Defiant (Vol II) - Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Levi snuck a look at me. "Are you ready?"


Levi pointed at T.j. "Do you have the tear gas with you?"

T.j nodded. "Yes I do. How do I use it?"

Red said. "I'll show you."

Levi went through the plan with us. It was just like our usual job. Only this time, we had a lot of amateurs to train and we weren't rescuing anyone. We were having a take-over.

Once we parked the van. The tear gas was now in full gear, as the enforcement van was put to a halt. Adrenaline rushed through me, as I put my emotions in gear. A number of enforcers got out of the van, holding their guns, and wearing an expression on his face a lot more scarier than it normally was. There was no denying it. Their aim was to kill us, and it scared me how the others, without any experience, would fare.

Levi seemed to think the same thing, as he motioned for the others to stay in. All that was left was I, Levi, Red, and Juan (who didn't want to back down from this fight, even with his limited experience). Laurena would have been an helping hand in combat, but she had her own role to play, and it was already in motion.

Laurena began to speed the van towards the agents, and tried to run them down. They tried to shoot down the van, but it was very amusing, since the van was bullet proof. That seemed to distract them, just like Levi had planned, and was an opportunity for us to begin shooting.

I was able to shoot one down, right there on his knee, and he fell to the ground. I took the privilege to punch him in the face, and he aggressively spat out blood. His deadly brown eyes looked at me with disgust. "Kill me already, you spawn of the devil. You disgusting murderers are all going to burn in hell, like you should."

My eyes blazed, as I gripped his hair tightly. "They sent you to kill us, didn't you?"

He gave a sardonic smile. He had the guts to feel proud of his words. "Wouldn't be the first time that we'd do that."

It took everything in me, to ignore the urge to kill him. Men like him, hated us. They were brainwashed to see us as the enemy, and now that the world thinks that we're terrorists, it only makes it worse for the rest of the Radiants.

I instead punched him again repeatedly on the face, until it knocked him out. At least, I wouldn't hear that condescending voice of his.

I looked around, and noticed that everyone had done their jobs. The enforcers were knocked out, and the others were helping to tie their up with ropes, so none of them could get away.

Levi walked close to me. His eyes flickered to my knuckles. It had bruises and blood all over it, and it seemed to make him concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just angry." And I had every right to be. They took everyone away from us. My friends were gone. People that I actually cared about, were trapped some where, probably scared and confused. None of them deserved that.

"Did you kill that guy?"

I glared. "No. I couldn't. Even if I did, they had it coming."

Levi frowned. "We don't kill peo—"

"Yeah, I get the message, mother Theresa. You want to turn us into saints, after everything they put us through. They wanted to kill us. How aren't you bothered by this?"

"You think I'm not. I'm wrapping my head around this. Trying to find out what went wrong and how they found us, but you're more interested in ending them. I can't believe it."

Tayo spoke, before I jump in and say anything. "I've disabled any form of trackers or GPS, so we can use the van now. I'll call the emergency number the moment we leave, so we need to go quickly before anyone catches up on us."

Laurena practically said the words, that sat in my mind. "I can't believe we're saving these pigs."

Levi sighed. "We're better than them. Remember that."

The same angry girl muttered. "Why should we be better than them? They took everyone and now, you want to give them sympathy. How do we look past this, when they've taken the people we love?"

Mubarak sighed. "I can't believe the council bailed on us."

"They're just lousy politicians. Every single one of them. They don't personally care about us. They just care about keeping their upstanding good graces with the government." The angry girl added.

Levi kept his voice calm. "Kemi, I need you to calm down. I have a plan."

Lyra folded her arms. "What plan?"

"We are going to get them back. I just need help to get them back. Not from the council. Those ones don't give a shit. Not even from my dad. Not for now."

I frowned. "So where would we get help from?"

Levi's lips were pulled in a tight line. "Everyone, get in the vans. We're going to meet Odell."

There had to be something about this person, that didn't sit well with the people that seemed to know who "Odell" was, and the grim looks on a lot of people's faces, including Levi's, made me inquire. "Who's that?"

A frown graced Levi's features. "My brother."

The Radiants Chronicons :  Vol. I & II Of The Radiants Duology SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now