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"They've been sneaking around for 3 months?!" Chris questioned while massaging Phoenix's scalp. He had been listening to her go on and on about her parents and how her mother lied straight to her face for about an hour.

"They've been divorced for over 13 years now." Phoenix spoke as she sat next to Chris on her couch. "Why now? What has changed between 2006 and now that made them wanna give it another go? I don't get it."

"I do understand why you're upset." He nodded. "You had to not only watch your parents go through a divorce once but you also had to deal with the pain it caused them both as well as the pain it caused you and Julie. You probably have a lot more memories of that time than you do the times your parents were working as a unit and sustaining a healthy marriage.  I can only imagine how tough it must be to relive those memories."

"Thank you for understanding and you're right, I don't really remember much of their marriage besides the bad." Phoenix admitted. "It's not that I'm not happy for them. I'm just... skeptical... VERY skeptical. Neither of them has changed much since 2006 and I don't want to deal with another divorce 5 years down the line when it could've been avoided, you know?"

"You just don't want to be caught in the middle again." He figured. "You feel like you can't protect your parents from themselves because they already made the decision without talking to you first."

"Exactly! God, you know me so well."

He smiled after placing a kiss on her forehead. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Phoenix confessed before turning halfway so that she was completely facing him as she crossed her legs on the couch. "How have you been?"

"Not good. It's been a difficult week." Chris answered honestly.

"I get that."

"I find myself thinking about you all the time and no matter what I do, I can't control it.

"I know the feeling."

"I even went to Sorellina the other day with Scott, his boyfriend, and Jenny." Chris spoke in response to their favorite restaurant in Boston. "I was sitting there the whole dinner thinking about the last time we were there..."

"What'd you order?" She asked in an attempt to stray the conversation away from Chris's female friend. Hearing Jenny's name being mentioned was like a dagger in Phoenix's chest as she stared into her ex boyfriend's beautiful eyes. She had no doubt that Jenny had feelings for Chris and just hoped he wasn't interested in her romantically as well. It would completely tear her apart.

"The same thing you always order. Cheese ravioli." He revealed. "I just really miss you."

"I know." She sighed before running her thumb over Chris's bottom lip and dropping her hand immediately afterwards. "Thank you for being here and allowing me to vent. Especially after everything that has happened between us."

"The day I'm not there for you will be the day after I die." He replied before tightly wrapping his arms around Phoenix. He then placed his forehead against hers and began rubbing her back. No matter what occurred between the pair, Chris knew he would always be there for Phoenix whenever she needed him. He would legitimately drop everything he was doing and race to wherever she was if she were ever in trouble. And that was something that would never change. "I understand why you're upset and I'm not here to judge you or tell you how to feel. I'm here to listen."

Rather than responding, Phoenix softly pressed her lips onto Chris's, causing him to freeze in place. He was taken aback by his ex girlfriend pecking his lips but couldn't deny he missed her kisses.

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