don't care ab—"

"Maybe not now, but you would soon. You'd find yourself hating my state more and more, and hating me in the process. I've been down that road before, and I'd hate to drag you in it. I need to figure myself out alone, and I need you to understand my decision. No matter how crazy it sounds." I blinked as he said those words. He was acting frantic, so I could only guess that it was health related.

"Levi." Those were the only words I could say. Was Levi Caden becoming depressed or did he just want really his solitude for a chance of self discovery?

He cupped my face gently, and gave me a slow kiss. My heart fluttered, and I let a teardrop stroll down my cheek. That was his good bye kiss. He wanted to continue his journey alone, and I let him.

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