deep breaths

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my biggest fear in all of my life has been earthquakes. earthquakes that can't be predicted, can't be stopped and can't even grasp the amount of damage it can do.
so, living in california, being in fear of earthquakes is like being in fear of rain in oregon: pointless, because it's inevitable.
we'd been having a couple of small rumbles, which send my anxiety soaring, because it feels like the world is about to sink. sink down and into the deep endless ocean.
cam wasn't home yet and i was sitting on the couch watching tv, waiting for him to get home for our date night.
then everything started to rumble. the tv stand starts to shake and the keys begin to chime. i close my eyes and take a deep breath, that's what cam always tells me to do, is to take deep breaths.
i try to take deep breaths and calm down but soon the ceiling began to crumble. i grab my phone, a couple of valuables and hide underneath the table. i hold the framed picture of cameron and i and rock back and forth. my phone starts ringing and i pick it up to see "Cam💓" calling.
"babe?" he yells, "baby?"
"i'm here, i'm okay." i cry.
"okay, i'm going to ask something of you," cameron begins, "i need you to come to set."
"what?" i shriek.
"baby, i know. but trust me, you've got to get out of that apartment building before.." and the phone line died.
"no!" i cry. i grab a backpack, as the apartment shakes. i throw the first aid kit in there, my keys, a sweatshirt, duh, and some of my jewelry. i grab my keys and run out of the apartment as i hear some things crack.
i get into my car and pull away from cam and i's first home. i drive, and i drive fast toward set.
i'm frying the whole time, trying to get ahold of my boyfriend but the service is out. i'm extremely worried. my anxiety is flowing through my veins as i pull into the building for set.
i feel the ground still shaking and i rush out of my car grabbing my backpack and running into the building. i see cam, pacing around, then he looks up and sees me.
"baby!" he yells and runs over to me. i wrap my arms around him and jump to his waist. "i'm so glad you're okay." he says.
"i-i i'm okay." i stutter. "than-thank god y-you're okay." i cry.
"hey, baby." he coos, "take some breaths, okay? deep breaths."
i take some deep breaths, of cam's scent, and of the stale air. i'm starting to calm down, with cameron's arms around me.
then the earth starts shaking and grumbling again. i yelp and squeeze cameron, who leads us under a stage. we all sit there, crying and holding each other, i primarily hold onto cameron. he lets tears escape his eyes, but doesn't say anything.
   the earth rocks yet again, and we all cry. hopefully these are just aftershocks. "cam?" i call and he looks at me with those beady eyes. 
   "are you.. okay?" he asks, then looks down at the floor. it's split.
   "yeah. scared indefinitely, but i'm okay."
   "i'm happy you're so strong." he says, stroking my face. he brings our lips to a centimeter away, and then the earth starts rumbling again. but worse; you can hear the things falling off of the top of the set and the ceiling starting to crack.
   "make it stop!" i wail into cam's chest. he sits there, yelling, rocking me back and forth. the stage starts to crumble. "down, down!" boo yells. we lay on our sides holding each other in our arms, crying.
   "cameron," i begin. he looks at me, tears streaming down his face. "i love you. i cant go on without you, so don't leave. okay?"
   "i wouldn't dream of it, baby." he says, "i love you, so so much." he kisses me, as if it's the first time, though it may possibly be the last.
   "you're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, you're the only thing that kept me going." he confesses.
    "you're my best friend. my absolute all. i am not myself without you. you're beautiful, in every single way. you're my soulmate." i confess, and i stroke his cheek. we kiss one more time, and pull each other into a hug, when everything goes black.
   i awake, in a stretcher. "cameron?" i say, my voice raspy. i cant bend my arm, my head is pounding and i have blood all over my legs.
   "where's my cameron?" i ask the nurses standing over me.
   "y/n," they begin. my heart drops to my stomach and i feel like i'm about to throw up. like i'm about to shatter, my eyes are already leaking tears and my hands are shaking. "he's still passed out, they're working on bringing him back." the paramedic says, and i sigh of relief.
   "thank you." i say, smiling. miraculously, everyone on set survived. they wrapped my arm, i had fractured it. the paramedics also said that it would be normal for me to have headaches for the next couple years of my life, as i was pinned underneath a thousand pound stage.
my legs hurt, but i was able to walk. i saw boo first, and i walked as quickly as i could and gave him a huge hug.
   i found everyone and gave them hugs, and then i went over to where cameron was laying. he had his eyes closed, but they had taken the tubes out. i grabbed his hand and his eyes opened.
   "hi handsome." i say, smiling at his sweet face.
  "hey beautiful."
   the tears fall out of my eyes and i lay next to him. "i managed to stop the stage from collapsing, at least on you." he says, with a guilty look on his face.
  "but i broke that picture frame in your bag." he winces. "it was the only way. i put that up for .2 seconds so i could cover you and myself up and then it snapped and here we are."
   "cam, it's okay. that picture frame didn't mean anything if we couldn't be alive to put more pictures in it." i say, kissing his lips, and finally, with everything that has happened, i feel safe.

NEW BOOK !! my descendants book will be releasing maybe tonight definitely tomorrow with an installment each week (if you're lucky, two) and will be about the Descendants.
  As my readers here, you'll get a small snippet/ introduction to Jay's sister: Alana. Alana is very much like Jay, in looks and in actions, but has a heart of absolute gold. She's taken to Auradon with Jay, Mal, Evie and Carlos. What happens next, you'll have to read and find out!
   thank you my loves! i hope you have an amazing day ! 💓

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