i'll keep you warm

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tonight was the night: my friends and i were going to a haunted house/forest thing, but there was a kicker to it: my crush was going.
i had liked a boy named cameron for about a year now, and we were pretty good friends, not best friends or anything, but we knew a lot about each other.
i put on a nicer shirt and some capris and straightened my hair. i put my family ring on and a couple of hair ties along with my favorite necklace with my initial on it.
the car horn honked, i grabbed my bag and threw on my vans and then ran out the door. sophie sat in the front seat with karan, her boyfriend in the drivers seat. we had to pick up two more of our friends and then meet up with the rest of them at this haunted house.
we go to get our friend, my crush, cameron. he walks out in a zip up sweatshirt, a nice pair of jeans, some vans, and a flannel shirt above his band tee. he looked good.
he sits down next to me, and i go to the middle, as i'm the shortest of our friends, and we all sing along to carpool karaoke until we get to zoe's house.
the haunted house comes into sight and i shiver, not only is there a line out the wazoo, but it looks terrifying, and cold.
cam chuckles at me, putting his arm around me. i smile and slide my head on his shoulder.
we separately pay for our tickets until it gets to me: cam buys mine.
"you didn't have to," i blush.
"but i did," he smiles. "are you scared?" he asks.
"are you crazy?" i ask, "hell yes, i'm scared. and i got hot chocolate when we leave." i smile. we get with the rest of our friends.
"ooh i'm scared!" zoe jumps. karan laughs and hugs sophie. "you're not scared, are you?" he asks her.
"i haven't been to this one yet, so i don't know." sophie explains.
the line was crazy long and soon enough it got awkward. i stood there shivering with cameron right behind me.
"you cold?" he asks. i shake my head but my teeth are shattering.
"okay, try that again without your teeth shattering and your nose not as red." he joked. the line was long and tight, but he managed to get his zip up sweatshirt off and wrapped it around my shoulders. i smile and say "thank you."
"i'll keep you warm," he smiles, wrapping his arms around me.
after our little moment, we head inside the haunted house.
it's dark, and i see the faint outline of a person, who jumps out at me. i jump back into cameron's arms. he laughs and gives me his arm to hold onto.
we continue to go through the house and i scream so much. cam's hand finds his way intertwined with mine and his arm around my shoulders.
a clown pops up and cam yelps. he squeezes my hand tight and buries his face in my hair. i'm scared of the clown, too, but not as scared as he was.
i grab his forearm when the clown leaves and we continue on through the haunted house.
"please don't tell anyone about that." he laughs, "that's one of my biggest phobias in life."
"no worries," i laugh, "as long as you're with me i can't be that scared." he blushes a shade of red i've never seen before.
we continue on through the house til we got to the coffin part. basically, two people go in a coffin and they get spun around a bunch. since cameron and i were the last two, we went in together. they double checked that we were good, and closed the door.
cameron pulls me close to him and lifts my chin up. his hot breath mumbles "can i kiss you?"
"of course."
cameron's lips smash onto mine with so much passion and hunger. i kiss back with the same thirst, and we start spinning in the coffin. he pins me against the tight wall and i accidentally moan, he smiles and kept his lips on mine.
the door opens and we get out, headed with the rest of our group, our hands intertwined.
we finish the house, and to my surprise, they want to do the forest. the forest is essentially a bigger baddie version of the house, but more scary: clowns with chainsaws.
we start it, and cameron stays with his hand on me at all times. we get to the mirror maze, and cameron just wraps me up with his head down on my shoulder, the lights give him migraines. and i lead us out. the scariest part came right after the maze.
the clowns came out. cameron's glued to my side and just keep his eyes down, like his life depended on it.
   we stayed with everyone else until we got to the next grim reaper section. he pulled me away from the group and kissed me again. it was sweet and earned. it was nice and my heart kept exploding.
  everyone was reunited and we all left, for coffee. i promised cameron some hot cocoa, and the rest of us needed a quick recharge before going and seeing a new horror movie.
  i order cam and i's hot cocoa, and we sat in the booth while everyone else ordered.
  "tonight has been so much fun," cameron says, kissing my cheek.
   "yeah, it has. thank you for your sweatshirt." i smile.
   "anytime." he smiles at me, and everyone sits down beside us.
   "so are you guys ready for this movie?" karan asks.
   "i mean, yeah. as long as it's not as bad as that clown thing." cameron nervously laughs.
   "did you like the forest?" sophie asks me, to which i reply, "yeah! it was so much fun."
   "so what movie are we seeing?" zoe changed the subject.
   "i think the nun?" karan asks cameron who nods.
  "it starts in about twenty, so we should get going that way." sophie says, checking her watch.
  "we can hit the dollar store first, for some candies." cameron suggests.
  "sounds like a plan, but we gotta bounce." i add.
  we leave and go to the dollar store, where i pick up a bag of hershey's kisses. cameron peers over my shoulder and whispers, "aren't mine good enough?" i nervously giggle, just now realizing that i had kissed my crush. "of course," i say and gently peck his lips.
  i leave with hershey's kisses which in cam's eyes aren't his so they don't matter, and a doctor pepper. cam gets a crush and some gummies while karan and sophie get sour patch kids. we leave and get to the theater just in time.
  i'm next to sophie and cameron, zoe's on the other side of him and karan's on the other side of sophie. the movie begins and i'm already scared. i grab cameron's hand and he looks down and smirks.
   the first scary thing happens and i jump. cameron turns his head away from the screen and smiles at me.
   karan and sophie go to the concessions and get some popcorn, which leaves just cam, zoe and i. cameron leans over to me with that smile on his face. another jump scare happens and i say "later." he smiles at me and rejoins our hands.
   never in a million years would i have ever thought that i would've kissed my crush, scratch that, have my crush kiss ME not once but twice and he wants to keep kissing! we've held hands almost all night and i have his hoodie around me.
   cam could tell i zoned out and squeezed my hand to get my attention.
   when the movies over, cameron texts his mom, (our mom's are best friends) and asks if i can stay over, since my house was so much farther than the others, and i was passed out. even though i wasn't.
   since our mom's knew each other and trusted each other, they were okay with it, and karan dropped cam and i off at cameron's house.
  we open the door and see maya, mrs. boyce and mr. boyce sitting on the couch.
"hey y/n!" they greet.
  "hi guys!" i say, smiling.
   "you guys can have the basement," mr. boyce says, "maya would you grab her a pair of your shorts or something?" he asks maya who nods and runs upstairs and comes back down with a pair of nike shorts, then she rejoins her family on the couch.
   cameron and i head downstairs to the basement and we get cozy on the couch. it was a huge couch with two wings to it: you had the main couch and then another length on the left and right ends of it.
  i laid on the left side and he laid on the middle part. i was still in that sweatshirt and maya's shorts.
  "hey, y/n?" cameron nervously says.
  "yeah?" i reply.
  "i held your hand tonight. i gave you my sweatshirt tonight. i kissed you! i kissed you, can you believe that?"
  "i couldn't believe it either, cameron." i smile. he sits up and looks at me.
  "do you have feelings, like for me?" cameron stutters.
  "are you kidding me?" i ask, and lean up to him. "why yes, i most definitely have feelings for you. and i have, for a long time."
  he scoops me up off of my side on the couch and sets me on his lap.
  "you did?" he whispers and i nod. i wrap my arms around his neck and smile at him.
  "anybody ever tell you how beautiful you are?" i ask him and push the hair out of his face.
"i could ask you the same thing.." he mumbled and brought his lips to mine. he kissed me sweetly, and slowly. our lips moved together and our hands resided on each other's bodies. he wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled into our kiss.
  we separated and blushed madly.
  "so uh, will you be my girlfriend?" cameron stroked hair out of my face and his hand traced down my arm in the darkness. he held my hand and put his lips to it.
  "absolutely," i smile and press my lips against his.
   so there, that night, with my head on my boyfriend's chest, with his arms wrapped tight around me, i realized that my life wouldn't be the same, in the best way possible.


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