Chapter 21:Love and Ice Skating

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~Emily's P.O.V~

I am so excited! I'm just nervous because I can't ice skate worth a crap! I mean unless you call moving around on the ice,with your butt not your skates,and pretending to know what you are doing,ice skating then ya know if so Ima straight up pro!

"You ready to go ice skate?",Zayn asked.

"U-Umm yeah sure!",I said

"Then Leggo!",he said getting out then opening my door.I got out then we locked arms and skipped down to the booth thingy to get our skates.

We got pur skates then went to a bench to sit down and put them on.I was having trouble lacing them up,but Zayn on the other hand seemed like a pro at it.

"Hey Zaynie! Will you come help me lace mine up? Pretty Please!",I asked.

"Sure thing babe!",he said with a laugh.

He laced them up then got up.I tried to get up,but being the clumsey person I am,I fell down.Zayn took my hand and helped me up.When we pulled up,I didn't realize that Zayn had rented out the whole rink for us.

"Holy Fudge Flibbets! You rented out the whole rink?!?!",I asked.

"Yupp!",he said.

We were just about to get on the ice when I got nervous and suddenly didn't feel like going out there.

"Umm,babe! I have one teensy problem!",I said.

"And what might that problem be?",Zayn asked.

"U-Umm,I can't skate!"

"Don't worry,I can't either"

"I mean like,I literally can't skate! I will fall on my buttox!",I said with a laugh.

"Well,come on I'll help you!",he said taking my hand and leading me onto the ice.

We skated around hand in hand for a while.It was so sweet! I almost fell about 2 million times,but Zayn caught me.He was really amaZayn at skating.

"I thought you said you weren't good at ice skating.",I sais raising my eyebrows.

"Well,maybe I did,butI'm not that good!",he said.

"Zayn! You aren't are amaZayn!"

He laughed and said,"Well thankyou,boo!"

"Your welcome,honeybun!",I said then decided that I wanted to try to skate by myself.

"Hey boo! I want to try to do this on my own.",I said.

"Okie dokie!",he said then let go of my hand.

I started out doing really good.

"Oh my golly! Look ZaynieBoo! I'm doing it!"

"Awesome!",he said following close behind me incase I fell.

I must've jinxed myself because almost immediately after I said that,I fell down on my butt and started sliding across the ice.

"AHHHH!",I screamed whilst laughing.

"I'm coming babe!",Zayn said then started skating over to me,but then he fell on hisbutt and started sliding too.

He caught up with me then he grabbed my hand and we kept on sliding.We eventually stopped,after we hit the wall.

We were doubled over in laughter.It was so funny.

"!",I said through laughter.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

"!",Emily said through laughter.

"I know!",I said laughing.

She looked so beautiful right now.I like Emily so much and I don't ever want to lose her.I want to be with her even if it does mean that my little sister gets to date my best mate.I guess that's only fair.Atthat moment I realized my feelings for Emily.I love her.

"E-Emily?",I said.

"Yes,boo?",she asked.

"You are so beautiful and I am so glad that you are my sisters best friend.Because if you weren't then I never would have met the girl of my dreams!",I said.

"Awwwweee!!! That is so sweet!",she said blushing.

"Well,I guess what I'mtrying to say is,umm,well,I don't ever want to lose you and,erm, I love you!",I said.

A huge grin spread across her face and she said,"I love you too!"

Then she leaned in and kissed me passionately.

We pulled away then I said,"Well,lets go babe.We are going out to eat!",I said standing up and pulling her up.

"Good! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!",she said with a laugh.

I laughed then we skated hand in hand out of the rink.We sat on the bench and took our skates off then put our shoes back on.Then we left to my favorite fancy Italian resteraunt.

I am so glad that I told her that I love her and I am so glad that she feels the same,and I'm so happy for my sister and my bestmate.Now I just have to find Summer a birthday present.



Thankyou to everyone who has benn reading this.

Everyone should read my friend LovesFrozenPoptarts story Live While We're Young

My friend CrazyTalented's story Another Guy,Another World and Her other story Hidden Fellings

And My friend Alle_Kydel's story Unnexpected Suprises!

And her other story on her other account Alle_Hinson  her story Just My Luck :)

-Ifly,SummieBoo <3

P.S- sorry for any mistakes...LovesFrozenPoptarts is my editor but I do'tthik she has really been editing and occasionally my 'N' on my keyboard won't work unless you press it really hard so whatevs :3 And sorry its so short!

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