Chapter 6:Parinoia&The Talk :)

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We watched the movie Insidious for about an hour or two.i was sitting inbetween

Niall and Harry.When the guy with the red face,that looks like Darth Maul off of Starwars.popped up behind the dad's headI screamed and turned my head soI couldn't see it.Ir turns out that i was still screaming when I turned my head and accidentally bit Harry's shoulder."AHHHHHH!",I screamed while turning my head way from the screen."OWWWW!You bit me!",He said in pain and laughter."I'!",I said between laughs."Let me kiss it and make it feel better!",I said while giving his shoulder a quick little peck."All better!",He said."Good now lets get back to the movie!",I said.Everyone was laughing except for Zayn and Niall,they both just sat there with this look in their eyes.Zayns was a death look and Nialls was wierd sort've like jealousy,but I figured that wasn't it.

After the movie went off I guess I was kind of paranois because I asked Zayn to walk me to the bathroom because I was scared thatthe demon as going to try to take over my body.He laughed as did everyone else but I was walking out of the bathroom i seen my reflection in the mirror,but thought it was the demon."AHHHH!",I screamed while running out of the bathroom.I ran into Niall on my way out and almost fell,but he caught me before I could."Are you okay?",he asked in his adorable Irish accent."Oh nothing just paranoia I guess..I thought my reflection was the demon off of that movie.",I said embarrassed by what had just happened.He laughed,but must've seen the embarrassed look on my face because he said,"If it heps I'm kinda paranoid too!".Before I could say anything else the rest of the boys ran into the room with worried looks on their faces."What was that all about?",Liam asked."Umm oh it was nothing.I inda got scared and thought that my reflection in the mirror was the demon!",I said with a face as red as my hair from embarrassment."Oh okay I thought someone was in the bathroom or someone had hurt you!",Zayn said looking relieved.I looked at Louis who had ripped off the shirt he was wearing and was now wearing his Super Man shirt.I laughed."Superman wasabout to come save you!",Louis said."Well thankyou for your concern,Superman now if you all will excuse me I think I shall call it a day.Goodnight Guys!",I said."Goodnight!",they said in unison.I went up to my bedroom.I decided to check my facebook and twitter.Nothing was really going on,so I decided to msg Emily and Kristin and see what they were up to.


I miss you bunches.I'm having so much fun here!Thanks for               convincing me to come!So what have ya been up to?We watched insidious today and i bit Harry.Then I was all paranoid and what not haha! :3.Ifly,SummieBoo.


I miss you bunches.How are you doing?I watched Insidious and bit Harry!Doesnt thaat bring back memories haha!,Ifly,SummieBoo.

I decided to finally lie down and go to sleep,but I couldn't.I lied awake for hours tossing and turning.No matter hat I did I just couldn't go to sleep.I was just so scared I guess.

Hours had passed,and I was still awake.I figured all the boys were asleep,but then I heard foot steps going by my room.I got out of bed crept over to the door,and opened it slowly.I seen that it was Niall.I walked up to him and poked him in the back."Oh my Gosh!You scared the shit out of me!",he said."Sorry! I can't sleep I'm scared of that demon thing!",I said."you wanna come in my room?I cant sleep either.",he said."Umm,sure I guess so.",I said while following him into his room.

He sat down in his bed,and motioned for me to sit too.So I did."What time is it?",I asked."About 3 in the mornin.",he answered."I'm sorry,I don't want to bother youor keep you from sleeping!",I said."It's quite alright,like I said before,I can't sleep either.",he said sweetly."So what's keeping you up?",I asked."Well same reason you are and I've been thinking about this girl,but I don't know how to tell her how I feel about her beause I'm not sure if she'll feel the same way.",he said."Oh.Well I think you should just come right out and tell her.You know since I happen to be a girl andI know about that sort've stuff!",I said.He laughed and I joined in."Well,If you think so,then I will when the time is right!",he smiled at me."I think Ima go to bed now!You made me not so scared!',I said."Okay,Goodnight!",he said as i walked ot of the room."Goodnight!",I whisper yelled.

I layed down in my bed and could finally go to sleep.Niall made me feel not so scared just talking to him made me feel safe.That night I dreamed about him,I think I like him,more than a friend.Although he had always been my favorite one in the band,but It feels so much different now.I kind of feel jealous of this girl he is talking about,but Ihope he finds a way to tell her and hope he ends up happy as does she,I mean who wouldn't like that boy he is Irish and handsome and sweet and caring.I know I love him.

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