not him, me.

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  i was a superhero, as crazy as that sounds, i was a superhero. and i was a badass superhero. i was peter parker's twin sister.
  no, i'm not a spider, but i can read minds and move things with my mind. kinda cool, right?
  well, i had a lovely life going on. or did. before the snap, i had a beautiful boyfriend, named cameron. cameron and i had been dating for three years and we're about to attend junior prom together. can you imagine? getting all prettied up and in a sparkly green dress, and to have him knock on my door, and see his dust when i opened it.
  now, five years later, i'm still not moving on. i still don't know how. cameron filled me with love, he filled me with joy and he gave me the only love i'll ever need. and still five years later, my brother peter never came home from that trip with tony stark.
  tony contacted me when he read through pete's journal, and said that i could be valuable  to the team, i could aid him in his research and if it didn't work, it could give me closure on both of my loses of myself.
  i entered the avengers building and see the one and only captain america sitting before me. he's aged very VERY well after sleeping for seventy years if you ask me. i shook hands with him and knew what he was feeling and thinking. he was feeling blue, rather upset with himself. and he was thinking about what i could bring to the table.
   i met everyone else, and my favorite by far was tony, nat or steve.
  i say tony because he made good out of what happened. even if he couldn't sleep at night thinking about peter, he knew that he had made a difference in his life and he knew peter was grateful for it. he knew i was grateful for it.
  i see nat because she only wants what's best for everyone and she wants everything to be made normal again. she wants clint's family to be together again because it was wrongfully taken. just like me with mr. boyce, who not only lost his son, but his wife. and with maya, who lost her mother and brother.
  and i see steve the most because he feels as if it's his fault. and he needs to fix it. he needs to see sam and bucky. he needs t'challa and he needs to repair the relationships that have been lost many times due to unwelcome hands playing with it. he's willing to risk everything that he has now for what he had back then. and i'm on the same wave length.
  we develop a plan that has me, steve, tony bruce and scott going back to new york. i especially wanted to go to new york and see cameron one more time in case this didn't work.
  while those three work to get the space, time and mind stones, i go to the set of jessie. i eee cameron and karan sitting down for a lunch.
  i look at cameron with a hard stare and i see what he's thinking, "man, i wish she was here with me," and then a "i wish that we could come out and say we were together already."
  my heart melts and i send him the message of "we will be together soon, baby. i promise."
i see him smile and blush a little. i leave and head back to the stark tower, where tony and lang are getting the stone. i step into the elevator with steve as he whispers "hail hydra."
  we walk out with the scepter and he's confronted by 2014 steve.
  "i've located loki and his partner, fourteenth floor." he says into his walkie talkie. he throws the scepter to me and tells me to run.
  he stands there and begins to fight 2014 steve as i run out of the stark building and go to our meeting spot where i see scott.
  "where's cap?" he asks.
  "fighting old cap." i say, breathlessly.
  "explain?" he questions.
"2023 steve and 2014 steve met up and are kicking each other's asses." i say and he nods.
once tony and steve get back, they come to the conclusion that they needed to get more pym particles. so that's what they did and left scott, bruce and i in new york.
"so where'd you go when we first got here?"
"don't tell tony," i say, "but i went to see my cam."
"your cam?"
"my boyfriend." i say, "i lost him in the snap, and i didn't directly talk to him or anything, but i watched him for a minute or two."
"oh, how long were you two together before you lost him?"
"three years.." i say and let a tear out.
"we're going to get him back, and peter. i promise." he says and gives me a hug.
soon enough tony and steve are back and the five of us go back to the headquarters through the quantum realm.
everybody's standing there, smiling with stones. except for clint. he stood there with the soul stone. "clint, where's nat?"

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