Defiant (Vol. II) - Chapter thirty seven

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Chapter thirty seven

"I met Gloria, when I was nine years old. Her father was a biochemist that helped to work with my parents on their company, so her family used to live on our adjoining building because of how close our family's were. She looked just like you, Levi. Curly brown hair. Soft innocent face. Stubborn, but yet so caring. She was perfect." Vikram heaved into a sigh. Sadness brimming his eyes, talking about his lost love. When he came back, we didn't wait a minute before we made him spill his secret. "Back then, the RR gene hadn't evolved into what it was now. Evolution changed the gene over the years. Fifty years ago, people weren't born as Radiants. Instead, you grow into them. I'm sure they taught you all these in your Radiant history classes."

I grimaced. This was all new to me. What else were they ignoring about us? "I went to a pretty shitty school and all we talk about is their history. It's almost like they forget how entangled we are, in their world."

Vikram Caden scowled. "Well that's just completely stupid of them. Didn't you have Radiant friends, maybe older ones to chip you in?"

Mumbling, I responded. I didn't want to be reminded how alone I was, in the past. "Just get on with your story."

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, back then, the genes worked together with your body's metamorphosis. Most people started seeing signs when they began puberty. Others, were during extreme stress. So there really wasn't an exact moment for everyone. Everything differs. At first, people were fascinated by Radiants. Orange eyes, looked sexy as hell to some people. Some even had disgusting Radiants fetishes. Radiants actually felt accepted. At first. Well until they began to see them as a hazard. Then, no one had started the technology to conserve their energy, so early sets of Radiants ended up dying. Plenty of them and it became an epidermic. My parents became dedicated to their work, so much that it overwhelmed them. They died in a crash, protecting Radiants. After their death, I was still a teenager, but I was old enough to have access to my parents money. Then the xenophobia began, and Radiants we're alienated. My older cousins wanted to kick out any Radiants in our lives. That included Gloria's family, who had become broke because of the expenses of Gloria's ailment as a Radiant. "

He paused to look at a teary eyed Levi. "That's right, Levi. Your mother has exactly what you have and it took a toll on her family. They had four other children and they struggled to make ends meet, especially when my parents' deaths led to the shutdown of the biomedical company. My cousins wanted to kick them out of our house and they disrespected my opinion. I needed to protect them anyway I could. I knew the only way I could was to become the one thing the rest of my family hated. They hated that my parents lives were consumed by the stress and cut short because of their dedication to Radiants. Most of them worked in the company, so when it collapsed, they needed a scapegoat. Since they couldn't blame my dead parents, they selfishly blamed the next best thing. Being a Radiant, was the only safe bet I could offer. When I "became" a Radiant, they immediately quit their agenda. I knew the power my family name had, so I knew I had to use it to protect all that I could. I am sorry I took up a double life, but I don't regret the choice I made. Even if it's as crazy as hell. That's my story."

A loud sigh escaped Levi's lips, before saying. "I don't believe you. Why would you do something so noble?"

"I swear, I did it for her. Your mother." Vikram's annoyance tore through his words.

Levi frowned. "Don't say that. Don't try to win our sympathy."

Feeling the tense moment in the room, I blurted out. "I believe him."

Both men paused to gape at me, speaking simultaneously. "What??"

I couldn't believe I was saying this, but it was the truth. "He loves you, Levi. Alot. I'm guessing he loves you this much because you're the closest thing he has left of the woman he loved. I'm sorry, Levi but he's telling the truth. It sickens me to say this, but he really did this for love."

Levi frowned again, but kept his silence.

Vikram Caden's lips tightened. "I know you don't like to hear it and I know it wasn't my place to do any of that. I have no right. But I was an eighteen year old, who was desperate to save the only woman he loved. I had to do something. I was young, dumb and stupid. I agree. But I wasn't going to let her get hurt."

"Except that she died and you two lost contact." Levi's voice hardened.

Vikram shrugged, but he couldn't hide the hint of pain in his eyes. "Like I said, I loved her. What you don't know is that Gloria didn't love me back. I couldn't force her to feel the same way, so I let her find her happiness. I think it took a human part of me too."

Levi snorted. "Is that your excuse for being so cruel?"

Vikram rolled his eyes. "You not believing me doesn't change what happened. I can't try to convince you."

Trying to get the full picture, I asked. "So what happened next?"

"She wanted to be just like her family. She traveled the world. She fell in love with some stranger and had you. Then—"

Levi's head whirled at him. "Is my father alive?  Or was that a lie too?"

A sting of annoyance twitched in Vikram Caden's eyes. "I AM YOUR FATHER."

I gently pressed my temples. This was getting nowhere. "Please continue, sir."

Vikram grunted. "I am sorry your life is full of tragedy, Levi but your father did die. Months before you were born. It's a shame you didn't get to meet your mother. She was an angel.
A year before she died, before she was pregnant, she reached out to me. She was dying and her illness was killing what was left of her. I did my best, but technology wasn't how it is now. She died few days after labor. I didn't know and I blamed myself for not trying harder. And then I found out that she had a son. A curly haired beautiful baby boy that looked like her. How could I not take him in?  I named you Levi, because your birth father had Jewish heritage. I didn't want to take that from you. You had your mom's face, so I thought it'd be fair to have something of your father, since you now had my surname. That's all. That's the story. Hate me if you want, but I did what I had to do."

Levi's face crumbled up. Tears stung in amber orange eyes. "I need some air."  Without waiting for anyone's response, he walked out.

I stood up to follow, when Vikram snorted. "Let him be. He doesn't need your patronizing ways. Let him deal with his pain without an audience."

I glared at him. It wasn't like I was patronizing him. Lyra warned me of how badly any news would destroy him. I needed to protect him. "You don't know anything about our lives. You don't know your son. If you loved him half as much as you claim to, then you'd see that we are right. It's impulsive and risky, but we are desperate. You know how much hell our people go through in that facility. Help us. This isn't about blackmail or manipulation or hoodwinking. This is a person pleading for compassion to another person, who sees through her."

Vikram raised an eyebrow. "I see why my son keeps you around. You're convincingly good."

My jaw ticked. "I'm not a play thing that he keeps around. I'm a person with a high IQ, that people wish they had half of it."

The man cracked into a smile. "Lighten up, kid. I was joking. I'd take your offers into consideration. You're too wound up, when you should be worrying about your illness that's possibly going to kill you. The whole brain expansion thing. It's pretty graphic."

I gaped. "How do you know that?"

"Since when does Vikram Caden not know everything? Excuse me." His thick British accent rolled over his tongue, with amusement in his eyes, before he walked out.

Shaking off my shock, I led myself to where Levi was. He sent me a sideways glance. "Did it work?"

My lips curled up. "Our plans are in motion. It did."

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