you're what? - cameron

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cam's career had just taken off, like big time. we'd never see each other anymore, we'd only act like a couple in the public eye. we'd always fight, we'd sleep in separate rooms sometimes, and we didn't even say "i love you," before going to sleep.
  we'd act like a couple in the paparazzi, but deep down we weren't meant to be right now. besides, he already had plans to move in with karan and sophie. i wouldn't be moving in with him, is what he told me. i went to karan and asked him if cameron was okay, and i got the same response from karan that i myself answered.
   "he loves you, he's just angry right now. you don't deserve this. and you're more than welcome to live with us. there's not a problem with that," he says, grabbing my hands and pulling me in for a hug.
   "what in the world?!" cameron screams, coming into karan's room.
   "cam, this isn't what it looks like." i say, bracing for cameron's wrath.
   "but it's exactly what it looks like. instead of giving attention to our crippling relationship, you seek out my best friend, to what? piss me off?"
  "cameron, i assure you, it's not like that." karan said, looking at me and then at cameron.
  "but it is. i knew both of you were against me. karan, you just wanted my leftovers. hope they taste good. and you," he says, pointing at me, "you just wanted clout."
   taken aback, i say, "well you know what, i wouldn't of even been over here 'cheating on you with karan' if you'd just been honest about this apartment thing. if you were honest about how you were feeling. if you were true to what you promised me, i wouldn't be coming to karan asking for help on how to save my relationship with you."
   "karan, is this true?" cameron says, rolling his eyes at me and looking to his best friend.
   "yes. why would i do that to you?" karan says, looking at cameron with a feeling of trust.
   "my choice doesn't change, y/n. unless you can prove to me that you want me for me, and unless you can make me believe that we can do this, we're done."
   cameron slams the door and storms out of the apartment and to his car, he starts driving away.
  i turn to karan and start bawling. "see-see why i'm struggling to tell him." karan sits down on his bed, and i sit next to him.
   "you're gonna get through this," he says, "i'm making sure of it." he pauses before saying, "look, if he's going to act like this when you tell him, you'll be in this apartment. not him. he won't be here. i'll make sure of it. now, what you do to make him involved in this life is up to you, but i will not allow him in here if he reacts the way he just did."
   "thank you, karan." i say, hugging him.

  i decide to go home. i need cameron in my life as much as the next, and i cannot lose him now.
   "cameron?" i say, closing the door and hanging my key up.
   "babe?" he says, relieved, but more worrisome then before.
   "look, can we talk?"
   "yeah. we need to sort this out," he says, with a sad look on his face, "i didn't mean what i said back at the apartment,"
    "i know you didn't," i said, "it just made me worry. a lot."
    "you had every right to feel that way," he says, "but you have to understand where i'm coming from, too."
   "i understand fully, it'd be the exact same if the roles were switched. i know how you feel." i say, putting my hand on his.
   "but, we have to talk about what's going on in this apartment." i continue. "if we're going to stay together forever and have a family and be happy, we can't have these bursts of anger and rage toward each other,"
   "i totally agree. i don't even remember why we began fighting." cameron mumbled, barely looking at me.
   "because we didn't agree on how we would spend our time. when we had it. we didn't tell each other everything all the time like we promised we would," i repeat. i feel like i've said this many times before.
   "oh; yeah. i'm sorry. i need to spend time with you. i do. i stress and i over analyze everything without going to you for the more reliable of options," he says laughing. "you're my priority. not my career, not my friends, my future is my priority. and you're in it, and you're the most  important person in that priority."
   i have tears in my eyes and so does he. "before we completely settle this," i say starting. "we sleep in the same bed now. we say i love you every chance we can. we talk. we sort things out so this doesn't happen. we make up. we apologize when were wrong, and most importantly, we stay true to ourselves." i say, squeezing his hand.
   he puts his pinky up, "is that a promise?"
   "most definitely," i say, intertwining our pinkies.
    after showering, watching some tv, and talking aka kissing a little more, we go to bed. in the same bed. for the first time in months. we pray together. for the first time in weeks. we say 'i love you.' for the first time in days, and we hold each other close like it was the first time.

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