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"How was it?" Chris asked in reference to the lunch Phoenix had with his mom and sisters. His favorite thing about her being in Boston was hands down how much time she had been spending with his family, even without him being there. The Evans clan was embracing her like one of their own and that made Chris a very happy man.

"It was nice I guess." Phoenix shrugged. "There was a ton of wedding talk as expected. They wanted to know when and where we're getting married, what kind of dress I want, if I'd wear a veil and I don't fucking know. I don't know anything."

"In a few days, I'll have a date for you." He assured. "My agent and manager have been moving some things around to give us time for a wedding and a honeymoon. It's just taken some time."

"Is it bad that I don't even know what I want anymore?"

"That's not exactly true. You want a small winter wedding in Iceland with a funfetti cake." Chris began to recite everything she ever told him about her dream wedding. "And you want to honeymoon in Italy, Greece, and Spain. That's enough for a wedding planner to go off of, I think."

"Well I changed my mind on all of that." Phoenix sighed. "Except the funfetti cake. And small wedding. And honeymoon."

"So basically everything is the same except Iceland?"

"Precisely." She confirmed. "It's just not... feasible for everyone else."

"It doesn't have to be feasible for them. It's YOUR wedding."

"It's OUR wedding."

As the month of July continued, Phoenix began to feel more and more stress over the December wedding she had barely even started planning. On one hand, she wanted nothing more than to be married to her soulmate by the end of the year but on the other hand, she felt as though she was rushing the entire thing. Not only did she not know the first thing about planning a wedding but she also hadn't even spoken to her own family about it. By now, her mother would've already hired a wedding planner and provided a list of 40 venues in 15 different cities while Chris's family was more focused on things such as the wedding dress and hair and makeup. She figured with her family focused on the more practical things combined with Chris's family focused on the fashion, she would have an A+ wedding planning team. However, she realized how tough it'd be to get everyone in the same spot considering the fact that Chris's mom and sisters were most comfortable Boston while Phoenix's preferred Cleveland.

"My point is, you can do whatever you want honeybee." Chris told her. "I'll do what ever I can to make your dream wedding possible. I don't care if it's feasible or not as long as you're happy."

"I'm marrying a real life angel." Phoenix spoke before giving her fiancé a kiss. "It's just that we're getting married so soon and we'd have to fly to Iceland to look at venues and then book a venue. On top of that, we have to book flights and hotels AND make our guests do the same. It just seems like a lot of work in such a short period of time. Not to mention the amount of people who wouldn't be able to make it because of the location and flights and passports."

"That makes a lot of sense and I do see where you're coming from but I also think we could make it work if it's something you really want."

"I just want you."

"You already have me." Chris replied. "You've had me since the moment I met you Mrs. Evans."

"God, I love you."

"I fall more and more in love with you every single day. I feel so lucky to have you by my side and as my life partner." He spoke genuinely while smoothly lifting Phoenix's shirt. He gently rubbed her tummy, as he had done almost everyday since he returned from Mackie's 4th of July party, trying to gauge any changes. He knew his fiancée wasn't pregnant yet but that didn't mean she wouldn't be in the near future.

"I'm not pregnant, Chris." Phoenix repeated for what felt like the millionth time within the past few days.

"I know, I know." He replied while continuing to run his fingers up and down her toned stomach. "Sometimes I just find myself imagining what our baby girl would look like, how she would act, the type of things she'd like."

"Baby girl?" She smiled. "My baby wants a baby girl."

"I just- I don't know." Chris cut himself off. "I've been having a reoccurring dream that we had a little girl. The first time I had it was the night I brought you home from the bar all those years ago and I've had it about 9 times since."

Phoenix cuffed Chris's face in her hand before pressing her lips onto his. Hearing him talk about their unborn child made her heart flutter. She had no idea what kind of mom she'd be but the one thing she always knew was that Chris would be the most amazing dad in the world. He had always been so kind, patient, and forgiving with her, she couldn't even imagine how much those qualities would be magnified with a baby involved. "You are just too adorable."

"I hope she has your big brown eyes." He added. "As a matter of fact, I hope she's a spitting image of her mother. Nothing would make me happier."

"I hope she has your personality. Your affinity for life and love and forgiveness. Your positivity, strength and passion for the simple things." Phoenix responded while placing her hand on top of Chris's on her flat belly. "I don't see why she wouldn't while being raised in daddy's hometown."

"Can I just tell you how much I absolutely adore the woman you have become?" Chris spoke seriously. "It's been such a privilege watching you grow. Topics that you used to avoid like the plague are becoming regular discussions between us and I can't even tell you how proud I am."

"You're literally giving me a heart attack." Phoenix clutched her chest dramatically.

Within the last couple of years, she hadn't once taken a step back to applaud herself for all of the personal growth she had made since her college years and she owed it all to Chris. Something about him always made her want to push to be the best person she could be. She still remembered the conversation she had with Elizabeth Olsen during the Infinity War days about how Chris made everyone around him better, including her. Not only did she feel lucky to be his partner but she felt even luckier to have him in her life at all. Chris was the rare kind of man that only appeared once in a lifetime and boy was Phoenix blessed to have lived in the age of Christopher Robert Evans.

"You're everything to me, Phoenix." Chris went on. "I know we joke around a lot but I really just need you to know how much you've changed my life. I genuinely don't know what I'd do without you."

Phoenix ran her fingers through Chris's hair and down to the back of his neck before planting a kiss on his pink lips. She then took a moment to look into his gorgeous blue eyes before snuggling back into his chest. "That's something you'll never have to worry about. I'm with you until-"

"Until the end of the line."

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