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shockingly, i wasn't babysitting two kids tonight, but three. my sister and her husband's three year anniversary was tonight; my boyfriend, cameron and i would be watching their set of twins while they partied it up in their hotel room, so next anniversary i can watch four.
the twins were a boy and a girl named zachary and charlotte, but charlotte goes by charlie. they looked very much like my sister and brother did at that age: brown hair, bright bright blue eyes with their dad's smile and drive. they were really cute and well behaved kids at four years old.
cameron and i got to my sisters house, where we went over the checklist.
"okay, charlie likes to have a bedtime story read to her and zachary likes to be held until he falls asleep, still trying to break that habit, but it's what they do." my sister says, checking off a box. "bedtimes at 8, you guys can sleep in the spare if you want, or you can have the living room. it's up to you." she smiles. "thank you so much, y/n, we really needed this. oh and thanks cameron." my sister laughs and hugs us both. the kids and us wave them goodbye and we turn to the kids and say "party time!!"
charlie gets her blocks out for cameron to help her build a princess castle with. zach and i color in the coloring book. he has me rip out the picture of the dog that he colored green and hangs it on the fridge.
"y/n/n, can you write a note for my picture?"
"of course, zach." i say, "what do you want it to say?"
"mommy, can you beg santa to get me a dog like this for christmas? i'll be a good boy and help with dishes. i'll be the happiest little with a green pupper named ben." he smiled, "oh and love zachy." i give him a thumbs up and out his more by the green dog.
soon enough it's dinner time, and the kids want either mac and cheese, chicken tenders or pizza. they can't choose. and by they i mean the twins and cameron.
i grab three of the kids' cups and write the initial of the food on the top of a sticky notes. i put the sticky notes on the table, and i put the cups over it.
"charlie," i say, "pick a cup."
she picks the one with mac and cheese.
"okay, follow the cup you picked and that's what we'll have for supper, okay?"
she nods and i start mixing the cups up. she yells "stop!" and puts her hand on the pizza cup.
"pick it up," i say, and she lifts the cup.
"yay! i wanted pizza!" she giggles. cam picks her up and gives her a high five. "good pick kiddo." he laughs.
cam turns on the tv and the kids sit themselves on the couch while i call to order our dinner. i get the kids personal pan cheeses, cause that's all they eat, and i got a medium pepperoni for cam and i to split.
"should be about thirty minutes," i say and plop down next to cameron, who wraps his arm around me. charlie looks up, and sees the two of us and crawls into my lap. zach stayed glued to the tv for a couple more seconds, but then realized that charlie moved, so he sat on cam's lap. the kids, cam and i sat there snuggled up until the doorbell rang.
  "pizza!!" charlie jumped off my lap and naruto ran for the door.
  "charlotte! wait!" i yelled, and ran to the door. i opened the door and greeted the pizza guy. i gave him 20 dollars and took our dinner out of his hands. "thank you, have a nice night." he says and charlie closes the door.
   we sit down, i give the littles their pizzas and they smile a huge smile. cam and i sit down, his hand on mine, and we eat dinner.
  when we're done, we wipe the kids' faces, as they have pizza sauce everywhere. zach even ate a slice of our pizza!
   "now what do you guys want to do?" i ask, and they slide back onto the couch. "watch a movie!" they both cheer.
  "okay," cam says, and pops over my shoulder, looking over the list.
  i read the list, which says that they really love narnia. "remember these!" i say, and he laughs, kissing my cheek.
   we turn on the chronicles of narnia: prince caspian. my favorite.
   "oh look!" charlie gasps, "edmund's getting into a fight!"
   "i would want to do that," zach laughs.
   "you want to get your butt kicked!" charlie laughs.
   "no! i'd be kicking the butt!" zach argues. cam and i laugh at the kids as they watch the movie.
   they keep commenting the cutest, funniest and most childlike things. cameron's arm stays around me and my head is on his shoulder.
   "y/n and uncle cam are just like caspian and susan!" charlie yelps, "are you going to get married one day?"
   "of course, charlie!" cam says, "and you'll be our little flower girl." he says, squeezing her cheek. "you mean it?!" she shrieks. "yeah, charlie!" cam laughs.
   we continue to watch the movie when zach pops up and says, "we should play narnia!" he says, "i'll be peter the brave! charlotte can be lucy, aunt y/n will be susan and uncle cam can be prince caspian!"
  we pause the movie and play around, pretending to shoot something and cameron pits on a serious face and starts acting like caspian.
   "i am the rightful king!" he claims squinting his eyes. "you killed my father, now i kill you!" he yells and starts fencing the air.
  i start laughing and cameron picks me up. "this lovely girl is my queen! she will murk you!"
   we laughed and laughed. the kids were on the floor cackling. "you two! my rightful guards!" he says pointing to the kids. "you shall be my prince and princess!" he knighted them, me still on his back.
  "we thank you, brave knight." zach says and bows.
   we all sat and laughed. cameron fell and managed to fall on his butt with me on his back. the kids laughed even harder while i leaned into the crook of his neck, laughing.
   we sat back down once the kids were worn out and finished the movie, the kids were almost asleep when the credits started rolling.
  we picked up the kids and carried them upstairs. i remembered what my sister said; zach likes being held until he falls asleep, and charlie needs a bedtime story. 
   i changed charlie into her pjs while cam did the same for zachary. charlie picked a book and handed it to cameron. i picked up zach and he wrapped his arms around me. he put his head on my shoulder. i rocked him a little bit while cameron read the cat in the hat. charlie turned and faced cameron. she listened to him read and her eyes got heavy.
"uncle cam?" she interrupts.
"yeah, sweetie?" he responds.
"will you be my uncle forever?"
"absolutely, kiddo."
"okay, good." she sighs, "cause you're my favorite."
he continues reading and she closes her eyes and holds her bear tight, and she snores softly. i look at cam who looks at the little girl with awe.
zach's asleep on my shoulder and i stand up, placing him in his bed. i close the door and cameron and i go back downstairs.
"that was fun." cameron says, picking me up and carrying me to the couch. "they're such good kids."
"they were raised by the best. my sisters always been a mom in one way or another." i say, his head on my chest.
"don't you think we could make something as beautiful as that?" he asks, sliding up to make our noses touch.
"something so fantastic, something so so heartwarming.." he whispers on my lips.
"i want that so bad, cameron. i want us to be the parents that my sister and her husband are."
he kisses my lips, gently, then pushing our faces together even more. he takes a deep breath and wraps his arms around me. i wrap my legs around his waist and continue to kiss him. he moves his lips to my neck and starts sloppily kissing me. my hands roam his locks of hair and then i hear footsteps.
"cam," i let out.
"what?" he vibrates against my neck.
"kid, downstairs." i manage to get out.
he sits up off of me and then looks over to the kitchen to see little charlie, rubbing her eyes.
"i'm sorry to come down here while you guys were having fun watching tv," she begins, "but can you come upstairs with me? i had a nightmare."
"of course, baby." i say, and pull cameron up. we get her a bottle of water, and follow her upstairs. she lays down and we sit on the edge of her bed while cameron reads her another story. i rest my head on him while he reads and think about what a great dad cam will be. charlie falls back asleep and we carefully get out of her bed and leave the door cracked and the lamp on. i check on zachary again, who's still fast asleep with his stuffed dog in his arm.
at this point, it's about 10:30, so we go to the spare room. we change into our pajamas which consisted of cameron's sweatshirt and spandex while cam slept in a pair of shorts. we laid down and picked up where we left off downstairs. cameron slid his sweatshirt off my body and his lips glided down my skin. i let out a light moan and he smiles on my stomach.
"baby," i let out, "not here, okay?" he groans but puts my sweatshirt back on.
"okay, babe." he says and kisses my lips again.
"can i ask you something?" he starts.
"anything, cam." i reply, kissing his cheek.
"i kept noticing that charlie kept asking if i'd be here forever," he began. "and i got to thinking, what if we made it official?"
"made what official?" i ask, scooting closer to him.
"that we would be together, like married."
"of course," i begin, "when the time's right."
"i think that time is now." cameron says, kissing my lips. "now i'm not saying we run and get married tomorrow, but what about rings now?" he asks, sitting up and looking to the nightstand.
  he pulls a little rose gold band off the stand and held it up to me. he held my hand and smiled. he slid the band on and kissed my hand. i turned the light on and looked at the weaved rose gold with diamonds.
   "cameron!" i gasp. "are you kidding me?" my voice cracked.
   "of course not." he says, laughing. i bop him on the head. "you're an asshole." i laugh.
   i connect our lips again, gently. then i bring his chin up. i kissed his chin and lips again.
   "i love you, endlessly." i say, and lay back on his chest, admiring him and his taste in rings. my hand was on his chest, and he intertwined our fingers. "i love you, sweet dreams, baby." he kisses my head and we drift off.
   i have no doubt that i will spend the rest of my life with this man before me. i have no doubts that we will have kids as magical as zachary and charlotte. i have no doubts i will be happy forever.

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