Chapter 3:The Fun Begins

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When we went in Zayn,Louis,and Harry got the rest of my bags and carried them to my room.When I walked in,my jaw dropped."You okay?",Zayn asked while pushing my bottom jaw up."Okay?I'm GREAT!",I answered."I take it you like it.",Harry said."Um,No!I do not like it.",I said.There were orange and green walls,stuffed animals,a matching bed set and a gimongous flat screen TV.They were all so sad."I guess I'll call the guys to come change it.",Zayn said while pulling out his phone."No,There is nn need for that!I was just kidding i absolutely love this room!",I yelled."Yay!",They said in unison.We set down my bags then went back don stairs.Instead of walking I slid down the rail,as did louis and HArry who were behind me and thought it might be fun."Wow!That was so much fun!",They both said."I know right?",I said as I sat down on the couch beside Niall.

Harry sat down on the other side of me and Louis,Liam,and Zayn sat on the couch in front of us."You guys,I'm bored!",I said."Well what do you want to do?",Zayn asked."Umm,I don't know.What do you suggest?",I asked."We should go bowling!",Louis said."Where?",I asked."Here,Where else  would we go?Duh!",Louis said.I laughed."Well,then lets go!",I said.

"I did not realize that your house was THIS big!",I said as we got to the third floor bowling ally."Yepp,We also have a hot tub and an indoor pool!",Niall said."WOW!",I said in amazement."Leggo bowl",I said."HAHA!I'm in the lead!",Liam said.Then it wasmy turn and I said,"Step aside and let me show you guys how it's done!".Then I rowled  a gutter ball.Then I rowled another gutter ball."BAHAHAHAHA!",They all laughed."You call THAT"How it's done"?,Liam asked."BAHAHHAHAHAHA! :D",They all laughed."You guys stop,it' not funny.So maybe  I'm not that good at bowling but yeah you get the point",I said."Yeah!I'm the winner!",Liam screamed."In YO Face!",he said.

"Hey,yall wanna do something really fun?",I asked."Yeah,Duh ofcourse!",they all said."Lets all slide down the lanes.On our stomaches!We have to have a partner though.",I said."Oh Yeah!Lets do it!",Liam said."First team down the lane wins!",I said."Now pair up!",I said."I call Summer!",Niall screamed.I blushed,and Zayn gave him a death stare.Louis and Harry were a team,Niall and I were a team,and Liam and Zayn were  team.We held hands with our partners."Ready,Set,GO!!",I screamed.We all slid down the lanes.Zayn and Liam got stuck halfway down.Then Niall and I passed Louis and Harry.We stopped at the end."Oh yeah,In YO FACE now Liam!",I said.HE stuck his tounge out at me and we laughed."Fist Bump!",I said to Niall."Woot,Woot!",We said together and did a little dance."That Was SO NINJA You guys!",I said."You know it!",Zayn said.

"Guys I'm like starving to death!",I said.Niall picked me up and said,"To Nando's we will go!

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