kissing in the rain - cameron

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   being cameron's little sister's best friend wasn't an easy task. believe me. when a rumor was in full bloom at school, instead of going to cameron, or cameron's friends, or even his sister, they all come to me.
   "did you hear that he did it with linsey hargrove?"
   "is it true that he's had botox?"
   "did he get that role?"
   "how is cameron in bed?"
   "what about cameron and that one girl?"
   "is he in new york?"
    it's like everyone thinks that i'm a living breathing associate that can confirm and deny cam's business. it's getting real old, and to think that we're only juniors. (you're the same age as cameron, but best friends with maya)
    but thankfully, karan is always around for me to vent to, to express my feelings to, and is a good hugger when you need one. karan is best friends with cameron, which almost complicates things more, but manages to make my life a little easier.
     "kar, how do i make it stop? i got asked five times today if cameron gave lainey jenkins chlamidiya."
    "jeez. i don't know, y/n/n, it truly puzzles me why everyone thinks you know everything."
   one monday, i had a fight with maya and cameron about all of the questioning that i receive about cameron. maya and i weren't talking and cameron kept pushing me in the hallways.
    so that automatically started things about me and cameron. i was dating him, but i cheated on him with karan, or i was dating karan and cheated on him with cameron, and then there's that i'm pregnant with his baby, and he didn't want it, oh and let's not forget that i was only using maya for clout and to get closer to cam.
    and as if it couldn't get any worse, today was monday. i have almost all of my classes with cameron.
   "look, bitch, i don't have the time or patience to deal with you, so when i ask you this, i want a straight answer." roared one of the jocks.
   "excuse me?" i said, looking over at where they were all huddled.
    "how many times did you fuck cameron?" and they all busted out laughing.
   "oh i got one! how many periods have you missed? you're lookin a little thicker in the mid section."
    "oh let's not forget, is it karan's or cameron's?"
    "or even better, what's your total body count?"
    cameron stood in the darker part of the hallway, with a sad look on his face, he knew i didn't deserve it, but he was also joyed that i wouldn't be around anymore.
   i don't even know where karan is, but i don't want to be seen with him, or who knows what will happen.
     "alright! alright! get to class!" mrs. parker yelled, and we all scattered. well, the boys went to class and i went into the bathroom.
   i sat in there, and thought about what i did. which to deserve this, nothing. but to have maya and cameron mad at me, yeah i had kinda deserved it.
    i had told cameron that i didn't like when everyone asked me questions, and asked him if he could do something to make it stop. but he didn't like that, and got offended that i didn't want to answer very, very personal questions about him-half of the time i had no clue how to answer the shit that people were asking. so then i told maya. and maya said the same thing; "why wouldn't people ask other people? but you have to take it for what it's worth. cam's important, and this makes you important." and i replied with "well what if i don't want to be important?" and her snappy reply was "then we shouldn't be friends."
   i did deserve that. i should've just taken the high road and answered "i don't know" to all the questions, but that's not me. and i wasn't going to let maya or cameron change me into come cookie cutter version of them.
   i really was starting to wonder where karan was. i didn't like him, but i was worried about him. so i grabbed my phone, and texted him.
   me: kar, where are you? are you okay?
   karanB) : i'm at home, sick. yeah why?
    me: things are going around.. i'll call you later
   karanB) : alright, i'm always here.

  before i could reply, the bathroom door opened, and there he was. cameron boyce. one of the people i despised at this point in time.
   "why are you in here?"
   "why are you?"
   "asked you first,"
   "does it look like i care?"
   "huh, some things never change."
   "anyways, i came in here to make sure you were okay."
    "well that's a first."
    "don't get used to it."
    "yeah, i'm totally fucking okay."
    "you wanna go back to my house?"
    "and prove everyone's thoughts right? you're a mad man."
    "look, i'm out of here. you can come and we can sort things out, or you can sit in here and cry."
    i leave the building first and step out to his car, which i have the keys for. i start the car and sit in the passenger seat with my backpack in my lap. cameron comes out about three minutes later, smiling and winking at one of the girls passing by him.
    he gets in the car, closes the door and says, "looks like it's about to rain."
    i nod, and start by saying, "i'm sorry."
    "don't be." he said, not even looking at me. the rest of the car ride was quiet.
   he pulled up to his house as it started to sprinkle, which is what i had hoped for. it's always so much easier to release my feelings when it's raining.
   we went inside, and i set my backpack on the table. cameron slid me a juice box, like we were five again. he smiled at me, which makes me feel a twinge of happiness.
   "so, you clearly have something to say." cameron said, looking up at me from the counter.
   "yeah." i replied not looking up him.
   "can we go outside?" i ask.
   "in the rain?"
   "yeah," i said, "it'll be peaceful."
so ten minutes later, i'm in maya's poncho, cam's old boots and my sweatpants that were conveniently in cams room and were sitting on the porch, talking.
   "i had just had enough, and it wasn't your fault, at all." i said, once i'd calmed down.
  "actually, it kinda was." cam said, scooting closer to me.
   "what do you mean?"
   "i mean i didn't have to put all that pressure on you, make you feel that way. those were never my intentions."
   "it's not your fault everyone kept asking." i said, leaning my head on his shoulder.
   "it is."
   "i'm confused?"
   "i pushed you in the hallway. i'm not a violent person, and i never, ever want you to be scared of me. i never want you to be worried that i would hit you."
   "i know that you wouldn't ever do that," i sigh, "i just know that you've been through a lot."
  "yeah, but that's no excuse."
  "cam, i know you. i know that wasn't you."
  "i started the question thing,"
   "what do you mean?"
  "i wanted to make you pissed enough to come and ask me about all of these girls that i'd allegedly been with."
   "so this is your fault?"
   "yes and no."
   "why didn't you just talk to me? why? why make my life so fucked up for no reason?"
  "because i wanted you."
  "cameron, that makes no sense."
  "my god y/n!"
  "i love you!" he shouted.
   i lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him with a puzzled look.
  "you what?"
  "i love you," he stuttered, "and i didn't know how to tell you, or make you see me because you're always so busy with karan."
   "you're always doing something with him! you're always out with him, on the phone with him, laying on him, and busy with him! you never see me."
   "cameron," i say, looking at the boy i'm sitting across from.
   "because y/n. you're an amazing girl. who's been there for me through thick and thin. you're beautiful. drop dead gorgeous, but you don't see it. you always worry about people's image of you, and never show who i've learned to know the real you."
i can't listen to this. i can't picture it. i don't even know who this boy is right now. i don't know what to do.
"yeah?" i reply.
"can i kiss you?" he asked, curiously.
"uhm, i mean.." but i'm cut short.
cameron leans over and brushes his lips against mine. his hand goes to the side of my face, and he then seals the deal. he kisses me rough, yet softly. he intertwined his fingers with mine and didn't give me time to think. he pulls the poncho off of me, our lips still connected, and pulls me onto his lap, kissing me gently. his hands reside at my waist, while mine roam in his head of locks. i pull away, shocked at what's happening.
"did you like that?"
"i don't know."
"i have an idea."
   cameron pulls me into the middle of the street.
   "cameron? what are you doing?"
   "you said rain calms you down. so i'm calming you down."
    he pulled me close, looked down at me with his gorgeous brown eyes, smiled at me and put his arm around my waist, bringing me closer.
"is this okay?"
   "i mean, it's calming to stand in the middle of the street and makeout with my best friends brother."
    he brought my lips up to his and slowly let our bodies move in sync with each other. as the kiss went on, i realized how comfortable i was with this. he brought our bodies together, hands on my butt and mine on his chest and face.
     when we pulled up for air, i looked to the boy in front of me.
   "i liked that."
   "well, we should do that more often then, shouldn't we?"
   "we could do it again?"
     the one and only cameron boyce and i stood in the middle of the road, kissing back and forth, while getting soaked in the rain. couldn't ask for a better turnout.

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